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Messages - Dave W

Pages: 1 ... 1175 1176 [1177] 1178 1179 ... 1493
The Outpost Cafe / Re: Tip the restaurant staff, or else
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:49:18 PM »
The pub deserves the bad publicity. Not for the allegedly bad service, but because the bartender called the cops and had the customers arrested for theft. That's just outrageous.

If I were in that situation, and if it were as bad as the customers described, I would have paid the "mandatory gratuity" said something to the manager on duty and gotten the owner's phone number to call the next business day. And as Scott says, you try to take into account that sometimes things are beyond your server's control.

But it's inexcusable to call the cops and have customers arrested for failing to pay a gratuity. If they go out of business for that, they deserve it.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Feds raid Gibson Factory
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:04:37 AM »
More: Henry J takes leave of absence from Rainforest Alliance board. Note that Gibson's chain of custody certificate doesn't cover wood from Madagascar, though that still doesn't mean the wood was illegally imported.

Gibson Basses / Re: Triumph bass in the house !
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:45:33 AM »
It's not any less desirable for any practical reason. It's just that an earlier date is usually more sought after by collectors, all else being equal.

The Outpost Cafe / Tip the restaurant staff, or else
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:37:43 AM »
Couple Busted for Refusing to Pay Tip

A mandatory gratuity? Someone needs a dictionary.

If it was clearly posted that the charge was mandatory, the pub may be technically correct, but still I hope the dirtbags get sued out of business.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Feds raid Gibson Factory
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:26:32 AM »
This blog entry is written from a certain political viewpoint that we're not going to debate here, but this may shed some light on the raid, at least as far as what law the allegations come from: the criminalization of wood

The Outpost Cafe / Re: How to make pumpkin pie
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:20:22 AM »

"You're shitting me?" "Cats beat me to it!"  ;D :mrgreen:

Great line!  :)

No thanks, I'll just stick to my Eight O'Clock Coffee. And bee poop honey on my cereal.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Didn't have a clue...
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:12:01 AM »
I laughed. I cried. I cheered.  :mrgreen:

Gibson Basses / Re: Triumph bass in the house !
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:03:05 AM »
There's a mighty clean Triumph from 1980(!) on Ebay now

I have a feeling this one will go high. Even though it's a 1980, it's in much better shape than most I've seen.

Didn't these officially end in 1979? No doubt about that serial number, though.

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Hofner score
« on: November 19, 2009, 11:14:46 PM »
I agree, this one needs a pickguard.

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: Guild M-85 project - new pics
« on: November 19, 2009, 07:00:03 PM »
So you're saying my dad could be Scandinavian by way of England?  "Carrot?"  I don't get it, but I am a linear thinker!   :P


Other Bass Brands / Re: BaCHBird - truss rod adjustment
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:55:09 PM »
Small company, no fancy CNC equipment (yet). Think of these as a prototypes. They didn't do the prototype they originally planned to send to Rob and Uwe, so they worked it out on this run.

Gibson Basses / Re: Triumph bass in the house !
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:51:41 PM »
These weights are about what I expected, based on my memories of having played them in stores.

Gibson Basses / Re: Need a lamp?
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:49:38 PM »
I prefer a leg lamp. Much more elegant, as long as the Bumpus family doesn't live in your neighborhood.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: How to make pumpkin pie
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:43:36 PM »
I've been throwing away a gold mine?!?!? 

It's a civet cat, which really isn't a cat. I don't think there are civet cats in Ohio outside of zoos. And there's that little matter of growing Sumatran coffee in your climate.

OTOH if your cat eats coffee berries and only partially digests them, maybe you should put on some rubber gloves and start picking them out of the litter box. Then when you take your business plan to an investment banker, be sure to record the conversation for us.   ;)

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Feds raid Gibson Factory
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:32:57 PM »
i don't think fender worries about anybody concerning bass sales at least. i do wonder if tacoma will still be making stuff, though.

Tacoma is on its way out. They were broke when Fender bought them, and they only bought the company to get the production staff and facilities.

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