Guess who

Started by Dave W, March 15, 2023, 12:19:40 AM

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Devoted to scientific proof: Is Dave right about "smells and tastes like fish"?

I try to never disagree with Dave, even when he's obviously wrong.
2 (16.7%)
Yeah, it gets up my nose too!
1 (8.3%)
What the hell are you guys talking about?
5 (41.7%)
Can we get back to a semblance of decorum please and just discuss anal sex like we always have?
3 (25%)
Sorry, I'm vegan.
1 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 12


Quote from: Dave W on April 27, 2023, 05:57:08 AM
Took me a while to find this. Couldn't remember the name of the "product."

Scuzz Twittly (a/k/a comedy writer/director Trent Ward) supports my position.

Lieber Dave, it of course pains me how the 'positional support' for an old friend's olfactory ... uhum, let's call them figments for what they are ... now seems to need to rely on the more obscure elements of (sub)culture, but be that as it may.

Three things real quick, faster than you can lick a donut:

- Your disdain ignores evolution (well, that's always popular in the US of A) + biology, look up ---> pheromones,

- is merely culturally acquired, look up ---> Pilgrims, and to (riding) boot

- is utterly unhistorical in its denial of the obvious, look up ---> Napoleon.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Quote from: uwe on March 30, 2023, 05:22:22 PM
Now we really have to get back on track with the original topic of this thread of threads: Lieber Dave, have you noticed that our poll shows relatively limited support for your cherished view?  8)

The science is settled!

Haven't heard that Dr.Hook tune before. Here's a few on the subject I'm more familiar with.

Contrary to what James Bond says, a good Gibson should be stirred, not shaken.


I would have never dared to even just insinuate this, lieber forestringer69, but you really think Dave brought this onto himself (and his nose) by simply choosing the wrong women?  :o :o :o :o

Dave, we need explanations.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

The only explanation is that you're wrong. Blind Boy Fuller was right, all those years ago. And stop stuffing the ballot box!  :mrgreen:


I didn't touch the ballot box, I swear! I have this sophisticated South American origin electronic voting surveillance system, it tells me everything is alright está bien!


We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Whenever you miss some new Seinfeld Coffee Shop debates look no further than to:  Yes it's a Café too.


Quote from: Dave W on April 27, 2023, 05:18:17 PM
The only explanation is that you're wrong. Blind Boy Fuller was right, all those years ago. And stop stuffing the ballot box!  :mrgreen:
:D :D :D :D

Dave W

The Gwyneth lawsuit is over. The plaintiff agreed not to appeal, and in return, Gwyneth agreed not to ask the court for for attorney fees from him.

We can all rest easy now.  ;D


And yet the question lingers: What EXACTLY happened on that slope and, moreover, how did it smell? We'll never know now.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

You know how it smelled, you just won't admit it.


I didn't read the whole thing.  I don't think it has been posted.  But she had a recent interview.  She was discussing guys she had known, etc.  She turned down Leonardo DiCaprio because she said he was too loose with the goods. 
It's not those who write the laws that have the greatest impact on society.  It's those who write the songs.

--Blaise Pascal


Quote from: Dave W on May 04, 2023, 08:02:27 AM
You know how it smelled, you just won't admit it.

It has neffer bözzered me wiff ze präktisses I engäge in. Vee häff ze vvväys to make it gö away.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...