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Messages - amptech

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Bullsh**ters on ebay is nothing new?

Gibson Basses / Re: 1964 Thunderbird at Norman's
« on: June 20, 2021, 12:04:43 AM »
Maybe not throw them away, but they would surely be astonished at what's available today.

That is true, but an engineer would also be astonished if the yellow 2021 bass amp breaks down and they find out that not only are there no tubes to replace, but the circuit board cannot be replaced because it's more than three months old.

I'm ok with things that work and I'm no snob, but based on all the almost new gear (yes, new basses too) that comes to my workshop with electronic issues I'd say that not all changes are for the good.

Gibson Basses / Re: More Ripper prototypes
« on: June 03, 2021, 10:36:57 PM »
On my (now finally sold) '74 P I put a demudded mudbucker in neck pos. Had a broken pickup, just wound both bobbins with thicker wire. Lower output, less mud, matched the p pickup nicely. But awfully polite, not very gibbish at all.

Bass Amps & Effects / Re: 1978 Marshall Super Lead MK II
« on: June 02, 2021, 10:29:51 PM »
'73 superbass for me. Best amp I have🙂

Gibson Basses / Re: 2021 Nonreverse Thunderbird update
« on: June 01, 2021, 03:01:51 AM »

The three point is a lot like anal sex really, not for the uninitiated and it takes some preparation and skill (you don't want the stud slipping out for instance once you got the saddle position right), but once you get the hang of it ...

Uwe, any bridge you 'load from the rear' invites to anal thinking :)

Gibson Basses / Re: 2021 Nonreverse Thunderbird update
« on: June 01, 2021, 02:57:38 AM »
Sigh.... when are you all going to realize they made it perfect the first time?
There can be only one master bridge - the bar bridge!

Gibson Basses / Re: More Ripper prototypes
« on: June 01, 2021, 01:42:25 AM »
So it makes total sense; the mkII if you will.... actually considering the very earliest EBs with the single coil sidewinder lets make that mkIII.

I see DP references coming... No thread without it :-\

Trevor digging out his Ziggy Stardust era slothead with da Heepsters ...

Aah, Fallen Angel. This was the first UH album I listened to. An elderly man next door was literally throwing a pile of records in his garbage bin, and my dad stopped him. Actually, they were all 70's disco hit's medley records, except complete Uriah Heep catalog up to head first. I liked the cover on Fallen Angel, wonderful artwork, so I gave it a listen. I noticed the bass right away, back then I listened a lot to Bowie and was surprised that Trevor played fretless bass too!

I think he used a fretless Kramer (aluminium neck) bass on most of that record.

EDIT: @Uwe: a fretless bass is typically a 4 stringed instrument tuned like a bass (not baritone) but without frets ;D

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Babicz Full Contact Ric bridge
« on: May 22, 2021, 11:32:27 PM »
Of course Geddy muted. When you play fingerstyle you mute adjacent strings with your picking fingers. They just land on them and deaden unwanted sympathetic vibration. This is done almost unconsciously but it's very effective. Try playing without anchoring the thumb on the E string and landing on the string above the one you're picking, you'll see why it doesn't work. It's not just noisy, it's unmusical.
That's one of the things I like about Geddy. Busy playing but really clean and tidy at the same time. All over the place but never gets lost.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: May 21, 2021, 12:48:15 AM »
Started this day with a bit of vintage Öyster (no Paltrow jokes, please..)

I have given this album and fire of unknown origin a spin lately, I never gave this band a listen before someone here made a reference to them.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Nikki Sixx Spector Bird... Sort Of
« on: May 17, 2021, 10:47:28 PM »
Besides replacing the corroded Strat jack I'm not too sure what I'm gonna do with this one.


Gibson Basses / Re: How to obtain De Cola pickups
« on: May 16, 2021, 10:56:19 PM »
Given the proven ability of the USPS to lose/destroy stuff I'm not keen on ordering anything from overseas.

Don't get me started! I'm waiting for speakeres ordered early March from a big arizona company shipped with USPS >:(

That would be up to the seller...but...

It cost me $150 to get an envelope to Europe by UPS at the start of the pandemic.

I have the same experience with UPS and fedex, too expensive. Actually, DHL is the only company that I don't have negative experience with. I'd love to say something nice about Norway Post, but they recently broke the cabinet of an SVT amp I'd just retubed for a customer.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Acinonyx
« on: May 16, 2021, 10:44:49 PM »
I'd be worried to unintentionally hit those buttons while playing.

Same here. I rest my thumb at the end of the neck or at the neck pickup, so that area needs to be clean. Other than that, a fine looking bass👍

Gibson Basses / Re: How to obtain De Cola pickups
« on: May 15, 2021, 09:12:02 PM »
The ones with large polepieces? I bought a few of these years ago. I might still have one left, but as I'm moving the workshop it might take a couple of weeks to find it

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Tawny was a rocker
« on: May 14, 2021, 12:52:15 AM »
You don't get to play with Bill Bruford and Allan Holdsworth (and Dave Stewart) by being a slouch on the bass.  ;D

Thanks, I don't think I have seen this one before!

Yet he has never really considered himself either a jazz- or prog-rocker. He no doubt could.

Neil confessed that when he worked with Allan (Allan's band, not Bruford) he was really struggling to keep afloat.
In bands like Bruford, or National Health I suppose, you have tricky songs but there will probably be sheet music for the players
to learn. Allan's songs however, were constructed as platforms for improvisations and I suppose you'd need to really dig into his mind to follow. Paul Carmichael did a great job on the IOU album, and of course Jimmy Johnson is a natural force in this context. When Allan goes for a cosmic ride with a great drummer, it must be a near impossible task to hold the song together. I saw Jimmy Haslip sink like a stone on a few songs live; with nothing solid to cling to for the next few minutes you just have to play lots of 16th note chromatic runs and hope nobody takes a notice :) I was lucky enough to meet Allan a couple of times, but he only talked about drummers and ale ;D

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