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The Outpost Cafe / Lulu ... has anybody heard it?
« on: November 14, 2011, 11:30:42 AM »
This youtube vid makes good fun of it, but at the same time gives a good impression what to expect from the double CD.

I got my copy last week, started listening to it in the car and after the first knee-jerk reaction of "turn that noise off" I found myself curiously drawn into it. It has grown on me and it is also the first Metallica album where I actually listen to the lyrics. Mind you, compared to Metal Machine Music and other stuff ole Lou has done in the past, this is still pop music. I can also not help myself thinking that his significant other's (Laurie Anderson) performance art has left a lasting imprint on him. Reminds me also of some of the more experimental David Bowie and Iggy Pop stuff, Reed has a similar approach to talking over the music (in reality, Reed influenced Bowie in that way, not the other way around). And you've got to grant it to Hetfield and his boys that after the public whipping they got with St. Anger they are still not afraid to take chances.

Metallica fans are supposedly aghast about this but then they always are whenever their beloved band tries something new. This is certainly braver than putting out "Ride the Lightning Reloaded Volume 10".

The Outpost Cafe / Trekkies rejoice?
« on: October 28, 2011, 09:48:05 AM »

A double CD it will be - with a version of Space Oddity featuring Blackers and his missus.

I guess you have to like Shatner a lot (and not heard Bowie's version for a long time!) to like this.

Essentially, I don't have issues with mature men talking their way through a song and hitting bum notes, but it can be done gracefully too.

Gibson Basses / Art for Art's Sake ...
« on: October 24, 2011, 02:50:31 PM »
... Money for God's sake!

The description gives new meaning to the word "pretentious".  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Swiping Graham Gouldman's lyric entitles him to appear here with some of his nicely ... well, lyrical (!) bass playing. He is a severely underrated bassist, even by himself.

... and bring him to my tent, we have business to do ...

Probably listening to prog music in odd meters again, nuff said ...

Gibson Basses / CARabber!!!
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:22:36 AM »
First CAR Grabber I see - only came across CAR G 3s before, but it's logical that some Grabbers like that crept out (only seen a black one with ebony board many years ago on ebay though, they seem to be rarer than the G3s) in the last run too. This one  - a  very late 1982 - also has a three piece maple neck, another thing only bestowed upon the last run (and not even all of them, one piece necks were still used too) when Grabbers and G 3s began emulating the then new Victory Standards ... Just the ebony board is missing to make bliss complete, but I might go after this one if no one else does here ...


Although the Flying V is initially planned to come out in cherry with white pg this year, my Gibson contact tells me they are considering other colors for next year and would like some ideas ...

Serious, credible and tax-paying participants only!!!  :mrgreen:


Gibson Basses / A little bird sang to me that ...
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:20:31 AM »
the specs of the upcoming Flying V Bass reissue will be:

Body; Mahogany
Neck: Mahogany (SG Bass profile, Grabber peghead)
Fingerboard: Preciosa  :-X
Scale: 30.5” / 20 Frets / Dot Inlays
Finish: Cherry (walnut filler)
Tuners: Chrome Shamrock
Knobs: Black Top Hat w/insert tone/vol
Controls: 2 Vol/ 1 Tone
Pickups: Dual Chrome covered TB Plus
Case: Hardshell V Bass case

Now don't soil your panties because of the chromies, girls! I would have preferred a long scale version, but of course a Flying V longscale is a mammoth bass in length. Maho and TB Plus. A trusted recipe.

From her new album which has Mike Chapman at the helm again - for much better results than her uneven last few albums. And she does that Goldfrapp cover (which in itself was a glam rock tribute) justice.

This beckons to be included in the oeuvre of Les Nasty Habits je croix.

... may I sneak in the question whether anybody has heard the new Yes?

It immediately reminded me of why I always liked Starcastle better than Yes - they didn't have Jon Anderson singing! I like this new guy from a Cannuck tribute band way better - more timbre in his voice and he still hits the high notes, even a bit of Police era Sting in him. Squire's bass playing ain't as "I command you to make room for me, mortals!"-abrasive as it was, but he still gets his due playing time in the mix. Downes' - on loan from Asia - keyboard playing (always more a pianist than an organist) and songwriting is all over as is Trevor Horn's stellar production job which echoes some of Alan Parson's best work in the past. And the first song errm, work is close to 30 minutes long including a lengthy neo Mike Oldfieldish-repetetive part (is the needle hanging or are they playing this on purpose?) instrumental part over weird meters, at 20.14, shortly into the song  :mrgreen:. Oh yes (pun not intended, but still working rather well), Steve Howe still can't play a rock guitar solo or break to save his life.  :mrgreen: But overall the album is tuneful and catchy - sometimes only the deliberate "let's make this sound strange and not natural!"-breaks give away who's playing. Recommended.

Who ever said that anything was bad about the seventies? I feel inclined now to see them on their German tour.

Liebe Amerikaner, whether under Republican or Demiquat administrations, your track record for cutting the export deficit ist grosse Scheisse. About as good as your naval and air defense against a few Japanese dive bombers with non-retractable landing gears on an Pacific island years back.

As usual - call it Axis guilt - I have taken the burden on myself to rectify that deplorable situation and am on the verge of importing another item für die Kollektion, courtesy of dear Jon from NY. No details are give away except: triple teflon - happy fried eggs!

Jon will divulge more, stay tuned ...


We are in eager anticipation ...

Gibson Basses / Wonder if that tort guard is after-market ...
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:16:20 AM »

Sure gives this Victory (one of the comparatively rare Custom ones, i.e. double pups, but passive) a different vibe. Undecided whether I like it though. Also the first Custom I see in sunburst.

Gibson Basses / Has anybody seen one of those?
« on: August 29, 2011, 05:43:25 AM »
Yes, I know, it reads Tobias, but they are made by Gibson in Nashville and even listed on the official site as Gibson USA basses.

"One of the Most Resonant Basses in the World

One of Tobias’ main concepts from the very beginning was that all instruments are first and foremost an acoustic instrument. Over the years, the company’s experimentation with different combinations of tonewoods produced a wide variety instruments with distinctly different sonic and tonal qualities, and the new Tobias Growler from Gibson USA continues this honored tradition. Starting with its solid multi-piece swamp ash body, the Tobias Growler is one of the most resonant basses ever made by Gibson USA. Swamp ash tonewood is characterized by huge, open pores and soft layers, which gives each new Growler a deep reverberation and fullness of sound across the entire frequency spectrum. The Growler’s tone is unique, and it’s hard to match. The highs are clear and bell-like. The mids are bold and pronounced. And the lows are strong and definite.

Electronics and Controls Bring Out Its Diversity

The new 2009 Limited Run Series Tobias Growler from Gibson USA stands out, and it’s easy to hear why. It gets its power from one of the best bass pickups in the business – a quad-coil, 5-string bass pickup from Bartolini. This advanced design delivers an extended and more resonant frequency range, along with more air and definition at the top end without sacrificing its lows and low mids. The pickup is also cast in epoxy to effectively remove any unwanted feedback and microphonics. A separate pickup-blend control lets you sweep between all four of its coils for unlimited tonal possibilities. Additional controls include the customary volume knob, and separate bass, mid and treble controls. Together, the controls of the 2009 Limited Run Series Tobias Growler lets you choose between a boundless array of sonic alternatives, allowing you the ability to adapt to any playing environment.

Subtle Changes, Big Rewards

In most cases it’s best to leave perfection alone. But two key differences to the new 2009 Limited Run Series Tobias Growler make it one of the best basses in its class. First, Gibson USA improved the Growler’s truss rod by making it bi-directional. The new, fully adjustable “Quad Bass” truss rod allows players the ability to adjust the Growler’s neck in both directions, a feature that integrates well with probably its best overall enhancement – the Growler is the first Gibson bass to receive the revolutionary Plek system setup. The Plek is a German-made, computer controlled machine that carefully measures each fret, along with the fingerboard height under each string, and then automatically dresses each fret, virtually eliminating string buzz and greatly improving the overall playability of the bass. This pioneering process does in minutes what it takes a luthier several hours — sometimes even days — to accomplish. Every fret is accurately aligned, and the bass is properly intonated, leaving the instrument “Plek’d” and amazingly playable.

Precision Glued Neck Joint
Still another key feature of the new 2009 Limited Run Series Tobias Growler is the change from using a bolt-on neck to gluing it in place. As evident on many of Gibson’s most iconic models, gluing the 34”-scale length neck to the body of the Growler bass ensures an exact “wood-to-wood” contact, leaving no air space in the neck cavity and ensuring maximum contact between the neck and body. This allows the neck and body to function as a single unit, which results in better tone, longer sustain, and no loose or misaligned necks. The neck is constructed from pure maple with purple heart laminate for a creamy smooth feel and easy, comfortable playability. It is matched with a 24-fret rosewood fingerboard void of any inlay markers and no binding.

Tobias Tradition, Gibson Innovation

Everything about the 2009 Limited Run Series Tobias Growler breathes excellence. The rightful adherence to the quality and tradition set forth in the mid-1970s remains intact in every detail of today’s masterpiece. Just like the name Gibson represents more than a century of originality and superiority, the name Tobias guarantees quality and distinction, leaving no doubt that the bass in your hands is one of the finest in the world. The new 2009 Limited Run Series Tobias Growler from Gibson USA maintains this tradition. And like all the guitars from this special series, only 350 will be produced and distributed. Each one will come with a Tobias case and special Limited Run Series certificate of authenticity."

Having resigned myself to the fact/fate that I will never get my hands on a Continental V, I am now considering to obtain one of those:

What makes this bass different from other Tobias Growlers both from the Michael Tobias and the (much derided among Tobiasites) Gibson (Gibson bought Tobias in the early nineties) era is the chrome hardware, the ABM bridge and the - a bow to Gibson tradition - set neck. (All other Tobias Growlers are bolt-on.)

So has ever anyone of you seen one of these in a shop or with one of the mailorder shops? The official Gibson site still lists them among Gibson USA basses, but that site is often hopelessly behind things. OTOH, I cannot believe that the market could have gobbled these up so quickly if really 350 were built. Tobias basses have their diehard fanbase, but 99% of them are only interested in the pre-Gibson takeover output. I've randomly checked ebay in the last few months, not once did one show up.


Gibson Basses / Purdy in Red ...
« on: August 29, 2011, 04:41:42 AM »
Sigh, sometimes not collecting for fins is hard ...

Would work great with some of Fräulein Rommel's more conservative outfits though!

How many posts until someone quips "needs chrome or nickel hardware!"?  :rolleyes:

I bought a Custom Shop Bird once. Many moons ago. If only I knew where I put it ...  8)

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