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Messages - daan

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So would the neck pocket be similar to this one? My fab skills are kinda limited (if you hadn't guessed by this thread :mrgreen: ) would it be a bolt-on deal, or would I be filling and re-cutting the neck pocket to use a "standard" shaped neck? THis thing isn't shaped like a "real" Jazz-I had to modify the tuners to fit on the headstock, and make my own guard because "standard" parts didn't come close to fitting.
Speaking of which, are J and P necks the same/grossly similar, or is one bigger than the other? I don't like skinny/narrow necks.

OK so I found a music store reasonably close to me (Hudson WI, 20-30 min. from home) I dropped this thing off in September, with the list of what had gone wrong with it. I just got a call Friday that it was done, so I picked it up today. I hadn't seen it for months (or played it for ...uh, a lot longer than that)

It sounds good, not as "snarly" as I remember the original pup (of the two it came with in, uh, 2012 :rolleyes: one worked, and the other one basically fell apart when I took it out, I had it rewound, but when they did it, there was one single strand of thin wire inside the insulation... not enough to wire it back in. And the other one stopped working in the mean time) Anyway the electronics work fine now, it doesn't have "quiet strings" (output is even across all 4) The action is higher than when I got it, but way less than the last time I had it together. THe store guy told me they took out the shims in the neck pocket, but the truss rod is frozen. THey were gonna make a new nut for it, since I ruined the one it came with (and 2 or 3 of the blank ones I bought). Hee hee it now looks like THIS

There was one string guide already, and they made another one out of a dime! IT's attatched in the hole from the truss rod cover, so they didn't drill any new holes (not that it matters to me) and they told me they were only charging me 10c for the parts... :mrgreen:
So I have another finished bass. Maybe I can take all of them and trade 'em for something...

Other Bass Brands / Re: Accidental NBD ("Austin" Pbass, maybe project)
« on: January 16, 2017, 06:21:53 PM »
I got to futz with this a little more. I had a couple gift cards from Xmas, and I found this neat "Varitone" circuit online. I realized I haven't taken any of the tone knobs off "10" for eons (or is it 0, turned all the way up anyway) and this Varitone would change the sound up without just rolling off all the highs. And I could just replace it with a normal pot if I don't like it...

It came with a fancy Chicken Head Knob, and I was able to re use one of the black knobs off my JB-Player, so now it has a nice all-black look, instead of mix&match

The only issue is that the route under the guard must have been for the mini-pots it had, since none of the components fit correctly...

So I will try to open up the cavity where it "necks down" so everything fits. My Dad gave me a Dremel for Xmas, and I can order a router bit for it, so once I won't be waking a bunch of kids up with my power tools, I'll get this buttoned back up.

If I wanted to get really crazy, I could actually replace the factory bridge from my JBP with the Gotoh one I've had in the case for a year (or two... :rolleyes: ) and put the black bridge on here.. and while I'm at it, get some black PG screws... Yeah, it's all 80's up in here!

Other Bass Brands / Re: Accidental NBD ("Austin" Pbass, maybe project)
« on: January 01, 2017, 07:01:35 PM »
I got my cleaning stuff out, and got all the gunk off the body, it was kind of gross. I polished it up, there's no scratches or anything on here, it looks great!

I also decided to take the pickups out, mostly because I was one of those kids who took EVERYTHING apart :rolleyes:

Maybe everyone but me already knew this, but there was foam on the bottom of the pups, for height. I tried seeing how the foam was attatched, and pulled the magnets right off the bottom of the pup  :o

I glued them back on, but kept the foam pieces for a different set of pups.

I glued the (ceramic, not that it matters) magnets back on. Oops. Anyway, my other F style bass has a set of "EMG Select" pickups and I really like the way it sounds. I know, they're cheap imported copies of EMG's, mostly found on Korean stuff from the 80's, but I like they way they sound, so sue me. I had been looking for more, in case I screwed up the ones I had. I found a set of them, for the princely sum of $1.00, which should tell me what everyone else thinks of them... Anyway they had been clear coated at some point, half of that was worn off, and grunge everywhere. I tried cleaning them, but it didn't help much. Today I got out some 2000-grit sandpaper and just wet sanded them. They cleaned up just fine, and the "Scratch-X" I used on the body, polished them up nice.

I have a set of pots and an output jack on the way, so when those arrive, I will put it all back together and it should be pretty nice. I mean, for the $ it cost, I won't have any complaints whatsoever!

Other Bass Brands / Re: Accidental NBD ("Austin" Pbass, maybe project)
« on: January 01, 2017, 06:13:47 PM »
I guess I thought it was ply because of the cheap "import" guitars I've had, were ply. Y'know, "less than $100, no wood for you" or something. Not that it matters, really, I'll sound like me on plywood or a $$$$$$& "real" bass.
Anyway I worked on it again today, I still had a set of the Allparts flatwounds, so I took the strings off, and the nut promptly flew off.

It's ok, my 3-year old found it for me. I also cleaned all the gunk off the frets and oiled the board.

The fretboard is stripier than I thought-the oil really made it look nice.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Accidental NBD ("Austin" Pbass, maybe project)
« on: December 26, 2016, 03:32:51 PM »
So I snuck away from all the festivities yesterday, to futz with the Austin. I got the guard off of it, I don't know why I'm still kinda weirded out that nothing is attatched to the guard...

But anyway, it APPEARS to be made of wood. I suppose there could be plywood under all the buffing compound in there, but I'm not worried about that

So 30 seconds after getting into it, I realized I wasn't getting any sound, because the ground wire was broken off the back of the pot...\

Other Bass Brands / Re: Accidental NBD ("Austin" Pbass, maybe project)
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:07:21 AM »
I do think it's kind of funny that when I thought of what my "bass collection" would be, a bunch of black Fender copies wasn't at all what I imagined... And the fact that I got this entire setup for about a tank of gas' worth of $ is pretty cool.
I had 6 minutes to futz with it last night, I still can't get sound out of it, but it's still in tune, despite the massive temp. swings it's been subjected to. (It's -21f where I live right now)
So next Q, now that I have TWO bass amps (never thought that would happen, either  :) ) can I somehow hook both the amps up to the bass, or maybe hook the one amp up to the other one, to change the sound? Or, ha ha, somehow trade my entire pile '0' plywood for a NR bird?  :mrgreen:

Other Bass Brands / Accidental NBD ("Austin" Pbass, maybe project)
« on: December 17, 2016, 10:53:19 AM »
So my Dad has been retired for a couple years (good for him, 34 years in the Army, he deserves some time off!) Anyway lately his thing has been going to yard/garage/barn sales. He called me the other day to tell me he found a guitar, did I want it? Sure, why not? How much? "$65, but maybe I can get them down a little." So even if it's total trash, I can leave it out so my kids don't wreck my "good" stuff (ha, my $100 guitars aren't valuable to anyone but me) I kind of forgot about it, Kid #4 has been kicking our butts, not much time for playing, let alone building stuff. So I come home from work last night to this:

It's an "Austin" brand P copy, with embroidered gig bag, with a tuner/metronome, a bunch of tools (Allen keys, etc) a bass instruction book with extra sheet music and a couple CD's, and an amp! Jeez... Dad says he paid $50 for it all, the seller says "It doesn't work". Most of the screws are missing from the pick guard, but the wiring seems to be all there underneath. The bass itself seems to be a thin-ish body, the neck is HUGE, but feels really nice (the shape and either it was sanded down, or just has a really nice feeling matte finish), and was still (mostly) in tune despite being in the back of my Dad's truck for the last week, and then in my garage most of yesterday...

So if the little one gives me enough time, I bet I could get this to work...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Home
« on: May 01, 2016, 07:41:50 PM »
Maybe it's me, but everywhere I've lived, there's been an albino squirrel... Milwaukee, near Madison, MPLS/St Paul, and now where I'm at... There was a park in MPLS that had grey, black and white squirrels. I wanted to start a breeding program to see if we'd end up with zebra striped ones. Or maybe Holstien Cow spotted ones. :mrgreen:

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Home
« on: April 27, 2016, 01:30:25 PM »
I'm Super late to this party, but...Congrats on the new place, and thank you for posting the pictures! I'd like to see more of the area, too. The one place I've been outside of the USA was Scotland, and it was such an amazing trip I vowed I'd be back ASAP. Well, life intervened and it's been nearly 20 years now...
So yeah, show us more of your neighborhood!
We have a couple thousand squirrels in our yard, want me to box up this guy

and a few dozen of his friends and send you a house warming present?  :mrgreen:

The Bass Zone / Re: What the heck does "growl" even mean?
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:45:22 PM »
Who said, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"? I bet we're all talking about the same thing, but using different words to describe it (about a lot of things, not just this particular subject)
"Words fail me" is something I seem to say a lot, about many subjects.

The Bass Zone / Re: The Gigantic Octobass.
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:41:49 PM »
Why does it have 3 strings? I mean, besides that it's the Octo Bass, and can have as many damn strings it wants  :mrgreen:
(I can't watch the video here, if it says on that)
Can anyone play it there, or is it something no-one can touch, like a normal museum? I remember seeing a bunch of instruments at the Boston MFA when I was there, a million years ago (including a 6-string bass, I joked that it was for the show-off in the orchestra who slapped, but none of the people I was with got it)

The Bass Zone / Saw a couple neat basses today (Hohner and OHagan)
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:31:28 PM »
Yeah I know I could just google about them, but I figure somebody on here has one, or had one, or knows all about them rather than wading thru a bunch of dead links and old ebay adds... Anyway on to the pix:

The Hohner. It had about 11-ty million finish cracks all over it, and the headstock looked like it was angled towards the strings-the opposite of "tilt back" headstocks, if that makes sense. It seemed to play OK, from what I could tell. It was pretty cool looking. I would have gotten more pix but the store guy came over and asked why I was photographing it (oops)
Obviously it was fretless, but had the cool marker inlays at the top of the neck. I've never actually played a fretless, and I sounded as bad on it as I thought I would  :sad:  :rolleyes:  :mrgreen:

THe Ohagan:

I'm a sucker for neck-thru instruments, I just love the way they look. Despite that it looks like something I should have right under my chin, playing "Level 42" songs on it... ;D I thought it was really cool, if kinda out of style now. Of course I didn't have the $800 they wanted for it. It was kinda heavy, which I'm sure is because of the construction.
So if "shreddy" guitars are coming back in, (and they made more NR Thunderbirds, not that I could afford those, either) does that mean that EARLY 80's stuff will get popular again? Like pre-hair-band era gear?

Other Bass Brands / Re: Rare Höfner Committee bass
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:35:10 AM »
You couldn't give those things away on German flea markets in the 70ies. My, times have changed. Talk about reappreciation!!!

I often wondered what the "locals" thought of these (Hofners in general) since nobody knew anything about the one I had over here.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Incoming Hollow Body, '66 Harmony H-22
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:31:36 AM »
Cool! I love Semis, either a Hagstrom like that above or a Harmony H27 (EB2 shape, double cutaway) are "bucket list" basses for me. I'm not sure why I dig in-line headstocks on these so much, but the Gretsch hollows with the pointy in-line headstocks always struck me as weird.
I thought somebody a few years ago re-issued a bunch of Harmony designs, has anyone around here played one of those?

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