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Messages - Dave W

Pages: 1 ... 1128 1129 [1130] 1131 1132 ... 1493
The Outpost Cafe / Re: Toyota: maybe fixed, maybe not
« on: February 24, 2010, 06:00:23 PM »
It's comforting to know that no American manufacturer would let unsafe cars on the road for years.

Now pardon me while I go put some new Firestone tires on my Ford Pinto.

The Bass Zone / Re: Boutique basses and guitars
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:55:27 PM »
nofi's original question was about "not very original" basses generally based on Fenders. Talking about Alembics, Wals, or other boutique basses is fine but it has nothing to do with what he's asking.

The way I see it, Roger Sadowsky and others looked at the original Fender designs said "I can do better than that." And they've found buyers who agree. Nothing more to it than that. Most of these builders are not hand cutting bodies, they're putting together carefully selected components, some of them their own designs, and making products for people who want something that even a CS Fender can't offer them. Maybe it's the pickups, neck radius, preamp or any number of factors. May not appeal to you but it does appeal to some.

Nobody's "ripping off" Leo. These designs are not protectable, any patents on them expired decades ago and fortunately the USPTO rejected Fender's attempt to trademark the shapes.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Great deal on a Jackson T-bird at BassNW
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:51:49 PM »
That's a real deal! I suspect it might be that low because it's not something that would appeal to most of Bass NW's clientele.

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson Facing Price-Fixing Lawsuits
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:47:13 PM »

I don't know what it all means... any economists in the house?

This is bad, but not unexpected, since Moodys downgraded Gibson last fall and said a further downgrade was possible. See this from a few months ago.

"The ratings are considered non-investment grade." translation = their credit rating has reached junk status.

They still haven't released their audited 2008 financial statements. The longer that's delayed, the more I'm inclined to think the outlook really is dim.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Toyota: maybe fixed, maybe not
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:33:17 PM »
I'm sure that there are enough people trying to hop on the train now and I'm always sceptical of those "I couldn't stop the car"-stories.

No surprise here: Toyota “sudden acceleration deaths” suddenly accelerate

It's too bad, because some of the stories are true. There is a real problem that Toyota has failed to address until now. But once the plaintiffs bar gets involved, the phony claims will swamp the legitimate ones. You can count on it.

Gibson Basses / Re: The Who At The Super Bowl - PinoBird?
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:47:29 PM »
Simon Townshend, Pete's younger brother.

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Advice on '73 Rick requested, please
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:44:51 PM »
Denis, talk to Mike Parks in Raleigh about who to take it to. I can't remember whether or not he does service and repair on guitars he didn't sell, but if not, he should know who can help you.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Toyota: maybe fixed, maybe not
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:36:23 PM »
I just flat out don't believe the story of the woman with the runaway Lexus. She changed her version of events after it was pointed out that she could have turned off the car. Now she says she couldn't put it in neutral and couldn't turn it off. What a damned liar.

No doubt there have been real problems, even fatalities. But these orchestrated hearings smack of a Soviet show trial.

Here's the truth about NHTSA complaints -- note that Toyota has had fewer complaints than everyone except Mercedes Benz, Porsche and Smart Car.

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: 4003 Bridge Pickup Cover Removal
« on: February 22, 2010, 10:23:56 PM »
I like the looks of that one better. Glad it worked out for you.

Other Bass Brands / Re: Hofner Contemporary Series
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:35:24 PM »
The Verythin is only reissued as guitar, not as bass unfortunately. BTW: The Verythin really is very thin!

Who would have guessed?  :mrgreen:

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Advice on '73 Rick requested, please
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:33:31 PM »
It's been several years since I owned a Rick, but IIRC if you plug into the Rick-O-Sound jack, you'll only get the neck pickup. ROS only works with a ROS box or equivalent. Plug only into the lower jack and see if you have both pickups.

I'll let Ilan or someone else with a 4001 explain about the TR adjustment procedure, but I know you should not just crank the rods.

Bass Amps & Effects / Re: Trace Elliot schematics?
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:29:13 PM »
Well, Peavey did buy the Trace Elliot name and all rights. Since you're in the US, why not just call Peavey headquarters and talk to someone about it?

The Outpost Cafe / Re: The Magic Christian
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:20:51 PM »
Back in the day, the most talked-about scene was the one with the people diving into the giant heated vat filled with, errm, animal manure, urine and blood -- and ten thousand $100 bills.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: That pilot in Austin
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:12:50 PM »
I don't have a problem with him expressing anti-government views online or on paper. I have a big problem with flying an airplane into a building to express them.

The Bass Zone / MOVED: When Acoustic amps ruled the world...
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:01:27 PM »

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