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Topics - BTL

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The Outpost Cafe / Made in USA: Kahler Podcast
« on: May 24, 2024, 01:34:54 PM »
I think this is an interesting discussion if you're curious about some behind the scenes stories from one part of the the bass guitar industry.

The Outpost Cafe / joybuzzer - one word, singular
« on: December 23, 2023, 12:34:59 PM »
Below are the liner notes from my original music project from 1992. It's crazy to think it's been more than 30 years since we recorded this.

I'll post all of the tracks with lyrics over the next few days.


one word, singular

speak for yourself
what i need
kicking down the walls
driving me away
donna reed
i forget everything
once was when
the way of things
ann boleyn

produced by mark warren and joybuzzer

engineered by jim saurman and mark warren

all music written, arranged, and performed by joybuzzer except donna reed which was written by carl cleaver and joybuzzer.  special thanks to jim saurman, the cast and crew, our respective extended gene pools, and the members of the academy that made this award possible...

joybuzzer is:

brad lowe vocals, guitar
bill malik bass guitar, vocals
mike mccarthy drums, vocals
mark warren most excellent wall o’ guitars

Other Bass Brands / Help me pick a color, please!
« on: August 29, 2023, 03:19:11 PM »
I have 2 bound-front okoume Chromasonic V bodies that I will be building out on spec with 32" scale conversion necks. It's likely these will be the last fivers I build for a good while, so I'd like them to be memorable.

One will be 3-tone sunburst (3TS) like the Chromasonic VI shown below. The second will be another 3TS, black-cherry sunburst (BCS) like the LP, or another color that's yet to be determined.

What are your thoughts?

The Bass Zone / 8-string bridge reveal: TODAY IS A HAPPY DAY!!!
« on: August 22, 2022, 05:55:17 PM »
The 8-string bridges are in the mail and on their way to me...:mrgreen:

Other Bass Brands / Comboluxe body shape: love it?
« on: May 05, 2022, 06:55:37 PM »
Should I keep it in the line or ditch it after I finish up the prototypes?

Other Bass Brands / NBD: Waterstone 20th Anniversary TP-12 32" Scale
« on: December 18, 2021, 12:37:48 PM »
This thing is a beast...I'll post more information after I've spent some time with it.

Were you ever this joyous while playing?

As some of you may know, the Schaller 3D-8 bridge is no longer being produced. Understanding that, I have an idea for a bridge design that will fill that niche, and aspects of the design may qualify for a design patent. How much interest might there be in a bridge that, at a minimum, fills the gap opened by Schaller’s exit and perhaps also offers something a little different?

It looks like I will be able to have 15 bridges CNC milled from brass and chrome-plated here in the US for about $130 each.

Some basic specs:
  • 5-hole F-style mounting plate
  • 0.15" CTC root/octave string spacing
  • 2.3" overall string spacing.Top-load string attachment
  • Retrofits vintage-spec P & J-style bass bodies with no modification
  • Independent string height and intonation adjustment for every root and octave string
I can't share the basic pencil sketch I used to solicit a price quote, as I'm still considering applying for a design patent. Understanding that, If I could sell 5 or 10 of these at direct cost, I'll probably move forward with the project. This will probably take six months or more to come together, so I'm not looking for any kind of financial commitment, just a sincere expression of interest in seeing this project move forward.


I have been thinking about adding a six-string Bass VI to the 32" scale lineup for quite a while, and now that the fiver is in production, using that configuration as the platform makes a lot of sense.

I have also had inquiries about building an 8-string 32" scale bass.

It looks like the Kahler 2450-N6 will do the job on the six-string, single-course front.

I'm guessing the ABM 3208 will do the job on the 8-string, double-course front, but I can't find a dimensional drawing or specs for that model.

It almost seems like it's been discontinued on the ABM site, but is still in stock at Allparts so I'll give them a ring to see if they have a spec sheet.

Are there any others out there that I should look into?

Gibson Basses / Mike Watt's '69 EB-3 bass for sale -
« on: March 02, 2020, 11:59:23 AM »
I imagine this might be of interest here:

This is a replica of the stolen bass, but owned and played by Watt for at least some period of time.


The Outpost Cafe / Summer NAMM 2019
« on: March 25, 2019, 06:22:40 PM »
Is anybody here planning to attend?

I'm going for the first time and wondering if there will be any representation from the forum.

The NAMM threads I see always look like a lot of fun, and I expect it might be nice to connect with some folks from the forum in Nashville.


This is an idea I have been kicking around for a while now, and I'm curious to know if there is any interest.

The concept is simple and easy enough to implement as it will be based on my 32" scale conversion neck design.

The idea would be to offer either complete builds or a ready-to-install neck and bridge "kit" that converts an American Spec 34" scale four string bass to a 32" scale Bass VI (E to E) with a 1.75" nut and 2 1/4" (0.45" or 11.43mm) bridge.

I think it would be unique and different enough to be worth pursuing.

Since most of the tooling is already done, it would be pretty easy to bring to fruition.

Is this something folks might be interested in?

The Outpost Cafe / Right, Coco...
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:38:57 PM »
That Chimp's alright...high five.

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Headstock doodles - thoughts?
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:41:51 PM »
I really like my current inline shape, but I sometimes think it's a little inconspicuous on bodies with more mass to them.

The bottle-opener isn't going anywhere...this may just be another option.

With that in mind, I'm doodling around with the basic top and tip profile and adding a lower fin to replace the hook.

What do you think?



Gibson Basses / Gator is now offering a hard case for Thunderbirds
« on: July 06, 2016, 06:42:42 PM »
A Quick PSA:

I just received an email that Gator is now offering a hard case for Thunderbirds.

It's in their GWE series, so it should be pretty economical:

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