MIJ '66 Jazzes

Started by copacetic, December 16, 2013, 02:10:04 PM

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Well picking up several sets of strings the other day I happened to witness a Jazz Bass being unpacked from a shipping box. The fellow knowing I was a bass player asked me to give it try and verdict. So sat down with a Roland 120 and thumped away. Verdict: very nice actually. Have to mention that this was a very stylish version, lacquered fingerboard w/ real block prearls ( not the painted/decals) and what they call an Olympic White finish with matching headstock,  ( I am always a sucker for matching headstocks) well balanced and..yes Jazz pups passive. This Olympic white was more " white" so it actually reminded me of the sno glow Rickenbacker and more so because of the matching headstock. I told 'em " nice bass". Did not want to seem too enthusiastic cause ...did not want them too be too excited yeah another Fender Jazz among 100 million of them.. Have to mention not so sure if it had authentic '66 appointments, hey where were the lollipos? ( never liked 'em anyhow). So went home, woke up the next morning and gas. Wife told me get out of bed and go into another room. In that room it started snowing. Today scheming on what a simple trade in for that is going to be!?


Sounds very tasty!! Oly White jazz with matching headstock??  Maybe there are a s lot of fenders around, but you don't see that every day!
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Here are the specs and some pics at Fender Japan's website:http://www.fenderjapan.co.jp/jb66b.html


Is the one you saw used or a brand new bass? I'm intrigued!

When I was living there around 2005 or so they had what I seem to remember was a '66 with bound neck but dots instead of blocks, plus matching headstock. Went so far as going to Osaka from Kyoto to check one out at Ishibashi, but never ended up getting it. That series quickly disappeared, kinda wish I had gone for it!


Yes, I remeber seeing those in Japan in the 2005-2007 period in Japan. The one I mentioned here is a 2013 version. This one has the bound headstock and polished fingerboard with the pearl blocks. Now I'll have to mention here I instead fell head over heals for the Select Jazz and there was no turning back. Those are dangerous and the tone woods they are using are ridiculous and make it hard to say no, along with the particular pickups. The only Jazz i have ever tried that can actually dial in a Precision tone. Passive too. Light weight, 8 1/4 lbs. I have a Select Precision so they are twins of a sort.