Happy Birthday, Fraulein!

Started by gweimer, September 03, 2013, 08:24:16 PM

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Belated best wishes for many more happy birthdays. 
It's not those who write the laws that have the greatest impact on society.  It's those who write the songs.

--Blaise Pascal


Happy Birthday...hope you have a great day!


I know I'm newish here, but I seem to have known of Mark for a while before I joined (all you seemed to need to do was Google Thunderbird and his stuff would pop up now and then).  Hope you had a good day, mate.
The future I come from no longer exists.


Quote from: planetgaffnet on September 06, 2013, 11:43:46 AM
I know I'm newish here, but I seem to have known of Mark for a while before I joined (all you seemed to need to do was Google Thunderbird and his stuff would pop up now and then).  Hope you had a good day, mate.

Yeah, Mark's stuff almost always pops up when Thunderbirds are mentioned...  :o
Happy Birthday!
If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter


That's cute!
When I was in Germany (1970) U.S. Cowboy stuff was really popular -  My older brother and I met some local kids our own age, they were crazy for that TV show "Big Valley", thought it funny, the locals took their revenge upon us in the form of a thrashing at soccer.......
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen www.thenastyhabits.com  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...

Dave W

I wonder if Bobby ever learned to pronounce Fräulein properly.


No birthday regards from me cause you never age!!!
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...