Ibanez EB-1?

Started by PhilT, May 19, 2008, 03:06:18 PM

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IMO, It actually looks like a real EB-1 to me - with the addition of that bridge pickup, and some sort of headstock repair.

The headstock looks too narrow, like the "wings" were shaved down a bit.  I've seen other EB-0/2/3 basses like this - not sure why.  Maybe there was damage or a crack along the edge of the headstock, and it was easier to sand it down than fix it right?  or a cracked piece of wood went missing?   ???

Did the EB-1s ship with 3-point bridges?  I only recall seeing ever-tilts...

Dave W

Only evertilts on the reissue (70-72, not 75-77). The reissue didn't have an f-hole, this has two. Not a real Gibson, IMO.

But IIRC the late 90s Epi EB-1 had two painted f-holes, a three-point and a matte finish like this one. That's what I think this might be, with some creative alteration.


90's Epi's had a different body shape, they were shaped like Hofner 500/1's...

Dave W

Well, it's definitely not a 90s Epi then. But I don't think it's a real Gibson.


QuoteBut I don't think it's a real Gibson.



Did Gibson make the EB-1 from 75-77?  If they did, I never even knew that!  I thought the only reissue was 69-72.

If it is real, it almost seems like somebody tried to backdate it in an attempt to get it to look more like the '53-58 - with the painted f-hole (well - holes in this case), and notice the crown on the headstock is missing (or painted over) as well.

Dave W

You're right. The reissue was late 69 thru 71, probably into 72.

I've seen mid to late 70s Japanese copies though not recently. IIRC most of them were bolt-ons but not all of them.

Rhythm N. Bliss

Someone in the UK got a sweet deal.

Dave W

If it's a real Gibson then it's a great deal. But I still agree with the seller that it probably isn't a Gibson.


Nice at least to see a seller being pretty straight about what they've got. Considering the extra pup and the serious doubt about what it is, I thought the BIN was on the high side. But, it's worth what someone will pay for it.