Can somebody help me get hold onto a Westone Thunder body?

Started by Blazer, March 31, 2008, 09:23:18 AM

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Well at the vintage fair in Veenendaal last saturday I made myself the owner of an old Westone neck for the neat sum of 30 Euro, it had been spraypainted matt black and was turned into a fretless at some point.

But it did have the westone tuners and its original brass nut still in place and I saw some red underneath that ugly DIY refinish job. And so I took out my bottle of paint thinner and cleaned the neck up, revealing THIS.

Which makes it the neck of a 1983 Westone Thunder 1 A bass. So now I'm oon the lookout for a Westone Thunder bass body to put this beauty on. Or at least a 1:1 outlay of the body shape so I can make a body myself.

So can somebody help me with this?

Chris P.

Make something special out of it. Your own design or something?


I did some checking on eBay prices for Jap makes a while back and even in good condition I didn't see a Thunder 1A get more than 200 Euro. If you look at what's gone recently, it's the same. A nice black 1A went for 156 GBP. So, to me, it wouldn't be worth the effort of the project, unless you can put something special into it.

Might be worth asking on if anyone has one they can trace for you, or even a dead body.