Ask Propecia

Started by Barklessdog, September 17, 2009, 06:55:36 AM

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Not at loss for words, the lady.  :mrgreen: I can see a rap rather than crack career looming. She has a nice rhythm to her speech.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

Unfortunately the actress who played Propecia (on the DAMN show) just died a couple of weeks ago. Her name was Juanita Elder.

Brilliant takeoff of Leno's old "Ask the Fruitcake Lady" segments.


Hmmm.......I'm seeing myself in a role similar to this. I think I have a lot of natural ability in this area , much of which has been misdirected for many years. I'm begining to see the light 8) "Ask Rick the Prick" has a nice ring to it.                                                                                                               

Dave W

The inspiration for Propecia. Only the Fruitcake Lady was real.