Around the track with Riccardo Patrese

Started by Dave W, September 17, 2008, 11:26:03 PM

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Dave W

Former Formula One driver Riccardo Patrese takes his lovely wife for a spin around the track at Circuito de Jerez in Spain. She doesn't realize she's being recorded (I'm not sure he does either). At about 1:50 in, he starts going too fast for her, and... well, I don't speak Italian, but she definitely speaks her mind.  ;D

Chris P.

Great vid! Reminds me of two things:

I used to watch Formula 1 with an Italian friend and his Italian father, who are living in Holland. Of course they were big on Ferrari and as something bad happened they stood up yelling at the television in Italian, making all kinds of moves and gestures:) And there was I, just sitting on the couch enjoying them:) They are real Italians. The Beneton team was partly English and partly Italian. If they won 'we won' and if they lost 'they lost.'

I'm a big Top Gear fan but I'm not so keen on 5th Gear. That's like a cheaper British knock off of Top Gear, but it has the great and amusing Tiff Needell and, and, and.... The lovely Vicky Butler-Henderson. Man, I'm just in love with her! A pity she isn't a drag queen;) (She can do some good drag racing though...)
But VBH took her mother, Victoria Butler-Henderson Sr., for a spin in a Lamborghini and just watching the poor old lady was great fun. Vicky jr. let her mother drive the Lambo and they were like going 30 MPH on a circuit:)