two point bridge with fender(?) saddles

Started by Basvarken, May 24, 2010, 04:10:20 PM

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These saddles are adjustable height and carriers for length , threads don't strip, saddles are steel, carriers decent pot metal that lock in with setscrew into channel wall .  Walls of channels are about 6.5mm wide, saddles about 12. 

You could even drill and thread the saddles for a screw and spring and toss the carriers.

Cheap individual string bridges also use these exact carriers and saddles and cost about $4 US each in sets on the bay.  The bridge shown is used on Lace Helix basses.  I got this one from Grizzly a few years back.  You can remove a lot of metal from the saddle assembly without it failing.

In a slightly different vein: Anybody got a picture of Bicentennial Tbird saddles?  It seems those would be pretty easy to fab.  I see a lot of mention about them being scarce.  I never liked them, had a brass nut on mine and briefly tried to find some metal saddles... eventually got tired of the neck dive and thin neck and traded it straight for a '76 Stingray.  Still wondering why I did that.


Louder bass!.


No. It's the one in the first post.  :rolleyes:

The one you found is the complete bridge. the four saddles are mounted directly to the body without bass plate.


I might just give it a try, as BaCH sells those saddles seperately for about 1 Euro each...

I would try cutting the  end the screw goes into  , re tap treads if necessary & even shorten the screw. I have 2 of those minus saddles . Thanx for the inspiration .M
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