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Messages - slinkp

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Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson factory tour 1967
« on: January 23, 2023, 03:40:36 PM »
Anthrax have, to my ears, got better at meshing their riffs with Joey Belladonna's voice. I really enjoyed their work on "For All Kings". The chorus of this one is downright hooky.  Uwe still might not like it because it uses both major and minor :D

And Nirvana didn't even know what the hell they were doing either way, manor- or mijorish.

That's just trolling Uwe - but I am going to fall for it :D
Nirvana were perfectly aware of the difference between major and minor. "Wrong" notes are a prominent part of the aesthetic. You just don't like it :D.  And that's fine.  But to claim it was accidental ignorance is false.

Getting away from those two tangents and back to my original tangent that still has little to do with Gibson factory tours ....
while I can enjoy Raining Blood (with the bass properly submerged in the mix), I think some of you may join me in enjoying this version better... I'm sure I've posted it before ... the bridge is a thing of genius.

Gibson Basses / Re: Gibson factory tour 1967
« on: January 16, 2023, 08:42:38 PM »
That bass tone test was hilarious.

If we're going to go off on a "worst bass tone ever" tangent, I nominate this one:

Other Bass Brands / Re: NBD - Alembic Distillate Exploiter
« on: December 19, 2022, 01:31:30 PM »
It sounded nasty in '82 too!  I wish they'd release the whole Toronto 82 concert video remixed like this.

Other Bass Brands / Re: NBD - Alembic Distillate Exploiter
« on: December 18, 2022, 12:57:42 PM »
Dang! How does it sound?
That era of Entwistle tone was very distinctive - I quite liked it personally.

Gibson Basses / Re: The DC Jr is no longer in production.
« on: December 18, 2022, 12:55:10 PM »
This is a very good description of the bass.  Only someone who has spent some quality time with the LP DC Jr.  would be able to make these observations.  And anyone who hasn't may not see exactly what is being said when you praise such things as simplicity and a bass having only one pickup.  The minimalism is a plus and the fact that the bass delivers a punch is even more of a plus.  I wouldn't look at ''made in America" as a mystique, though.  Through the years some American companies really have established a reputation for making good guitars and basses.  As a typical American, I've spent much of my life buying various goods made in other countries.  If something I buy is very good, and it's made here, too, that's more lagniappe than mystique for me.

Yeah, it's quite aggressive in the mids, but also has depth and snap if you want it. And something about that pickup puts a lot of pop in the attack if you play with a pick or a percussive fingerstyle. And it's easy to fit into a mix.
The neck suits me - it's round and chunky in a way I like but feels easy.

I know the matte finish is partly for economic reasons, but I love how it feels on the neck and I like that grainy look. And I'm a sucker for blue.
My only aesthetic gripe? That weirdly squared-off end of the pickguard is a strange and I think slightly ugly choice. Oh well, it's a minor blemish.

Would I have bought one if it was priced like a T-bird or SG? Probably not, but I was eyeing them at $999, and when they were on sale I couldn't resist. Mine was $650 US with tax, and Chicago Music Exchange did an excellent setup. Now it's my main bass.
Add me to the "maybe getting too old for long scale" club - I don't know how long I'll still be able to play a full set on the old LPB-1.

Gibson Basses / Re: The DC Jr is no longer in production.
« on: December 13, 2022, 10:46:37 AM »
But is there really a short scale bass anywhere that sells better than the SG shape basses by Gibson and Epiphone?

If Reverb's best seller list of 2022 is at all representative, then yes, Mustangs sell very well.

The $800 USD mustang model tied for #3, pretty impressive.

No Gibsons or Epiphones made the top 20 at all. I guess we really are a cult of weirdos on this forum!

I don't know all these instruments and didn't bother to google them, but the other shorties I noticed on the list were mostly low budget models, some at the lowest entry level - not surprising, a $200 shortie is a good starter for a kid with small hands just starting out.  For example the Squier Bronco and Ibanez Gio Mikro.

The Gretsch Junior Jet that tied for #3 isn't bottom of the barrel at $299 but it definitely qualifies as inexpensive.
I was surprised to see it that high up the list.

Also noticed the Hofner Ignition Pro Violin Bass ... all these decades later, the "Beatle bass" still has appeal I guess!

Gibson Basses / Re: The DC Jr is no longer in production.
« on: December 12, 2022, 03:19:32 PM »
Rats. I like those, glad I got one when I did!

I had a wacky idea to have mine hot-rodded with a bridge pickup. That's the one thing I occasionally miss from playing my LPB-1... I am mostly a neck pickup guy, but maybe about 25% of the time it just works better for me to have that different midrange tone that two pickups give you.

I have a terrible completion rate on project ideas though. Forget I said anything  ;D

The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: December 12, 2022, 12:33:18 PM »
I had to go check this out after this twitter exchange - Vernon Reid and Aimee Mann are about as far apart stylistically as you can get, so if they're lined up on this, I figured it was worth a listen.

The lyrics are about as dark as it gets; very strange how light and almost chipper the tune is. It works.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: December 12, 2022, 12:05:38 PM »
These guys are pretty good as a backing band. I never paid attention to Glen Campbell as a kid - unjustly wrote him off as "boring country" because I was young and dumb... Quite a voice, and I like the understated baritone solo.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Juvenile Delinquents in 1953
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:27:33 PM »

My uncle, who lived near a native american reservation where it was easy to buy fireworks, used to supply my family with cherry bombs among other such things. It's a miracle I never did myself harm...

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Music videos that feature Rics
« on: December 06, 2022, 09:44:01 PM »
Will Lee aping McCartney on the bass. 
It's kind of fun also seeing/hearing four different singers doing their best McCartney vocal impressions within the first three minutes.
Will gives a McCartney lead vocal a go later on, at 11:10.
Cool fuzz bass tone at 7:00 as well.


Gibson Basses / Re: Thunderbird in Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special
« on: December 02, 2022, 11:58:45 AM »
It turns out that they are a real band - though those were not their own guitars.  Sounds like a fun gig.

Gibson Basses / Re: Music videos that feature Gibson Les Paul basses...
« on: November 26, 2022, 01:48:37 PM »
I have the same feelings: it's great and warming to see kids as good as her, or that awesome drummer Yoyoka, but the pushy parent aspect is troubling... Good analogy to athletes...

Howdy folks. Anyone still around here from the Old days from the dudepit etc?

Been out of the mix for a while and trying to possibly track down a fee old basses sold around these parts. Used to go by the name Crimsonghost years ago.


Crimsonghost rings a bell!  I was around there starting about 2005 maybe? Like Uwe, I ended up on the pit because I was trying to learn more about Gibson basses as well. At the time I owned none, and now I own two (plus a Greco bird) so I guess I got what I was looking for and then some :)

The Outpost Cafe / Re: So, what have you been listening to lately?
« on: November 11, 2022, 11:55:00 PM »
Yeah I wondered what on earth the tuning could possibly be.
Maybe it's 17 E strings :D

Apparently it really is 17 strings and you can actually buy one (not available in yellow sadly)

My question is.... who else is buying these... and what was in the mind of the builder?

I especially like this note in the listing:
Suitable For: Home-schooling

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