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Messages - uwe

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Gibson Basses / Re: Natural Blonde?
« on: February 07, 2008, 05:21:30 AM »
Good question. No one in his right mind can rule out that an Gibson employee might have forgotten the telltale N when stamping the sticker, but something on that particular blond looks not quite right. I guess I would expect more crazing.

I'm still looking for one of those (banjo headstock EB-2s), but that price is "ein Mondpreis", he wants to sell it at almost twice the price of my (pristine) EB-6!!!  :o

PS: John, is that you pretending to be a coke machine? That is how you prey upon and finally catch those large cats to then do whatever  :'( :'( :'( you do with them? 

Gibson Basses / Re: eb4l revived
« on: February 07, 2008, 05:14:50 AM »
Anal sex with cats is just not right and against nature. Even if they are large. What are you trying to tell us, John?

I knew there was something not quite right with him the moment he showed us his gizmo ...


The Outpost Cafe / Re: Just standing there...
« on: February 07, 2008, 04:33:57 AM »
"I think this could be the beginning of an international  (NON) movement."

 :D ;D :D


The Outpost Cafe / Re: A Modern Spiritual?
« on: February 07, 2008, 04:27:18 AM »
Come to think of it: I liked the apron she wore (Gale, not Whitney), kind of Stepford Wives (the creepy original, not the watered down remake) chic.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: A Modern Spiritual?
« on: February 07, 2008, 04:22:06 AM »
Dave, you ole garage rocker, here's something for ya:

So the US invented punk after all, I'm baffled.  :o

And may I comment that the object of your derision did indeed have some spiritual (the music form as opposed to just the lyrical content) or gospel overtones. They speeded it up and countrified (early Carpenters come to mind) the backing, but some of the harmonies and the phrasings wouldn't have sounded out of place in a South Carolina church if slowed down appropriately.

Whitney Houston could spiritualise it alright I guess.

Gibson Basses / Re: Ripper/G3 clone audio samples
« on: February 07, 2008, 04:00:09 AM »
Yup, that is a G-3 sound alright! Up to then no other Gibson pup with maybe the exception of the LP Sig pup had those beautiful sparkling highs. Yet it doesn't sound tinny at all.

Are you running the pups as single coils, i.e. not always two (or even three) of them together like in the original G-3 wiring? That was either front two, all three or rear two pups (a common mod was combining just the front and the rear pup, leaving the middle pup out, I have that on one of my G-3s, pre-owner modded it that way).

I like the middle pup setting on your recordings - had a coffee while they loaded!  ;) - for the added midrange.


Gibson Basses / Re: eb4l revived
« on: February 07, 2008, 03:40:36 AM »
You did good on that poor bass, amen! Burns was my thought too.

What had the pre-owner lurking in that hideous cavernous hole?

Gibson Basses / Anything goes!
« on: February 07, 2008, 03:37:29 AM »
I have yet to hear a set of strings that doesn't sound good on a TBird. I've used LaBella Flats, TI Jazz Rounds, Rotosounds, Epiphone  :o, D'Addario slow- and regular wound, Elixier coated strings, DR Black Beauties and Lo Riders, GHS Bass Boomers, Warwick Black Label, Status Hex Core and Dean Markley. And a handful of others I've forgotten. They all sounded slightly different with the LaBella Flats and the TI Jazz Rounds obviously the most radical departure from a traditional roundwound sound, but still great in a different way.

I play with a pick and prefer - on a Bird - a medium bright, warm sound which is not yet clanky or piano-ringish.

Gibson Basses / Re: Flying V Turns 50
« on: February 06, 2008, 11:09:18 AM »
My kramer sounded middish with rough treble and not that much bass when it still had that Schaller pup emulating a DiMarzio G pup. I got talked into  ::) equipping it with two EMGs - ok, this was 1983! - and that changed the sound drastically. Now it is all sublows and clear treble, but not much mids. But it holds its ground. Will actually play it tonight at the rehearsal.

Gibson Basses / Brokeback Epi Embassy
« on: February 06, 2008, 11:05:16 AM »
Remember my sparkle charcoal Epi Embassy with the loveless neckbreak fix (that's how I bought it from Chicago Music Exchange), basically a not very stabilizing "volute" they had pasted to the back of the original (broken and splintered) neck? It came off eventually - unsurprisingly -, so off the Epi went to my luthier for some deutsche Wertarbeit. Some carbon and maple and voilĂ , this is where we are right now:

Gibson Basses / Re: Prototype 60's tailpiece
« on: February 06, 2008, 10:56:48 AM »
Adultry again, Herr Moderator?  ::)

Gibson Basses / Re: Flying V Turns 50
« on: February 06, 2008, 10:47:53 AM »
Accept always sound like a poor man's version of Judas Priest - minus all musicality. Or as one writer once wrote about KISS: "They sound like a hardrock band must sound to someone who doesn't like hardrock."  :D 

We forgot Lenny btw:

My son, 13 1/2, played this riff for literally hours on end for weeks  ::) until he finally got it right with his triple pup faded Flying V. I saw him play it with his school band only recently (he's got it down pat by now plus, of course, Lenny's moves  :D) and, in fine Ritchie Blackmore tradition for which I must bear some responsibility, he was louder than the rest of the band put together (two singers, bassist, rhythm guitarist, drummer and percussionist). I had a parental word with him afterwards.  ;D

Gibson Basses / Re: Great score on a reissue SG Bass
« on: February 06, 2008, 08:24:03 AM »
The Kahler on a short scale - less tension - does of course offer new dimensions ...

Gibson Basses / Re: Flying V Turns 50
« on: February 06, 2008, 08:22:53 AM »
How does the Dean compare with the other V's?

Reasonably well: More authority than the Gibson (especially in neck pup solo mode) and more bite than the Ibanez. Action and high register accessability of the double octave neck is a dream. With the gain of the SVT up high, you can get a barky sound with the (probably) EMG passive  pups and the  (rather non-descript) active circuit that wouldn't leave a TBird player too unhappy.

The Kramer is a beast of its own: That alu neck is so sound-determining, the bolt on body doesn't play much of a role.

Gibson Basses / Master of ze Vvvvvveeeeeeeee ...
« on: February 06, 2008, 08:04:28 AM »
Look what he was:

And what became of him   :'( :'( :'( :

Though he seems to be fine and sobered up again on the current tour. Joining UFO basically as a teenager (he was 16 when he recorded the Scorpions' Lonesome Crow and joined UFO when he was 18) without being able to speak English obviously came at a price - I don't think his disciplined and 7 years older brother Rudolf would have watched him disintegrate in the Scorpions like Mogg and Way did in UFO -, but of course he must have had some demons in him before.

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