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Messages - Dr Eagle

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Gibson Basses / Da Pod
« on: March 20, 2011, 10:01:31 PM »
Yeah, couldn't find a patch that worked on the pedal even with major modification for Entwistle.  I have downloaded patches from the line 6 site and just haven't found one that sounded right to me, not that there is a lack of patches on there supposedly like JAE. I tried starting with a basic tube preamp patch and gave up on that right away because the model is a bit too farty.  
I then went with a clean slate and built a piece at a time, never using too much of anything after reviewing the signal path documentation on The Who's web site. There is some chorus, reverb, distortion, and flange on the patch plus both parametric and graphic EQ, and it gets it pretty close IMHO.  Took me a long time to get the basic patch done to my satisfaction.  Blew the band away...  Once I had the basic one down, i copied it and customized it for the basses i usually use for the Who Tribute. Next project is to build the lead patch for " My Generation" but its not that all fired important.
I have also normalized the output levels using my own board to check the levels so they are all the same. And I guess I also need to update a patch for the epi T Bird... its a lot brighter than the Studio which I have a fair amount of top end in. I really like the pedal, it has been persnikerty at times when playing live.  I have had issues where there was a lot of RF energy (close to an AM radio tower) where it just didn't want to work normally and got noisy.  it is also easy to drag a cord on the control knobs and change the parameters or output volume and not notice it. It will drive you nuts trying to figure out why you have no volume.

Other Bass Brands / Re: My new bass
« on: March 20, 2011, 05:33:20 PM »
Shouldn't that be "You said your dewg does not bite" ??   ;D

Mark my words, François. Sinister forces are at work.

Oooh, you caught me.  Dewg is right...

Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:16:30 PM »
Are you using a Line 6 pedal set there? Looks like it - I have one and love it!
Yes it is my Line 6 Bass Podxt LIVE.  I like it too, building the patches takes some patience but worth it when done!  I pretty much run my amp and basses flat tweaking slightly for the venue when needed.

Other Bass Brands / Re: My new bass
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:12:44 PM »
I guess you already discovered it's not my bass. But to be sure I'll tell you: It's not my bass:)

As Inspector Clouseau would have bantered:

Owner:  "Why That's a PRICELESS Steinway..."

Clouseau: "Not Anymore"

Or perhaps more appropriately:

Clouseau: "You said your dog does not bite"

Innkeeper: "Zat misseur is not my dog"

Other Bass Brands / Re: My new bass
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:01:23 AM »
Other than the Pink which is not my favorite choice, it looks awesome. I would love to have an "exploiter" type of bass.

Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 19, 2011, 12:36:07 PM »
From last nights show in Auburn, CA.  Played the Epiphone Thunderbird Pro V all night long, left my Gibson Studio V feeling lonely!

Its a little grainy because it was shot by our guitarist with his iPhone.

This show almost didn't happen as for the first time in this bands almost 6 year history, our guitarist got snowed OUT of his house in the foothills near Colfax, CA.  He, driving a Prius couldn't make it up the steep driveway to his house which was covered (very suddenly I might add) with about 7" of Snow. I loaded up my 4x4 Suburban lickety split and took off to our singers house to get his guitar amp and then off to the snowing foothills.  On the way finding out in near blizzard conditions that the highway to his house was closed about 5 miles short got off the freeway before the closure and backtracked on 2 lane roads in about 6" of snow and slush. I managed to get to his location, picked him up and next had to negotiate a three point turn where there were only a single set of tracks.  We got turned around and headed to the gig.  What an adventure it was last night. Actually a very enjoyable evening and one of those "remember when" stories!

Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:55:36 PM »

Darth Vader Bird!  :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader: :vader:

Search your feelings, or Feel Your Searchings or something like that!

Gibson Basses / Re: New Schaller bridge option for shortscales
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:00:09 PM »
Is that a naturally grown swastika pattern on its head?!!!

So much imagery here.  I almost expect Himmler to dispatch assassination squads to round us all up.

He has a place for people like us... ON THE RUSSIAN FRONT!!

Gibson Basses / Re: Uwe's Shortie T-Bird
« on: March 14, 2011, 09:41:01 PM »
das ist ein stattlicher wenig Donner Vogel


Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:22:13 PM »
My eyes had begun to fossilize by the time I was in 4th grade. I still remember taking the eye test - There were various sizes of the letter "E" and you had to point which direction they were facing, I could see the top, largest one, after that everything was a gigantic blur! At least I knew why I was so crappy at baseball and shooting marbles!
 I'm close to being legally blind and don't see very well at night, the LEDS are cool and I'm thinking a little that a set of those might be fun on one of my 'Birds. - Cool stuff!

I have one more bass to purchase them for... one of my Carvin LB76s.  I haven't been playing that one a lot but its such a sweet bass... I plan to order them this week!

Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:20:10 PM »
Doc - you're a bad influence ;)  My last trip to Autozone produced this:


Thats cool... but I don't have the pickup covering hardware.

Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 14, 2011, 08:03:02 AM »
Nice Collection... a Buzzard?  I do like mine but have struggled a bit with the tone from it.  I ripped out the Warwick electronics and installed EMG. It did improve it some but not quite where I want it. So its a work in progress...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Michael Wittmann: WAFFEN SS "Tanks" 5/5
« on: March 13, 2011, 06:12:39 PM »
To a large extent general military history but my special interest would be world war 2 and particularly aviation.  I was watching a lecture given at a US military college the other day and was amazed that as the lecturer (himself a retired Lt. Col.) was presenting his slide show on US Air Power in WWII, I found myself thinking... geeze I could be giving that lecture. 
I find it fascinating how doctrine drove the powers in different directions and to a large extent believe their own BS.  The US with Daytime Precision Bombing, the Germans with the direction that all aircraft must be capable of supporting ground troops and the effect that had on aircraft design etc. Just a personal interest really.

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Michael Wittmann: WAFFEN SS "Tanks" 5/5
« on: March 13, 2011, 05:22:01 PM »

A funny for you - an error in reporting neglected to mention "Mad Mike" Calvert's 77 Brigade's part in the taking of Mogaung; Calvert signalled Stillwell his congratulations with a "77 Brigade are proceeding to take Umbrage" - an American Colonel (a relative of Stilwell's) then spent some time trying to find "Umbrage" on the map...  ;D

Did he ever find Umbrage?


Great discussion, I am a history Geek! 

Gibson Basses / Re: Birds in formation
« on: March 13, 2011, 04:52:40 PM »
AAAAAARRRRGHHHHHHHHH....! (chronic gadget phobia)

Welcome aboard...

(but how can any self respecting WHO trib outfit not have a bassist with a FenderBird in the flock...?) ;D

Thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it!

I love gadgets... just one of those things.  Drives the other half nuts. :o

I'd love a Fenderbird, but have limits to the budget for such things.  I kind of skipped from P bass (which John signed for me) to Thunderbird and then to Buzzard, missing the Fenderbird and Alembic basses John was famous for.  I may end up getting or building a Fenderbird in the future, but it is very unlikely i could ever afford one of the Alembics (Gosh those are friggin beautiful).  Perhaps next year when the annual bonus comes at my day job I'll be able to get a Fenderbird... but the wife will probably have something to say about that (less than supportive i suspect).

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