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Messages - Highlander

Pages: 1 ... 805 806 [807] 808 809 ... 835
The Outpost Cafe / Re: Slade Redux
« on: May 10, 2009, 04:43:57 PM »
I have been trying to dig out some shots of Slade from the "pit" that is my negative box, with no luck - mislabeled, I guess - they are/were shots taken at Donnington around 1981 that were not from that close to the stage but may be able to enlarge, but to no avail...

I came across several pics of players with Explorers (Mathias Jabs, Ricky Medlocke, Neil Young) I may post in one of Wouter's posts in the guitar section, but not scanned yet, but did find these which are partially relevant to parts of this thread and one with T'bird links which has no relevance... oh well...

Messrs Aldridge, Travers, Thrall & Cowling, crashing and burning at the Hammersmith Odeon...

Mr Glover with an out of character Thunderbird... circa '81 at the Rainbow Theatre with the Bonnet era Rainbow...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Fav Harp Players
« on: May 09, 2009, 12:15:42 PM »
Paul Jones is pretty good...

Neil Young and Bob Dylan deserve honorary mentions here for being long time advocates of the harp...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Remind me NEVER to join Skynyrd!
« on: May 09, 2009, 11:34:24 AM »
I was woken to the news... headed to college with the knowledge that the LP came out that day too and that 6 of 12 on board died and not knowing who had died... as prophetic a cover as I have ever seen... I still have that days newspapers... sad but true...
The Rossington Collins Band was scheduled to play London when Allen Collins' partner died - the dates were never rescheduled - I never returned the ticket...
Used to like Blackfoot too... 2 original Skynyrds... Ricky Medlocke has recorded more with Skynyrd than Ronnie, and he was one of the original drummers...

Gibson Basses / Re: Has anyone added a pickup to an EB-0?
« on: May 09, 2009, 11:01:12 AM »
Same exotic abused beastie...  :mrgreen:

Welcome to the 'post Phil...

Hmm, a pro luthier... better keep my head down...  ;)

I fully agree with you John...

All the larger primates are exceptionally strong, by comparison to us. It would be no problem for a chimp to rip your arm straight out of it's socket - they have been known to hunt down their own kind and, when caught, tear them to pieces and eat the remains...

They are not cuddly animals... I have handled smaller primates but I would not like to be cornered by a chimp...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Attended a world movie primier last night
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:09:13 AM »
Can I have your autograph, please Sir...?

Nice one...  8)

Steve Coogan is a bit of a comedy cult hero over here but not on the same level as the Python's...

Gibson Basses / Re: BaCHbird
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:12:26 PM »

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Who Owns A Hot Rod?
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:00:50 PM »
Hopefully not on one of those Police video shows...  ;D

For goodness sake, Scott... you're a player and a craftsman...!

If she plays well and sounds great, who's gonna see the blemishes in the dark from below stage level... go for a refund and put that towards the refin work, or leave her "as-is", like your NR - is she a "Stinky" or a "Woody"...

I'm not know for my esthetic sense, mind you...  ;)

and remember, "Rust never sleeps...?"

Bill's Shop: Projects, Mods & Repairs / Re: 4005 facsimile
« on: May 08, 2009, 04:48:47 PM »

This just works for me... I just had a problem with the "hard" edge...

a regular fine tooth saw, a "workmate", a steady hand, and a lot of perspiration, + a little "bricking"...

Already discussed but whatever...

I am sworn to NOT modify to excess any further...  ;D

Guitars Etc. / Re: Gretsch Billy Bo
« on: May 08, 2009, 04:38:42 PM »
How about Jack White (my daughter's busy playing my Hohner along to that "army" song, or whatever it is) and Lorretta Lynn (my wife's fave singer)...

Terr and Chris... you can dream...  8)

I'm perfectly sane...  :mrgreen:  :)  ;)  ;D  >:(  :o  8)  ???  :sad:  :rolleyes:  :bored:  :P  :-[  :-X  :-\  :-*  :D :toast: :vader: :popcorn: :rimshot: :puke: :gay: :thumbsup:

The Outpost Cafe / Re: The Big Euro trash thread
« on: May 08, 2009, 03:59:25 PM »
Oh my gawd, my brainz burst...  :puke:

Rickenbacker Basses / Re: Two Ricky 4005s in Germany.
« on: May 08, 2009, 03:25:29 PM »
Beautiful...  :)

I have a definite soft spot for semi's...

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