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Messages - Highlander

Pages: 1 ... 799 800 [801] 802 803 ... 835
The Outpost Cafe / Re: Worst Album Covers
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:14:40 PM »
Beware of bringing down the wrath of G....aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....!

Gibson Basses / Re: A Gibson Uwe does not own
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:06:33 PM »
Imitation is the sincerest form of litigation...?

Gibson Basses / Re: What to do with an SG when you're bored
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:04:20 PM »
Love it, Saf...!

Hmm... now that get's me a thinking...

Gibson Basses / Re: Killer Rare Green LP 5
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:01:40 PM »
Beautiful...  8)

I'm a veggie... of course I dig green...

Other Bass Brands / Re: New neck for my Dano
« on: May 25, 2009, 01:47:31 PM »

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Live Long and Prosper
« on: May 24, 2009, 06:30:19 PM »
Nothing wrong with that, Pilgrim, and don't forget "Total Recall" which was based on a Phillip K Dick short story, as was "Minority Report", and a Bill Gibson story as "Johnny Mnemonic" and if you want mindless thoroughly enjoyable mulch how about "Independance Day" ("it ain't ove till the fat lady sings...!"), or a sentimental, and because it is, much overlooked film, "Bicentenial Man" written by Issac A for the US 1976 celebrations... or 2 similar but poles apart movies "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact", of which I prefer the latter for it's story, or for the thinker, the astonishingly good "Contact" by Carl Sagan... Or "Pitch Black"/"Chronicles of Riddick" - both versions, and...

I am sorry to report that Ken's brain has just exploded; be assured that this will make no appreciable difference to his nominal operational parameters and normal service will restored shortly...

The Bass Zone / Re: If
« on: May 24, 2009, 05:57:12 PM »
Agreed re Mr Whithorns playing... I think I still have a Crawler white-label or tape somewhere that had him playing Kossof stuff exceptionally well... There was a pick-up band I've mentioned elsewhere called Chuck Farley, which had GW on guitar, along with Boz Burrell on bass, the last time I saw them they had Chris Slade on drums... the next time I saw CS was with "The Firm"... a link below...

I think I still have an LP of privately released material, resplendant with autographs for it's plain white cover...  ;D

Another semi linked band I liked were called Zzebra, which contained a couple of guys from If and a chap called John McCoy, who, of course, went on to Gillan - Zzebra were a jazz-rock outfit that also fused African rhythms (psst, Bret... don't let Uwe know I used the "F" word...)

Trying to remember another pickup band he played and recorded with, maybe with Rory Galagher's bass and drums (Rod De'Ath), in the 70's... one lp was called "Live, a week at the Bridge" (LP + 12") a bunch of people playing at an East London pub - some of it was exceptionally good - the bars main claim to fame was that Iron Maiden played there a lot in their early days...

No, not that one, but he was on it in a band called "Filthy McNasty"... - link above...

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Live Long and Prosper
« on: May 24, 2009, 05:22:12 PM »
Tell me more, John...

Any "Tron" fans...?

The Bass Zone / Re: On the road with The Nasty Habits
« on: May 24, 2009, 05:06:07 PM »
Being a "S*d B*st*rd" vegetarian, I think I'll pass... and at enormous risk, I'll paraphrase that garlic quote... "a moment in the mouth, and a lifetime on the hips..." ?

The Bass Zone / Re: If
« on: May 24, 2009, 04:59:53 PM »
They were pretty good, had a number of their LP's - Cliff Davies (drummer) joined Nugent for some years going from a small kit to something quite enormous... Without going digging, wasn't Geoff Whithorn the guitarist, too...?

Fender Basses / Re: I just bought a Musicmaster !
« on: May 24, 2009, 04:27:22 PM »
Not my cup of tea, but congrats anyway... I may be tempted by a Jazz, one day...

Tell me Scott, how many other variants on a bass are on your want's list...?  I promise you, our respective "other-halves" can count, you know...  ;) At least you can build them...  :mrgreen:

Never had the pleasure of playing one, Doc, although an EB3L was on the early wants list...

The rehearsal room has a variety of amps and cabs so I tried her through a modern generic 4x12 and an old ported Carlsboro 2x15 - neither could not tolerate the MB on it's own through my Hiwatt head (I suspect that the speakers are well past it) but the sound of the 2 pups paired was wonderfully full and bright through the 2x15- a truly rip-roaring sound - most pleased...  ;D

My daughter is quite reticent about a refinish, but as I have clearly shown her, my 'bird is going to need some work - lots of cracks... the biggest area of concern is a crack in the paintwork across the neck where the head joins, also a crack along the length of the neck mid way, which I am hoping are just surface, also where the body has severely cracked where the controls are, there are numerous surface cracks which I am fairly certain are the original finish failing  - I am tempted to cut the control area straight through and laminate the top on both sides to bring the surface up to the same height as the centre section, as that would resolve several issues, but I will only know for sure when she is down to the bare wood...

When the strip begins I'll post...


The shorts are out... much to my wife's disgust...  ;D

Well, as a swansong for the original colours, and prior to the demolition of my shed (the veggie's lair, where many a vegetable has met it's fate...  ;) Demolition...? yep, roof is barely up, and sides are bowing out... new concrete plinth over the next month or so, and then a nice metal hell-hole to work in...), and as I have a rehearsal tonight, I thought it was time I tried to get a little space to do the deed...

yep, an utter tip... I have no excuse... there will be no proper work until this is sorted...

The first issue I had was that the MB was too big for the existing hole, which had been adapted for a DM EB replacement a couple of decades back, but long gone - could-not stand the thing, so I had to freehand-rout (Gawd only knows where most of my gear is in this dump) out the hole to suit the pup.

I need to do a lot of finishing off, but as I intend to do a complete strip down, I will finish off then...

Bottomed out the space and then shimmed under the pup to suit, oh yeah, had to reshape the lower mount plate, as you can see... also had to rout away a section of her body (about 2/10"-5mm) to accommadate the cover, which would have been far too close to the strings...

A little packing was required front and rear

Well, she's in... the screws are doing a nice temp job of pinning the pup in place...

Finished off the temporary wiring today and fitted the original gold pup switch with one pot, hmm... a 6.5K RDA pup and a 30K Mud pup, straight through one standard volume pot...

So as it was so nice (and I may as well go hang myself as well as be dumb enough to run-up indoors) I set up outside in the garden (near 70f/20c) and run her up...

Bl**dy H*ll...! That IS Loud... there is no way I can run this through my fragile old Celestions, but have been doing some pricing up for a full set of 50w bass speakers to fill the Marshall cab, around £150 for Celestions, but still researching... The initial view is quite stark - quite simply AWESOME...! The difference between the pups is not subtle (the MB being so overpowering and the RDA being so clean, but where they meet is more than just interesting... I can't wait for this evening now when I can run the Hiwatt through a good 200w Carlsboro 2x15, and see what she can do...

And btw, I definitely do not have Mark's legs...

That's all the time I have right now... gotta go... And George... muchos gracias...  8)

The Outpost Cafe / Re: Live Long and Prosper
« on: May 21, 2009, 03:31:03 PM »
Dark City - I keep seeing that in the cheapies, pick it up and put it back... I may try that now, ta...

There's another one - "Twelve Monkeys" (as you mentioned "Brazil", John  ;D )

The Outpost Cafe / Re: "Cherished" numbers... car stuff...
« on: May 21, 2009, 02:31:25 PM »

Remembered seeing an MGF on the M25 (London's equivalent of Hell - the route cause of the song "The Road To Hell") with the reg K8 8USH - never did get close enough to check but it was a woman driving it - just did not seem like her style as I believe she has been fairly reclusive...

Saw a Porsche today with the plate 6OSH - 400 mile drive today for one camera...!

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