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Topics - uwe

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Gibson Basses / LP Sig vs. JC Sig
« on: October 15, 2009, 12:17:58 PM »
I think this vid of Hot Tuna (with Jack playing a Gibson LP Sig, not his Epi) epitomizes what I mean when I say that the LP Sig has a fenderish overdrive in the upper frequency range that I just don't hear with the Epi.

To me, most Epis sound like this here, not necessarily bad, but wholly different:

A more trebly sound still doesn't offer the same characteristic as the Gibson:

Not even Jack gets his Epi to sound like that Gibson:

The Epi pups just don't have that upper range even though they might possibly deliver a more consistent signal in the lower range.

Gibson Basses / Gibson Signature "Burn" Bass for Glenn Hughes?
« on: October 12, 2009, 04:26:05 AM »
Of all people, yes.  :o  At least that is what he says in an interview in the current issue of German Bass Professor where he talks about his endorsements in the past and future. Until recently, he played Manne basses by the Italian boutique, but didn't like how they would not sound well with effects. Currently he is playing a Yamaha one-off made especially for him (looks a bit like the Michael Anthony Signature), but that is not intended to become a series. But then he says in the interview: "But it looks like I will be changing again soon. I was in Nashville and Gibson senior management offered me to build a signature bass to my specifications that will become a regular model. It is even going to be called the "Burn Bass". Don't know about the timing of the project though."

Mind you, Glenn is notorious for promising-on-paper projects that get half-finished and never see the light of day and we all know what seems to have happened to the Shavobird that Gibson at least flaunted on a few fairs, but has not officially released yet. Also, I don't think I've ever seen him play or even touch a mahogany bass. Whatever comes to mind over the years, Fender Mustang (with Trapeze), Ric 4001 (with Purple early on), Fender Precision (with Purple later), ESP, Vigier, Fender Jazz, Manne, Yamaha was all firmly entrenched in maple/alder/ash territtory. So will this end up as another mock-Fender like the Lee Sklar Signature?  :rolleyes: Hughes likes a crisp, but not clean tone with a lot of attack - that seems to speak for something maple'ish from Boltonia, but we'll have to see. He also likes upper register access (for his little funk licks and slides up the neck) and a slim neck (he has small hands).

Guitars Etc. / Gibson Raw Power Series - Maple infests Nashville ...
« on: September 24, 2009, 03:56:34 AM »
What a weird combo, what are inherently classic mahogany guitars put out with maple bodies and maple boards, but - wait for it - maho necks?  :rolleyes:

"Both the Les Paul Studio Raw Power and SG Raw Power feature unbound solid maple bodies, with a traditional carved top on the former. This sturdy tonewood offers a clear, well-defined sonic response, as well as looking great with minimal cosmetic treatment. Their solid mahogany necks are topped with unbound maple fretboards, which are dressed with simple dot position markers, and graced with a traditional trapezoid marker at the 12th fret."

Never mind how Gibson isn't quite sure what wood they are really using on these:

"For the first time, the SG is available with a three-piece solid maple neck, topped with a maple fingerboard. With the world’s fastest-playing neck, the notes you play on the SG Raw Power are vividly clear, and chords are purely expressive. Play it and you immediately feel the difference between the SG Raw Power and any other SG. The maple makes each note literally jump off the fingerboard. The tone is snappier, the response quicker, and the clarity in unmatched."

 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

While the natural models still have some appeal to me visually (kind of albino guitars!), once you get to the finned versions it looks plain weird and cheap in my eyes:

Rickenbacker Basses / Some Ric Porn for you: 4003S/5 and 4003S/8
« on: September 16, 2009, 04:23:13 AM »
Bass Professor, a German muso mag, is doing a Ric feature over several issues and wanted pics of 5- and 8-stringers (my problem child: since I ill-advisedly bought it, it has devoured two sets of original Ric trussrods who are now replaced by Ibanez trussrods which are thicker and stronger, the fretboard had to be taken off and the neck honed down, the bridge was countersunk into the body to enable sensible upper register action without having to make the neck too flat and I had the sequence of the octave strings changed, which makes fretting easier and less "buzzy" - now it finally plays like it should have from the start  :rolleyes:). Bass Professor got a hold of me and this is what resulted:

Ze Double-Whammy:

Body close-ups:

Note: String sequence changed from original regular string/octave string to ocatve string/regular string for better playability.

Full size:


Bridges (4003S/8 sunk into body via extra-routing to achieve playable action):

The Outpost Cafe / SG Gals Contest
« on: September 15, 2009, 03:43:35 AM »
No. I'm not advocating that Fräuleon Rommel should participate, but couldn't they have at least overdubbed the mess of a distuned A power chord she is "playing"? Unless it is on purpose, but does Gibson have that much humor?  ??? Frankly embarrassing if you ask me.

The Outpost Cafe / Beatles Box
« on: September 09, 2009, 06:33:04 AM »
Anybody got it already?

Lovingly done, cardboard foldout sleeves of all individual albums and comprehensive liner notes etc. I bought mine yesterday, have only listened to their 1st album so far this morning (which sounds mostly like the Everly Brothers still). Sound is surprisingly clear and undistorted with lots of space (and echo!  :mrgreen: ) and prominent drums and bass, Paul was melodic even back then, just not as continuously so as in his Sgt. Pepper halcyon days.

Mind you, I went for the "Stereo Box" (not the more expensive, yet missing the last albums "Mono Box") thus disqualifying myself forever as a true Beatlelite because "only the mono mixes were ever approved by Paul and John, the stereo mix a hasty afterthought by Abbey Road engineers believing that stereo was a novelty fad". And while I know that the mono mixes sound fuller, I never ever listened to them on the US Capitol Reissue Box Sets of the Beatles' early albums (before US and European releases synched as regards track choice which was only around Rubber Soul) which came out a few years back. Early Beatles is forever identified by me with those archaic, but charming left/right stereo mixes where you had the vocals on ones side, the music on the other. That is how I first consciously heard the Beatles and that is how my elder brother explained "stereo" to me - it took me years to comprehend that "stereo" does not automatically mean "vocals on one, music on the other side".  :mrgreen: To this day I have the desire to mix things left and right in a studio which regularly causes modern engineers to roll their eyes ...  :rolleyes:  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The Financial Times wrote today that the Box Sets are selling like hot cakes - who said the CD is dead?!!!

Doesn't sound half-bad, if you ask me, not being a Kissologist of course:

Kiss have real talent to make even the most innocent riff sound noisy, that is part of their charm. And they still write their songs in E flat, just like the good old days.

Cover is suitably garish too, in typical Kiss (bad) taste:

Plus, now that Kiss are being distributed by Walmart (Dave's favorite retail chain), I know someone here who will have to buy his first Kiss album!  :mrgreen:

That the CD package includes free wigs is a blatant lie by the way, spread by certain interested parties to disinform the public:

Feel free to continue in a reasonable fashion.

The Outpost Cafe / Did I mention ...
« on: August 12, 2009, 04:44:24 PM »
... that I like Justin Hawkins (falsetto squeals and all!)?

Gibson Basses / What the world has been waiting for ...
« on: August 06, 2009, 04:39:38 AM »
Gather and adore  :o, a coral pink Q 80:

I love the way it is hardware-wise quite a bit worn, even rusty, yet the fin is still in good shape save for some fading and some nicks. Oh, why am I thus tempted?  :-\ I do not collect for fins, I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins,  I do not collect for fins ...

Gibson Basses / Ripper II
« on: August 03, 2009, 04:17:18 AM »
The detailed description is now on the Gibson site, Seymour Duncan custom pups and all kinds of fancy coil and pup combinations via the 6 pos varitone, not your father's Ripper then:

The Outpost Cafe / Oh wow, if only that were a bass ...
« on: July 31, 2009, 02:43:54 AM »
Me like. A lot.

It's that old hippie lurking in me.  :-[

Gibson Basses / Late EB-3s ...
« on: July 29, 2009, 07:09:22 AM »
Not often do you see post 1972-74 seventies EBs:

This one is real late (1978), white and rare, but steeply priced:

Pricewise, this is more like it, a 1976 model, with an attractive BIN:

Anybody here that would like to pull the trigger on the cherry one? You'd relieve me of temptation.

Now that's what I call relic:

Courtesy of Sam Yaffa:

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