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Topics - Rhythm N. Bliss

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The Outpost Cafe / Conquest~ In The 50s??!!??
« on: May 28, 2008, 04:36:24 AM »
What a mindblower to find this ol' clip:

I still think Jack White is brilliant but I thot he was a genius when I thot he wrote this song.
Been listenin' to Icky Thump a lot!!! Readin' a book about The White Stripes tooo

Funny that I got turned on to them on a bass site. haha
Not usually any bass on their songs. Nevertheless~ Cool duo!!

Who do you like better~ Jack White or Jack Black??

The Bass Zone / Post Your Music!
« on: May 26, 2008, 10:35:56 PM »
Here's 2 clips of short instrumentals of my trio Godbrothers:

Running The Real Marathon~

Seaside Soirée~

We don't have a myspace page yet. Wanna set one up....How do ya do that?

So post your clips here or your myspace page links or website links, please.
We've all done this before on other sites, but I think this'll be the first time here at Bass Outpost.

The Outpost Cafe / The Love Guru
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:03:33 PM »
You can add Maurice as your myspace friend:

Great site too:


Prepare to laugh your tail off!

The Outpost Cafe / Shania Is Single!
« on: May 22, 2008, 06:25:32 PM »
Last week's news, I know....but when you read WHY you won't fokking believe it!

This can't be true! If it is....they oughta send Mutt off to the Funny Farm.


Shania is single!

The Bass Zone / Cobham Sklar Bolin Hammer~ Spectrum
« on: May 22, 2008, 05:47:43 AM »
Man~ I gotta get this album...Lee Sklar gets DOWN!

Cobham was one of my fav drummers in the 70s--Rick Laird played bass with The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Somehow or other SPECTRUM slipped by me.
How could I have not bought this all these years????

Also gotta get Deep Purple's Come Taste the Band with Bolin replacing Blackmore.
That's the only Coverdale album I'm missing I think.
Tommy Bolin~ All I have of his is a cd called Whips and Roses.
The guy had some chops!!! He was in the James Gang too!!??!!
I'll be buyin' some cds tomorrow....

The Outpost Cafe / Big Brown Triple Crown!!!
« on: May 20, 2008, 06:50:06 PM »
This horse Big Brown will very likely be the 12th horse to win the Triple Crown...which hasn't be done for 30 years!

Something to get excited about! woohooooo

The Bass Zone / Neighbor Loves My Music!
« on: May 17, 2008, 09:44:40 PM »
Mostly when we hear from our neighbors it's a complaint, a request to turn down, or stop altogether cuz it's too loud, it's too late, blah blah blah

Well tonight a guy walking his dog saw me sittin' on one of the benches in my front yard & hollered out, "My mother & I always walk by here & she's a singer & we live 4 doors down the street & we LOVE your music!!"
So we talked awhile & he was very complimentary about my bass playing & the drumming (which is sometimes my drummer Joe & usually me) & it was SO GOOD to hear positive reactions & get good vibes from another neighbor....besides the young couple next door who love us too. :D

He complimented my house & yard too & said "You can tell an artist lives here."

Ain't that cool?

The Bass Zone / Golden Oldies Time
« on: May 14, 2008, 04:26:14 AM »
Without Googling--What band had a hit in '67 with the song that started with
"Kiss me each morning for a million years"
& ended with "Then you can tell me Good-bye"?

Just slipped into it noodlin' on my V. Sa-weeet

The Outpost Cafe / Album of the Year
« on: May 13, 2008, 05:03:13 AM »

I am really LOVIN' this album! Coverdale has found a great songwriting partner in Doug Aldrich--who is also a badass guitarist, playing mostly LPs. They put out 4 new songs as Bonus Tracks on their LIVE In The Shadow of the Blues cd a year & a half ago, but this is technically WHITESNAKE's first full length studio album since 98's Restless Heart--which was originally planned to be a solo DC album like his Y2k solo disc Into The Light. Both those albums had some HEAVY moments but were mostly pretty m-e-l-l-o-w.
This new cd is everything I LOVE about WS! KILLER Riffs, solos, singing with passion....great bass playing (Uriah Duffy) & great drumming (NEW GUY--Chris Frazier)
Good Hard Rock!!!

The Bass Zone / Lightweight Bass
« on: May 12, 2008, 03:24:19 AM »
This hot chick Angeline has a good idea here:

Not that you should go look at her other photos or anything. :D
I'm just sayin' that this is nice & light for a lady.

The Bass Zone / **** Vintage!
« on: May 01, 2008, 06:31:47 PM »
As you know I got a big thrill out of pushin' the BIN button on a 53 Gibson.
I was also thrilled to purchase a 70s Ampeg rig last year.

Unfortunately, they are both USELESS!!
They HUM like a giant fokking swarm of bees.

Together or apart, they HUM. A different bass into the Ampeg still HUMS.
A different amp with the 53...still HUMS.


Good news is:
The Epi V I bought for 5 bills & my trusty ol' Behringer $200 head thru a JBL cab with 2 15s sound GREAT together!! They've been my Go To bass & rig for months now.

The Bass Zone / Phil Lesh~ Cowboy Movie
« on: April 06, 2008, 10:25:20 PM »
Here's the scoop about David Crosby's "solo" album from 1971 that featured lots of his friends helpin' him out:

I really LOVE it all. I've worn out several copies--vinyl, cassette, cd....

My fav cut is Cowboy Movie, with Phil Lesh on bass. Here's the lyrics:

You can hear it here, along with other songs from the album:

Phil plays on 3 outa 4 of 'em!!! Jack Casady plays on one toon on the album--
Song With No Words (Tree With No Leaves)

I'd swear Neil Young plays on Cowboy Movie tooo

The Outpost Cafe / Walk Hard~2 Golden Globes??!!
« on: March 31, 2008, 01:47:36 PM »
These clips from the movie just crack me up!!!

2 Golden Globes:

Gonna buy this on dvd straightaway!

One more:

The Outpost Cafe / What Is Your Purpose? I Just Wanna Rock! New Satch
« on: March 25, 2008, 05:53:57 AM »
Professor Satchafunkilus & the Musterion of Rock

Hear I Just Wanna Rock all the way thru:

April 1st!

New WHITESNAKE April 22nd too!! It's already Number 75 on's Top 100!

The Outpost Cafe / Orcas~ Poetry In Motion
« on: March 19, 2008, 04:49:46 AM »
Orcinus orcas are AWESOME~ fierce & POWERFUL & beautiful!!!

CAUTION: Orcas are KILLER WHALES & some of these are GRAPHIC:

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