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Messages - Muddslide

Pages: [1]
The Bass Zone / Re: Bucharest, Romania
« on: May 19, 2011, 01:20:47 AM »
I got to spend a couple of weeks in Romania with my wife and kids back in 2003, but we were in the north. Mostly Brasov and Sibiu, but we went to Sigisoara for a coupel of days. Never got to see Bucharest.

I really loved it. Brasov was a great town, but very Westernized. The women were unbelievably beautiful.

Gibson Basses / Re: New Epiphone Ripper?
« on: March 08, 2011, 11:33:41 AM »
PS-- I notice there is a guy on this forum or elsewhere who calls these the "Gripp3r" model because they fuse aspects of the Ripper, Grabber and G3. But yet it's different.

A lot of folks think these are fugly, but I've been bass-less for several months and only had a low budget. I shopped around a long time and lucked into this one.

For over 30 years I've been a pretty dedicated Precision guy, but I figure I can find a P anywhere at any time. These I don't see too often. Don't really know why they weren't more popular.

Gibson Basses / Re: New Epiphone Ripper?
« on: March 08, 2011, 11:29:52 AM »
Wel, it's no longer "new" at all, but I've had a couple of these Epiphone models with the P/J pup configuation and I think they are aces.

I did own a "real" '76 Ripper for several years and I loved the feel of the thing but I could never get muc more than mud from it.

Back in 2007 I scored a natural-finish Epi Ripper that I loved but had to sell a few months later. Really wish I still had it.

Just a couple of weeks ago I found a black one used at a local GC. It's really a killer instrument, especially for the price I got it for. Now I'll be looking for another one in natural to keep it company.

Obviously this is a very UN-Gibson like bass, and aside from the body, not even similar to the original Ripper. I happen to like the differences. I prefer bolt-on necks for a number of reasons for one thing.

I am very fond of the stock pickups on these. They sound far fatter than Fender P/J styles. I think it might have something to do with the fact that the pickups are closer to the neck than they are on Fender basses.

As I say it is very fat-sounding, but has a lot of clarity. Good trebly growl from the J pup too. Lots of tonal variations.

I think this bass is suitable for any style of music, though of course aesthetically it might not work out for a 50's-type rock and roll band, or a surf band, etc.

For any music made after the original Rippers came out in '73, though, it's perfect. For me at least.

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