The Last Bass Outpost

Main Forums => The Outpost Cafe => Topic started by: pamlicojack on April 03, 2009, 06:44:32 AM

Title: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: pamlicojack on April 03, 2009, 06:44:32 AM
A friend of mine sent me this.  If it steps on any toes, too bad; come up with your own suggestions... :mrgreen:

I’ve seen hundreds of shows in my life. Played a couple hundred too. Over all these years of viewing and performing live music, I’ve developed a set of tell tale signs that the band or performer I’m about to see is going to be bad. As with any set of rules, there are exceptions, but more often than not, if you are about to witness a performance and one or more of these red flags is evident, chances are the band you are about to see is going to suck.

1) The drummer’s drum set is huge.
Here’s how it works. The larger the drum set, the more likely the band is going blow. As important as a drummer is to a group, it should always be remembered that they are essentially just there to keep a beat. One time in Germany, the drummer for the opening band had a gargantuan 12-piece kit complete with octagons, not one but three splash cymbals and the granddaddy indicator of sure band suckdom, a set of chimes hung behind him that he played every precious percussive chance he got. Good Lord, did they ever suck. I was embarrassed for them.

2) The bass player’s bass has more than 4 strings.
They have a name for 6-string instruments. They are called guitars. Frank Zappa once said that nobody wants to be a bass player and that bass players were relegated to the duty because someone else in their first band was a better guitar player. Many bass players never get over this perceived slight and try to make up for it by playing more strings. They always fail.

3) The band’s equipment is brand new.
Playing music is a dirty business. Bright and shiny equipment is a telling sign that the players are either new to the game or have way too much disposable income. Give me a band that’s equipment looks like that it has been to hell and back. It shows that they have done this before.

4) One or more of the group’s members is sporting a balding ponytail.
Of all this hairstyles, the balding ponytail is the one you should be most aware of if you want to avoid listening to awful music. And like genital crab infestations, where there’s one balding ponytail, there’s bound to be more. They always travel in packs. Balding ponytail players are usually trying to recapture some lost musical element of their youth and the results are, like their dubious taste in hairstyle, receding from listenable relevance. Also, balding ponytails are a clear indication that hippies are in the room. Never trust a hippie, ladies and gentlemen; they are holding all of us back in the collective unconscious. Trust me on this. They make you stupider by proximity.

5) The band keeps telling you to do things.
This has always been a pet peeve of mine. If the band’s music doesn’t move you to do things, no amount of cheerleading from the stage is going to either. Shut up already. If I wanted to be told what to do I would have joined the Army. I’m not a Pavlov dog and any band or performer that treats you as such should and must be treated with contempt. Singers, the most self obsessed members of any group, feel compelled to tell people to dance, put their hands in the air or to have a good time mostly to appease their raging egos because a flaccid response from an audience affects them the most as they are the audience’s center of attention. While I understand and appreciate engaging singers, too many want to tell you what to do and how to do it. The good ones don’t care.

6) After the set, you can’t remember a single song the band played.
This happens a lot. If you can’t hum or remember a single song a band has just played, that group sucks.

Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Freuds_Cat on April 03, 2009, 07:14:58 AM
generally speaking that about hits the nail on the head I think   8)
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: gweimer on April 03, 2009, 07:31:56 AM
Funny stuff.  My opinions:

1)  There are those 1 percenters that know how to use a big kit.  My last drummer was one.  I still prefer a small kit, preferably a guy that has a killer right foot and a single pedal kick.

2) Amen!

3) That might depend on what kind of equipment it was.  The reverse situation is the complete hacks that think owning cool vintage gear will make them play better.  If the gear is beat up, then they're probably poor and really good.   :mrgreen:

4)  There are these things called HATS.  For me, nothing says "country" better than a good porkpie hat.  See also - Reeve Gabrels.  Deduct points if the guitarist is wearing a tux.

5)  A good front man can work a crowd.  I worked with one of the best back when I was young and almost innocent.

6)  Absolutely!
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Saf on April 03, 2009, 08:25:16 AM
1) Amen!

2) Amen!

3) Yes, You really would stay with one of our gigs!

4)  Amen!

5)  A good frontman indeed must work the crowd but don't overdone it.

6)  That's a really good one.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: TBird1958 on April 03, 2009, 09:39:04 AM

Hits the nail on the head.........I wish our drummer ( has about two too many drums for me) would read this post!

I completely agree about aout the ponytailers and hippies  ;)
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: gweimer on April 03, 2009, 10:28:51 AM
Hits the nail on the head.........I wish our drummer ( has about two too many drums for me) would read this post!

I completely agree about aout the ponytailers and hippies  ;)

Except, of course, for purple ponytails, dangling boldly over each ear?   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: GonzoBass on April 03, 2009, 12:27:30 PM
7.) The band's name appears to be an acronym
or has more than two umlauts and is completely unpronounceable.

8.) Full Marshall guitar stacks on both sides of the stage in a small club.

9.) The singer has a music stand.

10.) A reunion tour with only one of the original members

11.) The singer is wearing a T shirt with the bands name on it.

12.) Pedal boards of a size that would make NASA flinch.

13.) More than two guitars in stands on either side of the stage.

14.) The overpowering stench of patchouli in a crowd of 40+ year olds wearing tie dye.

15.) One word: Spandex.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: gweimer on April 03, 2009, 12:43:33 PM
9) -LOL!  Nice.

10) - There were apparently a lot of players in Cincinnati that did those kinds of gigs.  They knew a promoter that would buy the rights to the band, and then slap together a tour with one "original" (or nearly) member.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Freuds_Cat on April 03, 2009, 04:13:29 PM

13.) More than two guitars in stands on either side of the stage.

OK I'm guilty of that.

When I did this for a living I used one main bass and one spare.

These days I play for fun and regard my basses as toys to be played with so I usually have 3 and sometimes 4.

Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: lowend1 on April 03, 2009, 04:34:58 PM
7.) The band's name appears to be an acronym
or has more than two umlauts and is completely unpronounceable.

8.) Full Marshall guitar stacks on both sides of the stage in a small club.

9.) The singer has a music stand.

10.) A reunion tour with only one of the original members

11.) The singer is wearing a T shirt with the bands name on it.

12.) Pedal boards of a size that would make NASA flinch.

13.) More than two guitars in stands on either side of the stage.

14.) The overpowering stench of patchouli in a crowd of 40+ year olds wearing tie dye.

15.) One word: Spandex.

Gonzo FTW!
...but you forgot a couple:

16) A keytar

17) A headless bass
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Dave W on April 03, 2009, 05:02:46 PM
Never allow a drummer to have more than one mic. It makes everyone else happy.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Lightyear on April 03, 2009, 06:59:09 PM
18) The band has it's own $5000.00 "light show" for a small club date - even worse if they own a fog machine.  :P

9) I would say anyone has a music stand - unless, of couse, it is a pit band or orchestra type setting.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 04, 2009, 03:27:39 AM
Numero Uno couldn't be further from the truth!
To the contrary, the BEST shows I've seen are the bands with Double Bass Drummers!!
From my very first concert at age 15 in 1968 hallucinating on CREAM & thinking Ginger Baker was the Greatest Thing I Had Ever Seen!!

Cozy Powell RIP He left us April 5th, 1998
One of the Best Double Bass Drummers!!
Check out all his cool youtube vids! Then watch your favs tomorrow.
Here's a great one:

I disagree with almost all of these.

The worst bands really SUCK because:

1- They are wimpy putzes with high voices

2- Their songs stick in your head even tho you don't want them to! ARRRGH!

3- They play $hitkickin' music

4- They scream "Rock And Roll!" a lot

Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: lowend1 on April 04, 2009, 05:56:02 AM
To the contrary, the BEST shows I've seen are the bands with Double Bass Drummers!!
From my very first concert at age 15 in 1968 hallucinating on CREAM & thinking Ginger Baker was the Greatest Thing I Had Ever Seen!!
And there ya go!
Seriously, there are very few double kick drummers who can resist the urge to overplay. Cozy was undoubtedly one of them. Tommy Aldridge was great with the "classic" Pat Travers lineup  and Ozzy (never liked the Whitesnake years). Simon Phillips bears mentioning, as does Carmine Appice - maybe Mick Tucker from Sweet and Les Binks... Dave Holland had two kicks with Priest, but he rarely played them the way he did in Trapeze.
Personally I never understood the appeal of Ginger Baker. It always sounded to me like he just grabbed a handful of sticks and threw them in the general vicinity of the drumkit at semi-regular intervals. I'm just sayin'...
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Chris P. on April 04, 2009, 10:07:57 AM
+1 on everything:)
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Freuds_Cat on April 04, 2009, 03:22:54 PM
Lowend1, I'm with you on the Ginger Baker thing.  I love what Cream did but his drumming never really hit its mark with me. Mind you I was really in to Ian Paice at the same time as I was introduced to Cream. Baker always seemed a bit blurry and slightly messy to me.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: godofthunder on April 04, 2009, 03:52:35 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  I have been contemplating how to respond to this. Being guilty of #4 I don't really give a flying F what any one thinks. I could say something, a "witty" observation but I won't. What really bugs me is that in posting this you don't care about stepping on any ones toes.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 04, 2009, 04:15:51 PM
Lowend1, I'm with you on the Ginger Baker thing.  I love what Cream did but his drumming never really hit its mark with me. Mind you I was really in to Ian Paice at the same time as I was introduced to Cream. Baker always seemed a bit blurry and slightly messy to me.

Deep Purple opened that first show I ever saw in '68 & tho HUSH was AWESOME DP was very weak in comparison to CREAM at that time, & Paice wasn't all that spectacular on songs like Shakin' All Over & Kentucky Woman. haha haaa
They didn't have Gillan or Glover yet!!
As great as Paice was with Coverdale singing in DP & WS, Cozy took WS to a whole nother level!!
Yes, I'm on a CP crusade this week...
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 04, 2009, 04:24:57 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  I have been contemplating how to respond to this. Being guilty of #4 I don't really give a flying F what any one thinks. I could say something, a "witty" observation but I won't. What really bugs me is that in posting this you don't care about stepping on any ones toes.

Just counter punch with your own observations like I did, Scott.
$hitkickin' music in my observations was directed back at Jack. haha

All in good fun.  ;D
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: nofi on April 04, 2009, 04:43:51 PM
got don't let it bug you. there is enough attitude here in the south to supply the nation which brings me to my sore point.

bands that dress genre specific. punk, new wave, metal, rockabilly, blues. country etc. it's just music not a friggin' fashion show.however, if you are in a polka band you pretty much have to wear the cloths.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: lowend1 on April 04, 2009, 05:19:07 PM
Deep Purple opened that first show I ever saw in '68 & tho HUSH was AWESOME DP was very weak in comparison to CREAM at that time, & Paice wasn't all that spectacular on songs like Shakin' All Over & Kentucky Woman. haha haaa
They didn't have Gillan or Glover yet!!
As great as Paice was with Coverdale singing in DP & WS, Cozy took WS to a whole nother level!!
Yes, I'm on a CP crusade this week...

Like I said, Cozy was one 2kicker that kept it in the pocket and played for the song. Keep in mind also that when he joined Whitesnake, they were on the cusp of writing material that was more commercial, but had not yet become a guitar twirling, bass licking, Botox injecting mess.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 04, 2009, 06:20:02 PM
You can also know that a band SUCKS before they start playing by their name!
There was a band called Dubious Neuman on the Whisky marquee last night.
I guarandamntee you they SUCK! hahaaa
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Lightyear on April 04, 2009, 08:35:40 PM
I took the list as a "tongue planted firmly in cheek" type thing myself.  I can't speak for anyone but myself but I viewed this as light hearted more than anything else.   ;D
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Dave W on April 04, 2009, 08:46:19 PM
Yep, this was obviously meant in fun. No need to get upset about it.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Freuds_Cat on April 04, 2009, 09:07:32 PM
DP was very weak in comparison to CREAM at that time, & Paice wasn't all that spectacular on songs like Shakin' All Over & Kentucky Woman. haha haaa
They didn't have Gillan or Glover yet!!

Yep I understand that but I didn't start listening to either of them until about 1976. So to me at the time it was like comparing apples with apples.

And no argument about Cozy.  I loved his drumming regardless of which band he was with.

One of the lowest points IMHO for Ginger Baker was the Cream reunion gig. On that DVD his drumming is uninspiring and flat to say the least. Just a personal viewpoint.

Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 04, 2009, 09:36:02 PM
There are many other great ROCK bands with fantastic Double Bass Drummers.
Ginger Baker was just the first, the innovator, the genius who started it all!!
DreamTheater with Mike Portnoy & Liquid Tension Experiment with Mike Portnoy are AMAZING!!
METALLICA with Lars Ulrich, Planet X with Virgil Donati, MEGADETH with Nick Menza, etc.

I saw The WHO with Keith MOON on Double Basses in '73 & that was really SPECTACULAR!!

Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: GonzoBass on April 05, 2009, 03:39:21 AM
What really bugs me is that in posting this you don't care about stepping on any ones toes.
I wasn't offended (much) by #17.

...but my Steinberger rocks.
 ;) :-*
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: lowend1 on April 05, 2009, 04:44:07 AM
There are many other great ROCK bands with fantastic Double Bass Drummers.
Ginger Baker was just the first, the innovator, the genius who started it all!!
DreamTheater with Mike Portnoy & Liquid Tension Experiment with Mike Portnoy are AMAZING!!
METALLICA with Lars Ulrich, Planet X with Virgil Donati, MEGADETH with Nick Menza, etc.

I saw The WHO with Keith MOON on Double Basses in '73 & that was really SPECTACULAR!!

In rock? Mmmmm... I dunno - Weren't Carmine and Moonie using two kicks around the same time as, if not before Ginger? Carmine had 'em in 1968 with The Vanilla Fudge. At any rate, I'm pretty sure that jazzer Louie Bellson came up with the concept.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 05, 2009, 05:05:32 AM
Thank you, yes! Carmine Appice~ Another great Double Bass ROCK drummer!!
Vanilla Fudge
Beck Bogart & Appice
Blue Murder
Great bands!!!
Ok~ so Ginger was AN innovator. :D

Mitch Mitchell also played Double Bass drums. His band was pretty good. lol
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: godofthunder on April 05, 2009, 07:50:15 AM
Yep, this was obviously meant in fun. No need to get upset about it.
Yeah I guess I have pretty thin skin.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 05, 2009, 04:06:44 PM
I wasn't offended (much) by #17.

...but my Steinberger rocks.
 ;) :-*

Haha Mine too!!
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: lowend1 on April 05, 2009, 04:21:51 PM
Yeah I guess I have pretty thin skin.
Guy with big bald spot here...
Nah, it's not the skin that's thin... ;D
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: lowend1 on April 05, 2009, 04:27:35 PM
Haha Mine too!!

Back in the 80s I went to a little music expo over at the NY Coliseum - kind of a mini NAMM. The Steinberger booth had no amps - just a slew of Rockman/headphone stations. The sight of all these pseudo guitar heroes wailing away on those, those things without producing any sound was positively hysterical. Fretboard tapping, dive bombing sweep picking - all dead silent.  My friend and I laugh about it to this day.
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: godofthunder on April 05, 2009, 05:08:06 PM
 Gotta laugh your right !
Guy with big bald spot here...
Nah, it's not the skin that's thin... ;D
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Highlander on April 06, 2009, 04:36:39 PM
My Hohner's a headless "copy" but a sorta cross with a Status as opposed to a Steinberg Paddle, but I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm keepin' it...!

... and Neil Peart's not only got far too many drums, but usually tours with 2 kits, on the same podium, and I like him too...!

... oh yeah, nearly forgot, same excuse as Brett... I only own 3 basses and I use them all every time I play... mind you one gig in 21 years, I may as well make the most of it...   ;D

Cain't argue with most of the rest tho...

Mind you PJ, your bass probably takes up more room than my entire rig...  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

ps "Mr Skin, we know where you bin..." now he had too big a drum rig too, and I never saw him play a bad show... I guess it's differing skins for differing tins...

Lowend... I wish I could have seen that, too...  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Rhythm N. Bliss on April 06, 2009, 05:08:11 PM
Got to see SPIRIT just before Randy California checked out.
Got a tambourine signed by Ed Cassidy who RC introduced as "The Oldest Working Rock Drummer".
I think he was 75 at that time. Born in 1923! Looks like he's still with us:

Ed was amazing with that extra large drum added to his kit.

Again, a band's name says a lot. Would you go see Fergus & the Furballs?
Title: Re: Warning signs the band you're about to see will suck
Post by: Dave W on April 07, 2009, 10:36:23 AM

Again, a band's name says a lot. Would you go see Fergus & the Furballs?

Maybe, maybe not, but I won't go see (or listen to) a band whose name can't be said in polite company. And I'm no prude. It's just that if a band has to use an obscenity as a band name, the music won't be anything I like.