Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

Bash the new Gibson Bass!!!

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It's a fair question to ask whether Gibson really needed a third short scale bass (after the SG and the Hobbird) in their ranks. But then the sales of the SG obviously weren't abysmal. Makes Gibson probably the major brand with the most short scale basses on offer.  8)

They have also reintroduced the RD Standard,

albeit only as a guitar. But in maho. Start sending polite wish letters to Henry J. now.

Its such a lovely shape, why not do a Mahogany bass version with TB pups?

 I would be all over that.


--- Quote from: Barklessdog on May 06, 2011, 04:43:59 AM ---Why didn't they use the exact body shape of the original?
--- End quote ---

Yeah, I agree with John, When I heard about these, I was DEFINATELY going to get one. When I saw the pic, I changed my mind. Remins me too much of the money bass etc. Of their new offerings, a gold top Les Paul Standard bass is the only one I might go for.

If they're going to start focusing on short scale, I wish they'd reissue an authentic EB-3. 

Someone has to break it to you: The era of the mudbucker is - like that of the biplane - over.  :mrgreen: You'd bring a kid to tears today if you gave him a seriously "real" EB-3 for Christmas and he would then vainly attempt to sound like his favorite bassists with it.

Bringing it out as limited edition is another matter. If, say, the Custom Shop did 30 EB-3s for about 4.500 bucks a piece, aged and all, they would probably all sell over time. Not quickly though.

A mudbucker sound is a joy for the player, but it doesn't really record well (though in the CD age you could at least hear those sublows for the first time) nor work well on a stage. Never did. We'd see and hear a lot more of them if it had been otherwise.

And I'd never thought I'd see the day where I would read a Martin Heidegger quote here!!!  :mrgreen:


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