Gear Discussion Forums > Gibson Basses

Bash the new Gibson Bass!!!

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You forgot "this color rocks", how could you? :P

Uwe's edit: I have dutifully rectified my grave omission.

I like it. Like Uwe said: it's a nice nod to the Gibson past.
I saw it in Frankfurt at the Messe. The color looks beautiful in real life.

The nice chap from Gibson that I spoke with told me they changed the neckjoint area on purpose because the original double cut EB-0 had a very weak neckjoint. I think that makes sense.

I do miss the pickguard though...

What's not to like about it?  It's kinda cute.


--- Quote from: ack1961 on May 06, 2011, 03:42:29 AM ---What's not to like about it?  It's kinda cute.

--- End quote ---

"They missed it by this much" - (in a Maxewll Smart tone). Why didn't they use the exact body shape of the original? It does look like the Hammer, Epi Gennesis, Alembic, whatever, but not a Gibson 59 EB-0.

Still its cute in its own right, but so close to what we really wanted, so I vote dissapointment.


I'm surprised that no one made one here yet?


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