Song Suggestions Please?

Started by wellREDman, November 14, 2015, 03:08:37 PM

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Looking for some new songs to use with the autistic kids I coach, hoping you guys can come up with some suggestions

I need some more of what i call three chord wonders, the kind of thing where the chorus and verse are the same progression,  they don't have to be just three chords but do need to be major chords so they can be played on a barred open e tuned guitar.

  the best one I use is Sweet home Alabama, but also Hit the Road jack, the Passenger, Twist and Shout and All along the Watchtower(played with A major rather than Minor)

I know there are more out there but struggling to come up with them




"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...


Quark strangeness and charm - Hawkwind   D C and G if i recall correctly...
Louder bass!.

Dave W

Off the top of my head, plenty from early rock & roll.

Chuck Berry: Johnny B. Goode, School Days, Sweet Little Sixteen (and Surfin USA  ;))

Little Richard: Slippin' and Slidin', Keep A Knockin'

Elvis: Hound Dog

Fats Domino: Walking To New Orleans, I Want To Walk You Home

Bill Haley: See You Later Alligator

A little later...

Spirit In The Sky

Wild Thing

If you want a little country nusic thrown in, there's always Ernest Tubb's Walking The Floor Over You


Almost all of the British Invasion stuff from the 60's should work well for the kids.


Leaving on a Jet Plane. Same progression for verse, bridge and chorus (Denver just sings different melodies over the eternally repeating C/F/C/F/C/F/C/F/G).

Walk on the wild side is mainly D and A, the B in the chorus is minor but as Reed doesn't sing any thirds there, you can get away with major.

Same thing with You Can't Always Get What You Want, it's nearly all C and F with the occasional D minor, but major works.

Speaking of Stones: Sympathy for the Devil is all major: E/D/G/E in the verse, B/E in the chorus.

Oh, and you can skip the A minor in Knocking on a Heaven's Door and just play  G/D/C all the time.

Back to the Stones, Satisfaction is all major, E A und B in the verse, E and D in the chorus (Wyman plays an A instead of the D).

Oh yeah, Them's Gloria is all major too, D/C/G as is Uriah Heep's Stealing.

Bowie's Heroes can be played sans the minor chords. The verse is D and G, the bridge is C and D and then A minor and E minor and then D, but the minor chords can be replaced by C and G respectively (the blessing of the circle of 5ths, eat your heart out Kurt Cobain!) and then D with the chorus being again the C, G and D progression.

Finally Free's Alright Now uses again that all major progression D C and G (or A G and D if you use the key of A). Highway to Hell is similar and also all major: verse A G D (E when it goes into the chorus) and chorus is again A G D.

Your pupils will probably prefer you to try that last song with them first!  :mrgreen:

That D C and G progression is also useful for hollering "Naa-na-naa na-na-na-naa na-na-na-naa ... hey Jude"!  8)
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

Quote from: Rob on November 16, 2015, 06:52:56 AM
Almost all of the British Invasion stuff from the 60's should work well for the kids.

Not that many with the same progression in the chorus and verse.


cool keep em coming,
  the chorus/verse being the same progression is the main thing, the ability group  that i am looking for get too anxious  if they have to keep track of where they are in the song or can get lost , but if they can just keep chugging through the same progression they can really enjoy themselves

I also forgot too say needs to be parent friendly cos its to be performed at end of term show, I've already had to refuse  " Highway to Hell " for my more able students, because you never know whether a parent may be hyper religious etc.

Knocking on Heavens door works if you swap the A minor for a Major too, my mid level group do that already

So far I think Wild Thing is the winner, but there still might be a something better, thanks for all the ideas


I've already had to refuse "Highway to Hell " for my more able students, because you never know whether a parent may be hyper religious etc ...

What have we come too!  :mrgreen:

Most Stryper numbers are harmonically too complex.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Quote from: Dave W on November 16, 2015, 08:10:35 AM
Not that many with the same progression in the chorus and verse.

Good point I was blinded by sneaking in here from work.  8)



Quote from: amptech on November 17, 2015, 01:51:52 AM
they all have different chorus progressions to verses don't they, if there is one that doesn't that would be sweeet


Peter Gunn theme. Good rhythm makes a big difference in it.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."


Quote from: uwe on November 16, 2015, 11:12:42 AM

What have we come too! 

Tell me about it, I'm an old  punk , rebellion is in my blood,

I guess its a sign of maturity that I can make pragmatic decisions that are the antithesis of what I feel