Something else to blame Apple for

Started by PhilT, July 31, 2008, 07:26:35 AM

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According to another highly statistically significant survey, iPods are to blame for people not knowing the lyrics to songs.

Apparently it's the "National Year of Reading" over here, which I first took to be Reading, pronounced "Redding", a town in southern England that holds a large annual rock festival. But,no, it's reading, as in books.

True to form, the Daily Star's write-up is more entertaining.


It went down the crapper with cassette & 8 track tapes.

CD's really killed the whole listening experience. Apple is just the latest step in the removal of half of the whole listen experience.

No more buying bands just for the cover art, or who played bass or drums that you know (you dont know jack now)

Dave W

Quote from: Barklessdog on July 31, 2008, 07:37:26 AM
No more buying bands just for the cover art, or who played bass or drums that you know (you dont know jack now)

Well, John, I suppose I ought to let you in on a secret: there's this thing called Google and you can use it to find out more about those bands than you ever could from an album cover or insert. Maybe even obscure lyrics.

I can't remember ever buying an album for the cover art.


Quote from: Dave W on July 31, 2008, 08:59:02 AM

I can't remember ever buying an album for the cover art.

Man, I sure can! 


I would go to used record & cut out records, try new bands by either cool covers, or have musicians from artists I really liked that had ever changing line ups, like King Crimson, Zappa, etc. Oh I liked Bruce Fowler, he played on this LP. I would buy it. A lot of great side musicians could lead to new band discoveries. Also I remember always looking at the import bins as well.

I don't know who played what where on CD's / downloads these days. Yes, you can research them online now, but it's hardly the same sitting in your room, listening to music studying every detail of the artists playing, the art work & how it relates to the music (Rick Wakeman's Solo stuff) and lyrics.

Now, unfortunately, I do not listen to music at home anymore, but by or download something discard the materials it came in and download it, then hit shuffle play. It's out of laziness nothing more.


"I can't remember ever buying an album for the cover art."

That's a sad thing to say, Herr Westheimer, how could your adolescence have been so devoid of visual stimuli I cry? That Roxy album was iconic. And I unashamedly can name a few other albums I got interested in and eventually bought just for the cover (most of them were actually very good too):

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

It wasn't. I thought plenty of album covers were cool, but a well done cover was never enough to make me buy an album.


Who can forget Blind Faith ?- I could never buy that because of the cover.

Chris P.

A good album has a matching cover. I bought albums which were totally unknown for me for the covers and they turned out great.

Skate Rat: Please don't read this: I sometimes buy CDs cos there's a cat on the cover. You can't go wrong with cat CDs.

Carole King - Tapestry
Ry Cooder - My Name Is Buddy
We Are Scientists - .....
Black Eyed Dog - Love Is A Dog From Hell (yes it has a cat on the cover!)
et cetera


Quote from: Barklessdog on July 31, 2008, 12:23:39 PM
Who can forget Blind Faith ?- I could never buy that because of the cover.

Hmmm. That cover was the least of Blind Faith's problems. Our guitarist sent me an mp3 of Joe Bonamassa's version of "Had to Cry Today", which I liked so much I had to buy the album, and it was only then, reading the credits, I realised it was a Blind Faith song. So I went back to the original and discovered why it had totally escaped my notice before.

I'm having real trouble resisting the temptation to post the cover of "Houses of the Holy", but I must, so here's some more tasteful child-related cover art instead.


Oh come on, what's wrong with Houses of the Holy? Not that I think that it is musically a great album (though it has its moments and JPJ's keyboard playing is nice on it) or that the cover might not give some people some thoughts (back then and today), but so do pictures of the most innocent inanimate objects if you have a fetish relationship to them. Let's not get carried away with PC. So ...

- for the benefit of historical accuracy
- and because it was/is a great cover (implying mythology, not child porn to me)
- and also because there is nothing wrong with children playing naked as long as adults don't draw the wrong conclusions from it (my daughter went through a phase when she was five or six when the first thing she would do when her girlfriends visited her was undress herself and then instigate them successfully to do the same - she eventually grew out of it!),

voilĂ  HotH in full gatefold splendor:

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Rock Stars are the greatest excepted child under age sex offenders of the modern age.

R Kelly


Yes, and Jimmy Page worshipped Crowley who had an unhealthy interest not only in the occult, but also in minors. Still, that doesn't devalue the cover as a piece of art.

I always had a "children's souls ascending to some other world"-association with that pic. When Robert Plant's child died not so long after, the image I had of his child (I never saw a picture of it) was that of the children of Houses of the Holy. And I somehow associate it with Nicholas Roeg's dark classic "Don't look now!" too.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


With Yes it was all about the cover art.

Chris P.

I have some cover art books, which are very interesting. The children on the LedZep LP are just one boy and one girl. There's an interview in one of the books with the boy. He said he always went to record stores with girls to show them the record... which never impressed them:)

He also says he wants to make a new version of the cover when he's 80, with an all wrinkly ass;)