Thunderbird shootout.

Started by Alanko, July 29, 2015, 03:42:26 PM

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Psycho Bass Guy

Country rap: THE definition of irony. Crap for short (and accuracy). That shit is just plain terrible. Like it or not, true rap was a rhythmic expression of inner-city life by the people who lived in those ghettos. I went to a predominantly poor black elementary school and the kids beat box rapped there the same way older white kids made their own bands. Taking lazy overprivileged white trash who are aping that style after experiencing none of the hardships that gave rap artistic credibility and applying the sensibility of modern pop-rock "country," that's just THE definition for pure garbage. There may be some form of it out there that has merit, but it sure as hell isn't anything that sounds like that video.



Are we not rappers ? No we're Devo  ;)
Experience is the ultimate teacher


We need a "cow pie/BS"  emoticon - something with flies buzzing about!


If I were a "country girl", I'd be both insulted and repulsed by that last video.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."


Yep, I'm wishing I had skipped my late Sunday morning breakfast after watching 20 seconds of that :sad:

Dave W

"Country rap" is referred to by critics as hick-hop. I believe it was introduced by Jason Aldouche Aldean.

If you like to read funny putdowns of modern "country" try Reginald Spears on Twitter. He's the brainchild of the guy who writes the Farce The Music blog. Or Drunken Martina on Twitter or Facebook.


I respect Willie Nelson as a composer..."Crazy" is about as good as it gets...same goes for Merle Haggard, and especially Lester and Earl...

There is no art or value to the crap that I have heard lately.  It is crap performed by the ignorant...

Willie kind of reminds me of Sir Paul, in that he is aware of show tunes, tin-pan alley tunes...he knows how to construct a good melody with changes that resolve logically...even though he probably can't read music.  Point is, that Willie and Paul are educated in the music of the past, and THAT enabled them to create valid music for the present and the future.

To this day we still play "Wichita Lineman", by Jimmy my mind that song is an absolutely timeless masterpiece...and every time I let that bass solo rip, I pray I do the song justice...if I could write a song, I would want it to be like "Wichita Lineman".  Timeless. "And I need you more than want you...and I want you for all time..." If I came up with stuff like that I would not be an accountant in Cincinnati Ohio.

That's what music should be about. Yes, I am extraordinarily passionate about this without passion is nothing, just wanking.


I have to watch what I say round here.  8)

Slap is a valid technique; Peg by Steely Dan wouldn't be the same without it. Slapping seems to be the go-to technique for a lot of Youtube videos and, for me, it doesn't really tell me a lot about how a bass sounds. To give the example before (possibly the Bluesman vintage dude), there is a bald fellow on Youtube that demoes a bunch of '70s Rickenbacker 4001 basses. He A/Bs them in some videos. He talks about the nuances of the tone, but he has a really spiky, peaky slap thing going on the whole time. Or he tries to play finger style as fast as possible. Nothing else, and you can hear the acoustic sound of the Rick over whatever amp he's using. It seems like a wasted opportunity to hear some cool old Ricks.


boy do i agree with you. just yesterday i was on you tube trying to find amp reviews using my tone. flats on a p or j bass with real heavy low end. all i got were slappers galore to the extent i could not use a damn thing i heard to decide on an amp purchase.  >:(
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


This isn't really a new thing happening. When I tested by T-Bird in the shop 25 years ago I played some normal runs, then tuned it to drop-D and tried my hand at Jailbait ( of course  ;) ) and the shop attendent came looking because he hadn't heard a guy testing a bass without slapping for ages .......
Experience is the ultimate teacher

Psycho Bass Guy

More on the worthless shit that calls itself country rap: I watched some more of that video and it REALLY pissed me off. The assholes making that "music" are the kinds of guys I made sure knew to step to other side of the hall in high school when I walked by. They're about as country as Donald Trump and I'd love the chance to take every one of their worthless white trash asses out into the woods in the actual country to prove themselves and their "country boy-ness" for a single night. The coyotes would eat well. I grew up on a farm, drive a pickup truck, and own a John Deere tractor that isn't a lawnmower.  Not a single example of "being country" they supplied in the minute of that "song" that I suffered through (that's all I could take without punching through my monitor) is anything to do with actually growing up in the country and being a rural farmer. City bitch? Every one of them


Is that an inferiority complex I detect?  :bored:

Not sure why you are posting this shit in my thread about Thunderbird basses.

Psycho Bass Guy

Quote from: Alanko on August 03, 2015, 01:02:20 PM
Is that an inferiority complex I detect?  :bored:

Not sure why you are posting this shit in my thread about Thunderbird basses.

Things go off topic here. It's one of our more endearing traits. I didn't realize that this was your thread. Sorry for the intrusion.  I found the content of that terrible video appalling before, and was giving it another chance today with fresh eyes. It was even worse.  Inferiority complex?  Test any part of that at your leisure.

Dave W

Quote from: Alanko on August 03, 2015, 01:02:20 PM
Is that an inferiority complex I detect?  :bored:

Not sure why you are posting this shit in my thread about Thunderbird basses.

Things go way off topic here all the time. And any thread here that goes on long enough will eventually turn to Ritchie Blackmore. It's just the way things are. Might as well get used to it.

My guess is that Psycho Bass Guy has a superiority complex about bro-country and hick-hop. I sure do.