Another thread about that other British band ... (no, not that one!)

Started by uwe, October 29, 2014, 09:21:03 AM

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Anybody already given the 2014 remasters plus "companion discs" of Led Zep IV and Houses of the Holy a listen? I'm listening to Houses of the Holy and the clarity as well as Bonham's forceful bass drum is something to behold. Quite some new sonic detail too, percussion, keys etc, the Zep guys were committed studio ornamentalists, but weren't overt about it. It's no wonder that they found a lot of this hard to replicate live. Plant's vocal lines got more and more off the wall with that album too, you can virtually hear him thinking "let's not do something obvious here ...". Close to Gillan's development actually whose vocal melodies became more outlandish as DP progressed in the seventies which finally got him the boot from Blackmore who liked "tuneful vocal lines people can hum". Not much to hum along on this album, it's basically Prog.

Haven't listened to IV yet, I know it's their iconic album, but much like DP's Machine Head it's been played to death over the decades. Admittedly - and, no, children hold no sexual attraction for me - I was always attracted by those kids on the Houses of the Holy cover clambering up that mountain, it triggered an Isaac-Abraham scenario in my mind ... children willingly climbing up the hill either to be sacrificed or to welcome some alien visitor.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


I recently just bought IV, probably a 90s reissue? But my copy of Houses is an old, original CD issue. I might go for this new one. That album has been in my life since at least 1975. I think my sisters had it on vinyl AND 8 track! Major stuff for me.


Coming after such a crowd pleaser as IV, the esoteric Houses of the Holy is nothing but brave. Atlantic gave them a lot of leeway.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Oh no! Not another Led Zep thread that is actually a Deep Purple thread in disguise...  :bored:

Or is this just to prove that rock is actually dead?



 I remember not liking Houses of the Holy nearly as much as IV ( I think the reached their high point with "When the Levee Breaks") and they sure as hell couldn't play any of it for shite when I saw them. 
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...


Quote from: Basvarken on October 29, 2014, 10:38:05 AM
Oh no! Not another Led Zep thread that is actually a Deep Purple thread in disguise...  :bored:

Or is this just to prove that rock is actually dead?


You unthankful sod! Here I go and still support your heroes with royalties ...  :mrgreen:
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...



Do you now deny repeated defense of Zep and their doings in this forum of forums, mortal?!!!!
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


As much as I respect them the only real hero of mine is Phil Lynott.
You know the guy the fronted that pedestrian Wishbone Ash wannabee band  :rolleyes:


And couldn't play bass well enough for Ian Paice and Ritchie. You forgot that, sweetheart, let's attempt to be comprehensive in our judgement!  :-*

I probably jam on the Sun Goes Down bass run more than you do!!!  :mrgreen: And for the record: Your Phil was a good lyricist while Wishbone Ash are terrible in that department.

But I can't help it if Herr Lynott recognized a good thing when he heard it for the first time! Come on Rob, your German is good enough ...

MetalPfälzer: Da Ihr ja so lange dabei seid, so viel Material geschrieben habt, Du so viel Einblick in die Szene hast, WISHBONE ASH für viele eine große Inspiration darstellt, größer als die meisten ahnen ...

Andy Powell: (übernimmt meinen Gedankenansatz) Oh ja, da gibt es einige, Phil Lynott sagte bei einer Show von uns in London, dass das der Sound wäre, den er für seine Formation anstrebt. Damals hatten sie noch nicht diesen Twin Leadsound, weil sie ja auch nur einen Gitaristen hatten. Das selbe gilt für IRON MAIDEN, die ja ein paar Mal für uns eröffneten, aber auch für LYNYRD SKYNYRD oder OPETH, für viele weitere sehr verschiedene Acts. Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, andere Bands beeinflusst zu haben, das fühlt sich gut an, dadurch merkt man, dass der eigene Sound den Menschen etwas bedeutet.


"Phil Lynott kam zu unserer Show und meinte, das wäre der Sound, den er sich für seine Band wünschen würde!"
Wer hat´s erfunden?
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Quote from: uwe on October 29, 2014, 01:20:19 PM
And couldn't play bass well enough for Ian Paice and Ritchie. You forgot that, sweetheart, let's attempt to be comprehensive in our judgement!  :-*

That is probably one of the reasons why he's a hero of mine. :mrgreen:

And about Wishbone Ash being an example for Phil;

Have you ever heard of Pieter Lastman? Guess you haven't.
He was Rembrandt van Rijn's master.
So who do you think is the better artist?
Know what I mean?  ;)

And yes, like you said, Phil was a great songwriter and lyricist to boot.


Sooo... what we have here is a LZ thread, disguised as a DP thread, which in reality is a TL thread?  :o


You forgot Wishbone Ash.  :mrgreen: The Flying Dutchman tried to derail us, just ignore him.

The remasters are excellent quality, no two ways about that. I'll write more when I've heard IV. The companion disc to HotH was quite enlightening, Zep wouldn't have made such a bad instrumental band! On the other hand, No Quarter without Plant's vocals ambles around seemingly aimlessly (and I love that song when he sings it).

Oh, and I realized only today while reading the track title D'yer Maker to myself aloud that it is actually a pun on "Jamaica" in pidgin English ("Djuhrmaykuh"), duh!!!
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


It's not those who write the laws that have the greatest impact on society.  It's those who write the songs.

--Blaise Pascal


Quote from: uwe on October 30, 2014, 09:56:23 AM
... that it is actually a pun on "Jamaica" in pidgin English ("Djuhrmaykuh"), duh!!!

I can only presume it's part of a language issue...

No, she went of her own accord... ;)
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...