Let the healing begin, '67 Thunderbird

Started by godofthunder, July 06, 2008, 12:17:19 PM

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The last thing I need to be doing is screwing around with basses, I should be packing. I's been driving me nuts I don't have studs to mount the damn bridge ! I had Roy on the phone from RS last Thurs and I forgot to order some Tonepro studs. Sooooooooooooooooooooo I improvised. I took two round head woods screws with a head dia. that fit the bridge channel cut them to the right length. Next I wraped the thread end in masking tape so the were snug in the stud insert and gently screwed them in, presto stop gap bridge studs ! Hardware first then paint ! 
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird




We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Chris P.

Dolf Datsun has a BadAss on his NonRev and it looks fine:)


Quote from: uwe on July 08, 2008, 08:43:58 AM
I miss a Badass II ...

:mrgreen:        Uwe I would be happy to sell you the removed Badass II  ;D
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


 The transplant is complete ! I'm going to go over to my buddies house this morning and wire her up, I casn't find any of my tools they are all packed up   :sad: Looks better already !
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


i never cared much for ' pretty ' basses. this one looks great as is.


Baby steps my friends. I fixed the pushed in section of the control cavity, sorted out the controls and got things in the right spot, Tonepro studs installed, now all I need is a nice fresh set of Roto Sounds !
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


What did you have to do to repair the control cavity? Was it a difficult repair?


 When I got the bass the input jack was where the tone control should be. Typical Gibson damage the jack was pushed in and the wood around the area cracked and caved in. I worked glue into the cracks and used a block on either side ( covered with clear packing tape so they would not stick to the body) and clamped it up, presto no more pushed in top.
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


I have been so busy with the move I neglected to say that the tail piece is one that Bill (drbassman) has had made, really makes the bass !
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


I have a BA2 on my Fenderbird now, looks fine-sounds great but I think I'd rather have the bridge and tailpiece that you have on this one, Scott, looks nice. And I am also of the "looks fine as it is" bunch. Mojo!


Looking good! Are you gonna repair the finish to match?
I'm fixin' a hole where the rain gets in..........cuz I'm built for a kilt!


 I know Uwe will roll his eyes but I am a preservasionist/conservationist. one of my passions is period American antiques. I am torn with this bass as to what to do. So many IIs have been converted to IVs and so many tobacco sunburst refinned in custom colors.   I could easily do some conservation work on the finish and be quite happy but then there is the bridge pup to deal with. I could remove it and patch and false grain the area, soon to be worn away by my playing or I can fill the void and do a opaque custom color. I am leaning toward the refin and II status. If the bridge pup wasn't there I would leave the finish as is  no question. The bridge pup has to go.
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


Quote from: rockinrayduke on July 12, 2008, 08:37:36 AM
I have a BA2 on my Fenderbird now, looks fine-sounds great but I think I'd rather have the bridge and tailpiece that you have on this one, Scott, looks nice. And I am also of the "looks fine as it is" bunch. Mojo!

Ummm, have you looked under the BA2?  :o  I never considered installing a two piece setup and I did the typical hole under the middle of the bridge Fender thing to run the ground wire.  You'll need to do some work if you want to make the conversion - sorry ;)