Old Iron Sides T bird

Started by Barklessdog, July 04, 2008, 05:48:42 AM

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Quote from: Big D Bassist on July 09, 2008, 11:09:01 AM
I do have pictures of each that were posted, I just forget who they were posted by.

They came from my visit to Frankfurt. Glad to see that someone saved them.


I actually saw one of those new Sixx 'birds on the Japanese site "IshiBashi" or something like that......I think it was about $2300CDN/US


Yo are you Blackbird from the pit ?
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


Quote from: Nokturnal on July 04, 2008, 09:39:58 PM
I think the new Sixx model looks killer!! I love the look of the flamed pine wings (Just kidding about it being pine. Don't blast me!!).

A couple of the luthiers I know here in Oz tell me that certain kinds of Pine makes top grade tone wood. Huon and Baltic pines have both been mentioned.

Of course there is always IKEA Pine?  :popcorn:


Digresion our specialty!


Several of the earliest Telecasters were made of pine, but there are a small few grades you can use.  The clearest pine planks, if really dry can make an ok guitar/bass body.  But it is a very soft wood, so you couldn't be banging beer bottles on it, or bumping into your amp.  But as far as oak goes, I can't imagine a dried out and harder white or red oak plank would be too far off mahogany.  They made dining room tables out of the stuff.  I as always am open to making them out of anything that would be stable - even particle or laminates if they find a nice stable glue with some redeeming musical quality.  To some degree, I suspect that may be "green" thinking. 
Model One and Schallers?  Ish.


I guess Poplar or Basswood would be about the same as Baltic or Huon Pine wouldn't it? I mean the use it for floorboards here.
Digresion our specialty!


Quote from: godofthunder on July 14, 2008, 03:58:25 PM
Yo are you Blackbird from the pit ?

I am.....Mark (tbird1958) pointed me to here just yesterday!


Yes, she (= Fräulein Rommel) is very good at exerting her corrupting influence.


We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Quote from: uwe on July 15, 2008, 08:04:11 AM
Yes, she (= Fräulein Rommel) is very good at exerting her corrupting influence.



Thank you - glad to have found everyone (again) !! :mrgreen:



The more you think about it I bet it is ash. I can't see Gibson using oak just for him?


If Shavo wanted an oak wing TBird and Gibson wanted his name to grace a signature model, they would build him one no sweat.

If you read about oak as a potential tone wood, you hear all kinds of things: too heavy, too fissure prone, too narrow a frequency spectrum, "unremarkable" sounding, "too short-fibred for good sustain and resonance","though over-abundant it was never used for instrument building in the Old World so there must be something wrong with it for acoustic instruments at least", "Brian May's guitar is made of oak and sounds fine", "I know someone who built an oak Jazz Bass and it sounds great, kind of like ash", "premium quality drums are built from oak, so it can't be that bad as a tone wood", "requirements for a drum wood and a bass wood are totally different".

Given that we are only talking about the wings of what will still be a maho/walnut neck thru structure, I don't see anything that would rule oak really out should Shavo want it. Weight doesn't seem to concern him much as the enlarged headstock and vintage open tuners of the model I saw evidence. He probably just wants a TBird he can beat the shit out.

The Shavo model I saw was very handicraft/robust looking: The headstock looked plump and rough, the open tuners strangely old-fashioned, the silver-grey fin all streaky and the wood of the wings beneath that streaky fin plain. In contrast, the Nikki Sixx model hanging right beside it was a real eye catcher, but then this is Nikki's/Gibson's second (third, if you count the Epi) attempt at it!

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Maybe the Shavo will end up being like the last Nikki Six collectable, as I remember Guitar Center clearing them out for $499 back in the day.


All I know, is that I sure hope I can grab one of those new Sixx-birds...........it's a shame how Gibson keeps their loyal bassists out in right field......

Given the fact that there looks to be some in Japan...any ETA for North America?


I'm amazed it takes them so long to get these out. The Nikki Sixx ok - Mötley Crüe have ups and downs in their career (though I think the new album sounds great), but are meanwhile an established household name for driving under the influence, home videos in ill taste and heroin od induced heart stops plus 80ies noisy hair metal, people will always attach something to their name whether the bass is released now or in half a year.

But with System of a Down? Unlike Mötley members, you rarely see them in People magazine and Shavo is not a rock'n'roll outlaw icon like Nikki Sixx. That Shavobird should come out quickly while - given SOAD's uncertain future - the signature aspect still means something.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Another Gibson market failure!

The band is on hiatus for who knows how long, if they ever come back to any success, much like Korn.