Wiring & Pickup question -Chromium ?

Started by Barklessdog, July 03, 2008, 03:13:50 PM

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You guys are great!

I will see how things shake out at the guitar place, on Monday then yank it from them if they can't figure it out.

It really does seem simple what's being done, in theory, and the guitar guy seems to understand it, but just can't get it to work.


I talked to the place and they said they figured it out and got it working. The electronic guy was not there so I don't know how. Now I will have to find the time to get it (Downtown Chicago is 30 miles away from my house and I am still in Chicagoland!) I can get there in 45 minutes in good traffic and rush hour, around 2 hours + at worst.

Will keep everyone you updated once I can get down there.


Glad things are looking up!

I hope you didn't inspire the electronics guy to take to heavy drinking!   ;D


He said the electronic guy has been working on it for the last couple of days solid and when he walked buy him and talked to him, he ignored him, he was so focused wrapping his brain around it.

Hope it really works the way it should.