Lots of chrome in my life :)

Started by TBird1958, June 30, 2008, 12:36:07 AM

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I went from a Volvo to this Sooby. The Volvo was THE most comfortable car I've ever had but the Outback is still pretty good IMHO and more suited to my current requirements.

They recently change the open road speed limit in our Northern Territory from unlimited to 140kph. So Australia now has no more open road unlimited speed limits left.  Mind you, if you have ever hit a Roo at any speed you would know that driving fast on our roads any other time except broad daylight is like a crap shoot from hell.

Not familiar with the whole Lesbaru thing.

I guess you guys wouldn't be familiar with the whole Volvo = old man wearing a hat and a cardigan and driving very badly conotation either?  Back in the 70's Ford did a TV ad here that had a guy in a new hot Ford getting cut off by this now stereotypical Volvo driver and ever since that all Australians weather they have seen the ad or not associate Volvo drivers like this.

Ironically I believe that Ford now own Volvo. ;D

Digresion our specialty!


Quote from: Freuds_Cat on July 01, 2008, 02:34:14 PM
Ironically I believe that Ford now own Volvo. ;D

True. Volvo sold the car division in '99 and went on with the trucks, construction equipment, marine and aero divisions and also bought Renault Trucks,
Mack Trucks, Deutz and Nissan Diesel. I don't have to tell you I work at Volvo do I? :P

You have a really nice T'bird collection Mark.


Nice 'Birds Mark!  And did you know that Subaru backwards is U R A Bus?  I dated a gal back in 1981 that had a late 70's Subaru.  She loved that song by Blondie "Rapture" as well.

BTW, was the Camaro a '71?


 "I guess you guys wouldn't be familiar with the whole Volvo = old man wearing a hat and a cardigan and driving very badly conotation either? "

There is a Scandanavian suburb of Seattle called Ballard, this sort of thing is a virtually endless source of local humor............driving well under the speed limit with your seatbelt hanging outside the car while staring thru the steering wheel  ;)

"Not familiar with the whole Lesbaru thing.

For awhile here in the States Martina Navratalova (famous lesbian tennis star) was the spokesperson in their ad campaign, thus the start of the whole Lesbaru thing, they're very popular in the gay community........ :gay:

Ahhhh....the Camaro was a '73, my mom's old car, she drove it for many years, my band's singer really wanted it - so she's got it and has completely restored it including new paint. If anything its way better than it was in the old photo.. 

Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen www.thenastyhabits.com  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...


Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


Quote from: godofthunder on July 02, 2008, 05:47:01 AM
Love the birds Mark !

Way to bring things back on topic Scott!

I had a Volvo Cross Country and it had the best seats of any car I have owned. Hands down the best!


Yeah My old Volvos seats would be about the best I've ever had too.
Digresion our specialty!

Chris P.

Great basses!

And talking about gay-ish cars. Mine's just the gay icon. It's a Renault Twingo and my T-Bird case reaches from the back to the transmission handle.
My old car broke down; I had no money for another car, but my brother and sister in law moved to KL, so I could buy their car and I made a payment deal.

You won't believe it, but it transports:

- Me
- My girlfriend
- Orange AD200B head
- Orange 4x10
- 70s Kustom Bass head
- Fender 1x12 Deluxe amp
- two guitars (one gigbag and a case)
- two basses (one gigbag and a case)
- two cases with strings, leads, batteries, ...
- an FX rack
- and sometimes VJ stuff like a screen and some more cases!

Yep, all in this tiny car!

(This isn't my car, but it has the same colour and big sunroof.)

BTW: Uwe: I see you have a new car. This one suits you better! I like it!


I fell for the SUV craze with my last leased car, that Volvo XC-90. Great car it was, but a hypher-charged tank with an eight-cylinder engine and 320 something hp is still a tank at the end of the day. It was great for travelling for tall rear passengers but its ungainly width drove me nuts. I don't know how many times I bumped the darn things butt and sides in subterran garages so popular in Frankfurt. You'd always get around with the snout, assume you're safe and then ... the sides or the butt would screech along a wall or corner ... 

The V-70 feels like a sports car in comparison and can still carry a sizeable amount of bass guitars.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


"It's a Renault Twingo"

Okay, this has to be THE GAYEST name EVER for a car!.............
That is likely the gayest car I've ever witnessed............There's hope for you yet  ;)
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen www.thenastyhabits.com  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...

Chris P.

I'm ashamed of my car. And the worst thing is that our former lead guitar player had a Twingo too. And another guitar player I know. we used to come to gigs in two Twingos... That isn't rock 'n roll. That means people don't take you seriously and... and...

... well, it just sucks.

Last week I drove behind an enormous Dodge Ram pick up. It was so high and wide I could drive my Twingo underneath it if I wanted. At the back it has this little chrome plate with 'Heavy Duty' on it. I want such a plate for the back of my Twingo!  :)

Heavy [heavy]
Duty [duty]

Heavy duty, rock 'n rohoholl!

(Spinal Tap)

I like Subarus and the sound their boxer engines produce. You need a good rhythm section to reproduce the sound a well running boxer engine.

Well, if we're married I can use your Subaru and you can strenghten your reputation by coming to gigs in 'our' Twingo. 


"Well, if we're married I can use your Subaru and you can strenghten your reputation by coming to gigs in 'our' Twingo."

I was worried for a while about these two, but now things look hopeful again.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


 One thing for certain I'd much rather ride in the Twingo than the Dodge..........just stopping at the gas station twice to fill one of those would get you a new bass!  It's vehicles like that, that make me feel shame at being an American, excessive, wasteful and oblivious. Besides we have a saying over here, "The bigger the truck, the smaller the  :o"  


Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen www.thenastyhabits.com  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...




If it weren't French I'd think it's a streamlined Yugo!  Complete with two motorcylce transmissions mounted side by side.
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen www.thenastyhabits.com  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...