Every puppy has its day

Started by Dave W, July 20, 2013, 12:22:33 PM

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She was a beauty. Very sorry to hear about your loss Dave.


my heart goes out to you, dave. losing a pet is the toughest thing to go through. luckily you guys had a nice long time together.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead

Dave W

Thanks for all the kind thoughts, guys. She was 2 when I rescued her, I'm blessed to have had her for so long.

John, you're right, it never gets any easier, and the older you get, the more you feel the loss.


Take some time out and consider giving a "rescue" a second chance...
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...


Dogs are the best friends...people not so much.  You can trust a dog.

Dave W

Quote from: CAR-54 on July 21, 2013, 05:39:51 PM
Take some time out and consider giving a "rescue" a second chance...

Jody was a rescue, she was 2 when I bailed her out of a shelter in 1998. When the time comes, I'll adopt another rescue.


We had a dog pretty much all of the time for 33 years. We decided to wait a while before adopting another one until we did a more traveling this time. I always had a hard time kenneling my dogs........ They are like a kid, you pretty much plan everything around them.
There's no such thing as gravity, the earth just sucks!!


God bless you. I have owned many types of animals but nothing comes close to owning a dog, specially a rescue dog. If you never owned one don't. Its just not the same with cats and we have owned many cats. I think it's the whole pack mentality with dogs the way they bond with you in ways that is hard to convey to others.

Our dog is three and never knew how to play with a dog toy, sleep in a bed, go for a walk, never saw a child before, did not even understand being petted.

When we brought him home, we had him in the backyard to take pictures of him. He came over to me, threw himself on my lap and looked up into my eyes, like he was saying  "thank you". the best part is I have the pictures of the experience. We needed each other and he has now become attached to me and only me.


What a cute little man!

there's no lovin' like dog lovin'  :)
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Very sorry for your loss Dave. 



Quote from: Dave W on July 21, 2013, 06:26:39 PM
Jody was a rescue, she was 2 when I bailed her out of a shelter in 1998. When the time comes, I'll adopt another rescue.

That's the way to go.  I worked at an animal shelter when I was young, and it was sad to see how many get put down for no reason whatsoever - other than the lack of a home.

Very sorry for your loss.


VERY SORRY for your loss. We just had to put our Red Nose Pit Daisy down a few weeks ago. I will NEVER get over that. My condolences.

Dave W

Thanks, guys. It's a comfort to me.


Very sorry Dave. Looks like she was a great sidekick.