RIP Neil Armstrong

Started by lowend1, August 25, 2012, 02:51:55 PM

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Psycho Bass Guy

Quote from: uwe on August 28, 2012, 10:26:20 AMIf I may venture forth a slice of strictly personal opinion (with all due respect for those who believe that Kennedy was shot by someone else, there was no moon landing at all and that the CIA/FBI blew up the WTC): If this had all happened in the studio wouldn't they have taken a decent shot of Neil too? It's not like they would have been under time pressure for fear of oxygen running out, you know ...

Kennedy WAS possibly shot by Oswald, along with a group of CIA snipers. We DID go to the moon, and our physical presence into space has never again extended that far, by design and collusion (sensor packs can conveniently be made to ignore things that pesky humans would notice.) And while the CIA and FBI did not directly handle 9/11, they certainly were complicit, whether by incompetence or malevolence depends on the perspective of the observer.

...thanks for tuning in to the paranoiac's guide to recent history.  ;)