Nicest Cease and Desist Letter Ever Written

Started by OldManC, July 23, 2012, 04:03:06 PM

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QuoteJack Daniel's has been credited forsending the nicest cease-and-desist letter ever.

The distillers recently said they were "certainly flattered" by an authors' use of their trademark on a book cover, and that because the author is "both a Louisville 'neighbor' and a fan of the brand," they're only asking him to change the cover design when the book reprints. And if he decides to change it earlier, they'd be "wiling to contribute a reasonable amount toward the cost of doing so."

Does Jack Daniel's attorney deserve a toast?

I saw this on Facebook and thought it worth passing on here. :)


You don't have to be a bully all the time.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

Quote from: uwe on July 24, 2012, 05:23:04 AM
You don't have to be a bully all the time.

Watch out, you could be disbarred for admitting that!  ;)

Uwe's Edit: You have no idea how often I talk my clients out of lawsuits and settle things! Lawsuits are much like war, everyone cheers at the beginning of them. Until the cripples come home.


You know with lawyers it's all about tactics ......  ;)
Experience is the ultimate teacher


"Amateurs talk tactics, pros talk logistics."

Napoleon is to have said that and if there is one armed force in the world that has taken it very successfully to heart then it is the US Armed Forces. D-Day wasn't much of a tactic - storming a heavily defended and armed beach hardly ever is -, but one hell of a logistic feat which at that point no other military force could have performed. 
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


That also corresponds to Colin Powell's approach - assemble overwhelming force, then commit.  That's one helluva logistical approach.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."


Overwhelming force saves lives (of your own men) and ends wars quickly (once you had landed in Normandy, the mighty German Reich lasted for less than another year and was already technically knocked out after six months). 10:1 or more is a good ratio when attacking. Every US casuality in Iraq or Afghanistan is bitter and tragic, but in sheer numbers (ratio of losses to men deployed) your losses are puny. Especially considering the fact that most of these occurred after traditonal war action stopped and terrorist/resistance attacks ensued.

The US ability for efficient logistics (whether North Africa, Sicily, D-Day or island hopping in the Pacific) should never be underestimated (and those who did paid dearly), Napoleon was right, it is what makes a modern army. The much heralded German Army for all its initial successes against enemies with outdated tactics failed bitterly whenever it came to the challenges of mega logistics. Not even a geographically vulnerable (once you have the men on the ground there) island like Great Britain could be conquered (the Romans did better!) and the Russian offensive died in bad and insufficient logistics.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


And I would say that the Russians learned on retreat that crash and burn tactics left the Germans with nothing to use and made their logistics even more difficult.
The thing can be said about the British, who took down every road marker in the UK, if I have my facts correct, to make a land invasion from the Germans a veritable nightmare.
Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty


every military officer should read 'the art of war'. pickett's charge at gettysburg and vietnam in general are great examples of what not to do. book is nothing but common sense and logical thinking that most commanders fail to grasp.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


Quote from: gweimer on July 25, 2012, 11:46:16 AM
And I would say that the Russians learned on retreat that crash and burn tactics left the Germans with nothing to use and made their logistics even more difficult.
The thing can be said about the British, who took down every road marker in the UK, if I have my facts correct, to make a land invasion from the Germans a veritable nightmare.

That left lane driving thing would have done us in. Not to mention the bad food.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


And then there were the Gummipuppen ......  ;D
Experience is the ultimate teacher

Psycho Bass Guy

Quote from: nofi on July 25, 2012, 01:03:41 PM
every military officer should read 'the art of war'. pickett's charge at gettysburg and vietnam in general are great examples of what not to do. book is nothing but common sense and logical thinking that most commanders fail to grasp.

The US never lost a single battle in the Vietnam War, but suffered from inept and politically motivated executive micromanagement at the rank of general officers and above. It was prolonged as an exercise to test US weapons versus Soviet weapons. Tactics were altered like lab conditions....and the US lost it, not because our troops were lazy druggies or because hippies undermined the 'silent majority,' but because it was a war never meant to be truly won. Much as the current prolonged pointless war in Iraq (cough...Iran), Vietnam was a dress rehearsal for potential future wars against the USSR and China.

Sun Tzu is required reading at all the military academies and postgraduate war colleges. Too bad he never addressed the implications of long-term artifical conflict on the imposing army.


True about Vietnam. Applying WW II logistic scales, you could have conquered that country in a few weeks (and have an ugly partisan war at your hands for decades). Trouble is neither China nor Russia would have allowed that mass of US military presence in their backyard (just like you wouldn't have with them in South America as your backyard). So you settled for playing with your military superiority (and the lessons learned in Vietnam have now made the US Army the best equipped infantry in the world). You fought just enough so that the North Vietnamese could not win and thought that would eventually wear them out - it didn't, they were fighting for a cause, like it or not, and proved persistent (in any case an Asian trait and then the Vietnamese are regarded as "the Prussians of Asia" to boot). They wore you out (psychologically, not logistically of course) and South Vietnam was a weak and corrupt puppet state, unable to give its war against the North any significance.

You should have sided with the North. Uncle Ho was an admirer of the American Constitution and of Abraham Lincoln (no doubt, he saw South Vietnam as the Confederacy). If there is one red (no pun intended!)  thread of ineptitude running through US foreign policy it is your abysmal choice of allies in the Third World. You mostly manage to end up on the side of regimes beyond their zenith and then stay by their side until their death throes scratching your head at what went wrong. And if you support a liberation movement by accident then they end up blowing up your WTC a few decades later. Some fine friends!
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Psycho Bass Guy

Quote from: uwe on July 28, 2012, 09:18:18 AMYou should have sided with the North. Uncle Ho was an admirer of the American Constitution and of Abraham Lincoln (no doubt, he saw South Vietnam as the Confederacy). If there is one red (no pun intended!)  thread of ineptitude running through US foreign policy it is your abysmal choice of allies in the Third World. You mostly manage to end up on the side of regimes beyond their zenith and then stay by their side until their death throes scratching your head at what went wrong. And if you support a liberation movement by accident then they end up blowing up your WTC a few decades later. Some fine friends!

No argument here. Unfortunately, the choice of third world US allies is generally made on financial, not political or any other noble consideration. We loved selling F-14 Tomcats to the Shah of Iran and chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, acting a broker for South American "Freedom Fighters," and playing Vietnam-by-proxy in Somalia and Nigeria.

Ho Chi Mihn, if left to his own devices (no French or US) would have united Vietnam as a communist state and in short order would have gone to war against Cambodia and Laos, possibly preventing the massive Khmer Rouge atrocities. Those would have stayed regional stalemates because the Vietnamese had no method of supporting any kind of thier own occupation and their superpower benefactors would not have provided them with anywhere near the means to fight. Few in this country would have heard of this backward little province until it became a mine for cheap labor in the late 90's, though Thailand would have begged for US intervention constantly. Southeast Asia as a whole would probably have a much smaller Muslim population and be much less supportive of extremist religous terrorists. ...woulda, coulda, shoulda


I'm wondering what the arrangement was with Lynyrd Skynyrd's marketing back in the 70's...?

I wore that shirt to death...

Several acts have "stolen" the idea since... :P
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...