Bizzaro String Theory

Started by nofi, December 11, 2011, 07:25:05 AM

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"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


Here is a guy who knows slightly more than nothing who has come to the realization that notes found on the D and G strings can also be found on the A and D strings. What a freakin' revalation ;D. It appears that he believes he is the first guy to discover this. I'm doubting he has a lot of study time in music theory ???.
WTF indeed.


he says 'bassists of the future' with little practice time will need this valuable info. again, wtf.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


The girls still won't sleep with him...
Telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty


He cant play bass, what the heck?

Dave W

Doug, Doug, Doug. Learn your fretboard. Maybe read a music book or two. Do you really think you're the first to figure out where the notes are?



The last two seconds with his wife shaking her head says to me that this isn't completely serious...

the mojo hobo

This guy is a genious. With only half as many strings twice the energy gets channelled into each string so it's twice as loud, and there is less of a chance of messing up the tricky part with less strings. Brilliant!


I'm pretty sure that's a "comedy" bit.  Look at the other videos from the same user that feature that guy.  At least, I choose to believe that's all done on for comedic effect.  I have to believe it.

Dave W

Yes, after looking at a couple more uploads, it's definitely an attempt at comedy.


The fact that this is a joke is a relief to me :P. A few years back my kid and some of his buddies were going to put together a band. All they had to do(and in this order ) was write some songs, get a manager to line up some gigs, and last but not least, learn how to play :o. I tried to teach the guitar player some basic barre chords but it was too difficult for him to do because he had his guitar slung so low. He had been working pretty hard on that low slung look and couldn't give it up just to squeeze in a few chords. He was determined to find another way that didn't involve all those different chord positions. Needless to say, the band never happened, but I sure would have loved to have caught my attempted training session on video. No one would have ever believed that it WASN'T  a comedy bit ;D