wElL, tHeY bUiLt At LeAsT oNe!

Started by uwe, August 22, 2011, 11:33:13 AM

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sOrRy HoW ThIs Is HaRd To ReAd, BuT sOaD fAnS dO tHiS!!! mUcH lIkE tHeIr MuSiC, tHiS mAkEs ThInGs MoRe DiFfIcUlT tO uNdErStAnD!!!!

oR MiNd-ExPaNdInG If YoU lIkE!!! i FeEl ExPaNdEd AlRiGhT AlReAdY.  :-\


nOt SuRe WhEtHeR tHeRe ArE noTaBlE dIfFeReNcEs OtHeR tHaN tHe LaRgEr HeAdStOcK aNd TuNeRs As WeLl As ThE aSh Or AlDeR WiNgS aNd OnE kNoB rEpLaCeD bY iNpUt JaCk. AnD uNmArKeD fReTbOaRd Of CoUrSe.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


HeAdsTock doEsN't hAve a RaiSeD cEnTer PiECe. THe GiBsOn lOgo iS On tHe HeAdstOck itSelF.


It PrObAbLy DoEsN't PlAy TuRkIsH mUsIc ToO WeLl EiThEr. JuSt A tHoUgHt!
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


tHiS wRiTiNg iS eNoUgH tO mAkE mE tHiNk tHaT bAsS iS pRoBaBlY sHiTe.


tHeY wIlL nEvEr GeT iT rIgHt, WiLl ThEy??????


mY dAiNe Is BrAmaGeD......

But I still kinda like the bass  ;)
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen www.thenastyhabits.com  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...


First..you strip the bass, dump those black pickups...make a raised laminate to put on the headstock. Dump the tuners and bridge while you're at it...Get Gotoh vintage reverse P bass tuners...Get a Thunderbird Tuneomatic (Scott's bridges) and tailpiece, get some Thunderbuckers (I would suggest the LOUDER ones)....paint it a cool colour...I like 50's and 60's Pastel auto colours and Dune Buggy/BassBoat Metal Flake...or Polaris (refrigerator) White...Then plug it in...should be ok then.





laSt TimE I felT eXpaNdeD it Was bAD meXIcan fOOd.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."

Dave W


Wake me when Gibson does something worthwhile.

Without alternating caps.

And no, the EB11 doesn't qualify, though I have to admit it isn't as ugly as I first thought.


I don't see anything wrong with it. Like the Blackbird, it's a bass for people attached to the artist. And if you like Shavo, you'll like this bass. That is what signature instruments are for. I saw it on a hanger at the Frankfurt fair, the silver-grey appealed to me, but the vintage-large headstock looked strangely out of place (I find the smaller headstock of modern birds more proportionate to the body).

I wished Gibson would do something radical with the TBird design for once. Something like the Firebird X, boldly going where no man has gone before (or would want to). Monorail bridge (in chrome to make you guys happy), piezo saddles, active electronics (but working also passive), extended upper reach, graphite strengthening of neck/headstock, effects useful for bass (flanger, overdrive, delay etc), Buzz Feiten bridge, the works.

Of course you guys would only moan why its not an exact sixties replica  :-* (the be- and end-all of TBirdism for you, I know!), but lesser folk like me would buy and play one in a heartbeat.

Henry J. are you listening?  :-\

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


dOeS tHiS mAn LoOk PlEaSeD?

NoT sUrE!!!!

NaW, mUsT hAvE bEeN aNoThEr OnE, tHiS sEeMs LiKe He'S tAkInG gOoD cArE oF iT:

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...
