Dylan's bass players

Started by Stjofön Big, May 24, 2011, 10:55:48 AM

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Stjofön Big

Dylan turns 70 today. He's a great artist, in my opinion.
What most people don't think about, concerning Dylan's road band, is the important part of his bass players. Listen to Rob Stoner of Dylan's Rolling Thunder band, or Tony Garnier, who's been in the band since 89. It was Stoner who took Dylan in the direction of rockabilly, and Garnier is obviously the leader, and glue, of the current band. Any insightful comments?


Yesterday I heard part of a '66 or '67 interview with Dylan, previously unreleased, in which he said he had had and beaten a heroin habit. The 4-5 minutes I heard of the interview was pretty interesting.
Why did Salvador Dali cross the road?


rob stoner played with robert gordon for awhile as well as link wray. that's what the liner notes said anyway.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead

Stjofön Big

"rob stoner played with robert gordon for awhile". Yes, and so did Tony Garnier. That first Robert Gordon record with Stoner, Link and drummer Howie Wyeth was great!
Might have been 10 or 15 years ago I did an interview with Stoner, along with another Dylan-freak friend of mine. We all drank too much, smoked too many Camels (no filters), and talked too much. Never wrote down that interview for the paper, don't even know if I still have the notebook. But I remember most of it.


Dylan, in one of his more gentle moods, pulled the rug from underneath Kenny Aaronson who was a member of his touring bad, but also very ill. When Kenny asked whether her might return to the band after treatment and reconvalescence (I believe it was some form of cancer), Rebbe Zimmermann offered helpfully: "Look, I don't really give a damn who plays bass in my band." True to his word, he never let Aaronson back into the band.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Aussie Mark

That Danko guy was pretty good too.
http://rollingstoned.com.au - The Australian Rolling Stones Show
http://thevolts.com.au - The Volts
http://doorsalive.com.au - Doors Alive



I had a 23 y.o. kid as my assistant editor when I was running one of the majoe music trade magazines in the '90s. One weekend, he went to the wedding of one of the other assistant editors.

On Monday, he came in and was telling me about the bash...when he mentioned "some drunk old Jewish guy who heard I worked for a music magazine and started telling me bullshit that he played with Bob Dylan, The Doors and on Super Session"....

And I yelled over into his cubicle...."His name wasn't Harvey Brooks, was it?"

After a HUGE silent pause, I hear "....he was FOR REAL?"

Kids just don't learn much in college anymore, even the fledgling guitarist wannabes.

I would think just playing bass on the sessions that produced "Like A Rolling Stone" (#1 Best Bob Dylan song in the latest Rolling Stone issue) and the Highway 61 Revisted album would be enough on a guy's resume alone to not be called "some drunk old Jewish guy." :)


harvey also played on miles davis' bitches brew. a versitile guy.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead