Song & Music Ideas

Started by Rhythm N. Bliss, November 20, 2010, 02:52:43 PM

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Rhythm N. Bliss

I've written a lot of songs which may not be worth recording but they'll still go into a book of lyrics & poetry someday.
Any other songwriters here? Maybe you've just been thinking about making a song & have only a title or a few good words or a piece of a piece of music that you'd like to share or maybe you have dozens like me!!!!
Put 'em here & get some feedback! Let's not be TOO brutal with our comments, ok?
Don't wanna scare anyone away!
Let's keep our criticism constructive if possible. :D
This is my latest song, which probly WILL get recorded!  8)


(Real HEAVY Heavy Metal---DUNH DUHN da da DUHN * DUHN DUHN)

makes ya do crazy things
when traffic makes you feel like a BEAST in a CAGE
& some WASP-like driver STINGS
Sometimes I wish I had a gun
but then I'd probly KILL someone

If I had a gun I would use it
I'd shoot out the tires of the BIG SHOTS with BIG TRUCKS
It's goood to be left handed. Ha!
They cut you off & try to run you off the road
They're some kind of EVIL F***S!

(MUSIC gets m-e-l-l-o-w, with sitar & tablas)

I'm learning to be kind & sweet & gentle
Yes, I'm becoming a real GENTLEman
a real pleasant fellow
My guru sings so nice & mellow
I'm following in his footsteps
controlling my ANGER, lust & greed by meditation
& the path of devotion

(music stays mellow but builds in inTENSITY)
But on my way home from sitar class
I got HONKED AT by some stupid ass
He flipped me off as he drove past
& yelled obscenities

(More POWER CHORDS & back to FULL-on METAL!)

So I threw a big handful of pennies
at his brand spankin' new Mercedes
Then I took an exit he couldn't make

(Brief return to mellowness)

Hey~ I overeacted
I guess it was a mistake
Maybe he learned a good lesson tho
I don't know haha


makes ya do crazy things
when traffic makes you feel like a beast in a cage
& some wasp-like driver stings
Sometimes I wish I had a gun
but then I'd probly kill someone

Kinda FUN!
Not a true story btw  ;D


I like it. I especially like this verse:

But on my way home from sitar class
I got HONKED AT by some stupid ass
He flipped me off as he drove past
& yelled obscenities

Rhythm N. Bliss

Thanks! I know it's silly but it's got dynamics.  :P
I've been criticized for being too rhymey. Blimey!
I've tried not to rhyme too much in songs but I  guess that's just part of my goofy style.

Rhythm N. Bliss

Spent all day Sun. in Traffic School & it was interesting to note that when a vid was shown about Road Rage & there was a story of a woman being shot in the face & killed by another woman everyone gasped with horror but then when a guy commented on it that he would have got out & shot her again to make sure she was dead, everyone laffed!

Workin' on a Blues song with the mindset that it's gotta fully express what livin' in this world is all about. Hope it doesn't make people commit suicide.

Only one verse so far:

Cruel World Blues

Whatever you do in this world, it all seems so FUTILE
There's danger at every step & the ways we get CLOBBERED are BRUTAL!
If you live long enuf to get old, it becomes HARD to even just get by
& what doesn't get taken by taxes is taken away when you DIE!
It's a CRUEL, CRUEL WORLD --& I'll be happy to tell it GOODBYE

Havin' fun with the bass on this one. It's BASSed on SRV's Tin Pan Alley--a real S-L-O-W G-R-O-O-V-E