Free bass!

Started by tbird freak, October 03, 2010, 11:26:48 AM

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tbird freak

My neighbor comes over friday, says he's seen me playin guitar and want to know if I want one he found up in his atic, said he forgot all about it tell he was cleaning it out.  I don't know what brand it is, its a copy of a ESP/LTD F modle for sure but holy crap! This thing acts like a active bass, volume knobs, just hardly turn em and wow! Tone knob the same way! And no its not active, I looked. But this bass is twice as loud as any of my others, I think I scored!
What you all Think of her?


Too many angles for my taste - I'd be out with the 300 grit sandpaper and all those peaks would be so much history...

If she plays, she plays... not many of us would look a gift-horse in the mouth...

The BIG bottom line is that if you are happy, that is the primary concern...

(pst... 300 grit sandpaper... ;D)
The random mind of a Silver Surfer...
If research was easy, it wouldn't need doing...
Staring at that event horizon is a dirty job, but someone has to do it; something's going to come back out of it one day...


nice bass. i would not change a thing. keep it totally free.
"life is a blur of republicans and meat"- zippy the pinhead


You sure some rats weren't chewing on it in the attic? ;D

Just kidding, great score!


Those will pop up on Ebay every so often. I think they are a Chinese ripoff of the ESP F model. Great deal getting one for free! Enjoy it!!


Quote from: dadagoboi on October 03, 2010, 03:09:50 PM
You sure some rats weren't chewing on it in the attic? ;D

Just kidding, great score!

Yep, giant rats.

Enjoy the free bass


JUST the thing to play when you have the urge to get into spandex!

No, actually, if it plays well, just enjoy it.  It's different - so what?
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."

tbird freak

Lmao!!! U guys are killing me! and ya buddy I do sooo miss the 80's! Man I'm old. Lol. Ya don't care what it is cause I still can't get over the sound, hate to say it but this thing makes my tbirds sound like dog do.
Ya I'm gonna play it n enjoy it, rats or not.


Looks kinda Dean-ish. Good score!
Digresion our specialty!

Rhythm N. Bliss

LOVE those bodies! I ordered a 7 string guitar like it in a lefty & paid for it in full from a guitar shop in Honolulu 10 years ago.
6 months later they hadn't made any leftys so I got my money back.
I think they STILL haven't made any leftys.  :rolleyes:
Really coool esp. for FREE! Congrats


Paint it red, and it will rock harder! It must be the free bass week, a friend was given a japan made squier p.
Black plastik is fantastik


Knarley bass!

Can't beat free!


I like those. My only quibble: It needs black hardware.

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...