Summer Movies

Started by Rhythm N. Bliss, June 25, 2009, 06:09:40 AM

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Dave W

Everything I've ever read about Quentin Tarantino and his movies makes me want to stay as far away as possible.


 I got to see District 9 over the weekend, I really enjoyed it. Filmed in South Africa, rather dark and taking it's inspiration from aparthide and internment............Not a mindless Hollywood action flick.
I highly reccomend it.  
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...


Is District 9 rated R, if so how bad was it?


I'd say it's mostly for language, the F bomb is used quite a lot, tho it's in what I'd call context, not gratuitously. Also there is a fair amount of violence and gore, somewhat disturbing but again not out of place. I dislike most Hollywood action movies so this was a refreshing change, no big name actors and a very gritty feel to a lot of the movie.
Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...

Rhythm N. Bliss

Saw the movie Taking Woodstock tonight. Thot it would be a good way to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock.
It had some good moments but way too many bad ones. Alas

Good to be reminded how great Richie Havens is:


Considering that it's a documentary shot in the middle of relative chaos, I found the movie Woodstock to be an impressive achievement.  I haven't seen it in years, so i'm about due.  The multiple-screen printing was highly innovative, and I thought they did a marvelous job of capturing the performances and announcements.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."


True. I think the sheer physical energy, abandon and, yes, technical craftsmanship of rock has never been captured better than on those ten minutes:

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

The essence of Woodstock is a bunch of dirty hippies getting up out of the mud long enough to shake their fists in a rage at the sky for daring to rain.


Dave gives new meaning to the term revisionist, sigh!  :rolleyes:

Hey, we were on the cover!

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

Quote from: uwe on September 04, 2009, 09:59:33 AM
Dave gives new meaning to the term revisionist, sigh!  :rolleyes:

Yeah. Reporting what actually happened is revisionist.  :P :P :P

Not that I mind. Hippies needed a place to go to express their nonconformity and individualism, while dressing and acting the same as every other hippie.  ;D

What bothers me is the idea that everybody in my generation was this way, that we were some kind of monolith. Trust me on this, that's total bullcrap. There were enough hippies to affect the course of events, but they were still a small minority of my generation. I knew hippies. I knew people who despised hippies and were gung ho about Vietnam. And everybody in between.


You don't believe that everybody at Woodstock was a hippie, whatever that ambiguous term means now and meant back then?  :rolleyes:

And more than a couple of hippies died in Vietnam. And as we all know more than a couple of ardent non-hippies chose to stick with the National Guard.

Woodstock and being hippie was not so much a political as a cultural phenomenon. And of course, "hippienism"  had conformist streaks. Whenever a counter-culture group decides to non-conform, they put up their own conformist rules in their little world. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis, the ole Hegel/Marx thing. But you knew all that already.

Can we now speak of Angela Davis?  :mrgreen:

While listening to this here?
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

Yes, it was more about culture than politics. It was a big counterculture event. Emphasis on counter. As in, it wasn't the mainstream then. What I object to are the "journalists" who apparently have convinced themselves that it was.

No, not everybody at Woodstock was a hippie. Probably no more than 99%.  :P

I can't think of Joanie Phony without thinking of Tom Lehrer's "Folk Song Army."

Rhythm N. Bliss

Surrogates is in theaters today!
Next Friday: ZOMBIELAND!!!

These are gonna ROCK!!


Quote from: Dave W on September 04, 2009, 09:41:02 AM
The essence of Woodstock is a bunch of dirty hippies getting up out of the mud long enough to shake their fists in a rage at the sky for daring to rain.

Hey, at least they got a bath that year!

Dave W

Quote from: OldManC on September 26, 2009, 09:14:34 AM
Hey, at least they got a bath that year!


Maybe part of the 40th anniversary celebration will be to take another. You can't rush these things.