Bartolini Thunderbird CB pickups?

Started by Dark Storm, May 09, 2009, 09:30:05 PM

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Dark Storm

Does anyone know if they're good pickups?

Do they sound in any way like Thunderbird pickups?

I'm building a bass, and I'd like to get a T-Birdish sound,
been playing a Epi, and really like the tone.

I can't buy propper T-Bird pickups on eBay, or get Lull's, btw.


First,  Welcome  :)

Are we talking about the Bartolini replacement Thunderbird pups?
I bought a very beat up '76 'Bird that had one of these in the bridge position, it really did sound a lot like a contemporary Gibson. Its rumored the Bartolini actually makes Gibson's pickups (I wouldn't be surprised) and the one in this bass sounded pretty nice, tho I guess "modern" as opposed to the growly original  one. It took awhile but I eventually replaced the Bart with an N.O.S. 76 pup that has a 13k ohm reading......... Oh, and it was chrome  ;D

Here's the bass right after I had it re-fined, note the black pick up in the bridge position, the shot was taken at BassNW

Here it's fully restored and has some N.O.S. chrome parts to finish it up, I rarely take this bass to a show............It's too pretty and I've been know to fall down onstage while spazzing  ;)

Resident T Bird playing Drag Queen  "Impülsivê", the new lush fragrance as worn by the unbelievable Fräulein Rômmélle! Traces of black patent leather, Panzer grease, mahogany and model train oil mingle and combust to one sheer sensation ...

Dark Storm

Thanks Tbird! It is the Bartolini replacement ones I'm interested in.
Sounds like a good pickup then.

Quote from: TBird1958 on May 10, 2009, 12:38:36 AMtho I guess "modern" as opposed to the growly original  one.
This is the part that worries me though, what interested me in the Thunderbird was its deep growly sound, perfect for rock.

Lovely bass, I'd be distracted by it too!:)


 I have one I installed in my '76 Ibanez Destroyer in '84. Great sounding pickup, I have been thinking of swaping it out for a SD  repro Thunderbird pickup. I had a '76 TB pup in there before the Bart.
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird

Dark Storm

How does it sound to you, clean and clear? Growl? Somewhere in the middle? Trebley?

How would I find a Duncan repro, can't find it on their site, or for sale....

Funny you should post that pic, the bass I want them for is an Explorer I'm building.

Looks awesome!

Dave W

The Duncan is a custom shop item even though it's not shown in their custom shop listings.

Dark Storm

Dave W

If you want to know more about the Duncans, send a PM to drbassman in case he doesn't see this thread, I know he has ordered them. Can't remember who else.

Dark Storm

Thanks again dude, I might just do that. :)


Quote from: Dark Storm on May 10, 2009, 08:35:25 AM
How does it sound to you, clean and clear? Growl? Somewhere in the middle? Trebley?

How would I find a Duncan repro, can't find it on their site, or for sale....

Funny you should post that pic, the bass I want them for is an Explorer I'm building.

Looks awesome!
It has been a while since I have had that bass out. I paired the Gibson mudbucker with the Bart on purpose to help balance the mud. As I recall the Bart has a nice clear high output treblely mid tone works really well with the mudbucker. I don't think it sounds anything like the contemporary black TB plus pickups, I find those sort of clubish and not very musical.
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird


 I have had a Seymour Duncan custom shop pickup installed in a '76 cover. On ebay greatdealz1967 has NOS '76 picup covers and rings for $29 bucks a real deal imho. It costs around 190 to get the '76 cover stuffed with '60s TB repro guts. They sound spot on next to a original '60s pup.
Maker of the Badbird Bridge, "intonation without modification" for your vintage Gibson Thunderbird

Dark Storm

Quote from: godofthunder on May 10, 2009, 11:09:02 AM
As I recall the Bart has a nice clear high output treblely mid tone

Now this sounds like it could work!

I'd be installing a three way series/single/parallel switch to each pickup, would add depth, and a Fender four way neck/series/parallel/bridge sliding switch for pickup selection. Master Vol and tone.
Basically the wiring setup of a Fender Roscoe Beck, just with a series option in the pickup selection.

What do you think of that idea with the Barts?

Dark Storm

Forgot, are the Barts four conductor?!

Bass VI

Hey All!

Back again for my rather infrequent ( as of late visits, Freakin' Busy! )

Dark Storm ( are you a superhero? ) I've got a set of the SD CS 60's style guts in a set of the Greatdeals covers, I'll echo what GOT says, great growly goodness!
I have a friend with the Barts in his '77 Bird and the are much more modern sounding a good tone, but not like the 60's p/ups. Contact Seymours' custom shop and they can fix you up ( be prepared, DrB and I waited about six months for ours )

Peace out everyone,

There was nothing in the world
That I ever wanted more
Than to feel you deep in my heart
There was nothing in the world
That I ever wanted more
Than to never feel the breaking apart
All my pictures of you

Dark Storm

Thanks man!

I'm afraid I'm not a super hero.................. yet!:D

The Duncans sound great, but 6 months is a long wait, as the build should be starting today.

I'll look into them though. :)