Has anyone added a pickup to an EB-0?

Started by Pilgrim, May 05, 2009, 02:22:41 PM

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Dave W

Quote from: uwe on May 07, 2009, 12:03:01 PM

With me the grand (and villified) exception sh*t-stirrer.

Fixed it for you.  ;D


That bass was one of my personal projects. I wanted to show you guys because I see that people around here are quite open-minded about this kind of oddball projects.

Even before deciding what exactally I wanted to build, I know I wanted to build something white. That was just my mood at the time. When I settled for the SG shape and the Fender type pickups, black hardware just seemed "right". I do all of my planning using CorelDrawn so I can really draw and visualize the final product, and with chrome hardware it just seemed to be missing something.
I like the overall look, a bit like that Tuxedo Rickenbacker I guess.

BTW, I don't know if anybody noticed, but that's a 34 inch scale neck-through-body.

And Uwe, you're very lucky because the majority of work-induced trips to Brazil usually ends up here in Sao Paulo, being this big metropolis and center of all business related matters. Rio is much more turist friendly, as people there are used to deal with turist (from abroad or not) all year long.

Chris P.


Cool! I thought it was a modded bass, but you made it from scratch! Great! I love neck through basses!


Well, I did once spend an hour on the runway of Sao Paulo airport, does that count? Rio was gorgeous though, just the way it is situated among those gently sloping hills already makes it a spectacle.

An SG bass in long scale with neck-thru construction?  :o You should immediately apply with Gibson, Daniel!!!

We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


my 61 EB 0 , which i had  a rear  Delano humbucker installed.  Visually it fits right in with the front bakelite covered humbucker.
It also has a split coil switch added to enable  use  of single coil mode, which i find really useful for adding more punch and definition to the sound .
this pickup sounds fantastic on its own , but when used in combination with front mudbucker , sounds FANTASTIC.
Bass is wired with just individual volume controls for each pickup , no tone controls , i find i can get by with just tweaking the amp.

I have just purchased a 61 EB3 , and i think i can say that i prefer the sound of my modded EB 0.



I never added a pickup to an EBO, but my second bass (almost 40 years ago) was a custom EBO with the pickup relocated toward the bridge, right about where the added pickup is on the red EBO above.
I also had a similar Epi single pickup  bass at the same time , that remained stock , with the pickup way toward the neck. In a side by side comparison, I much prefered the custom Gibson sound. It had an outstanding growl to it. It was a great Jack Bruce type of sound, which I was very into at the time.
It still delivered plenty of good lows but not quite as much as the Epi. The Epi  or stock EBO was a little too low and muddy for me anyway.
After playing my custom EBO, I always felt the stock EBO should have had the pickup moved back at least a little. Strictly a matter of taste, but that's my 2 cents ;D


My favorite EB project bass  (NOT MINE)

A viking version


Viking? Looks more like Chef from South Park :D


Pilgrim, could you tell more about the differences comparing the Epi's? Sound and playability wise. And how about the neck dive issue comparing both?

On my built, the P pickup wasn't that muddy, probably because it's not really like a humbucker as the magnetic field for each pair of strings are really narrow like singles, but it definetely lacks the growl and deepness of the J pickup closer to bridge. Although both pickups in combination had quite a huge tone, with a little bit of that Billy Sheehan tone.

Dave W

Quote from: Daniel_J on May 07, 2009, 10:58:35 PM
That bass was one of my personal projects. I wanted to show you guys because I see that people around here are quite open-minded about this kind of oddball projects.

Even before deciding what exactally I wanted to build, I know I wanted to build something white. That was just my mood at the time. When I settled for the SG shape and the Fender type pickups, black hardware just seemed "right". I do all of my planning using CorelDrawn so I can really draw and visualize the final product, and with chrome hardware it just seemed to be missing something.
I like the overall look, a bit like that Tuxedo Rickenbacker I guess.

BTW, I don't know if anybody noticed, but that's a 34 inch scale neck-through-body.

I do like its tuxedo look.

To me, the SG style would seem to be a natural choice for a neck-through. Not that there's anything wrong with a properly done set neck.


Quote from: Daniel_J on May 08, 2009, 10:45:02 AM
Pilgrim, could you tell more about the differences comparing the Epi's? Sound and playability wise. And how about the neck dive issue comparing both?

I think I need to admit that my ear isn't especially discerning about sound differences.  I can't say that I noticed a lot of difference between the Epi EB-0 and the EB-3 I have now.  I liked the sound from both even with the original roundwounds on them, and both of them had nice action.  The EB-3 I have now has perhaps the best action of any bass I own.

Playability is where I perceive a difference.  The EB-0 wins that battle.

I've concluded that the EB-3 just isn't that comfortable for me.  I don't recall the EB-0 being a neck-diver at all, but the EB-3 definitely is somewhat neck-heavy.  It also seems to me like based on the SG-body shape and geometry, the 34" neck feels like it actually extends a bit farther to my left than the same scale length neck on a Jazz or Precision.  (Anyone else have an observation about that?)  As a result, it's just not as comfortable to play.  I feel like I'm reaching farther out to hit the bottom frets - where I spend most of my time.

Last night I put on my EB-3 for a while, then changed to my 2000 MIM Jazz.  They're only 2 ounces different in weight (8 lbs 15 oz for the EB-3, 9 lbs 1 oz for the J) but although when lifting the Jazz, it feels just as heavy as the Epi, when I put the strap on my shoulder, the Jazz "felt" lighter and more comfortable.  I suspect it's mostly due to balance, as it's obviously not due to weight.  (FYI, my '63 P weighs 8 pounds 3 oz, so it's a good bit lighter...thank heavens.)

That's the story here.  I have decided to sell the EB-3, but instead of chasing an EB-0, I think I'll work on the neck of the Lyle SG-style bass I recently acquired.  If I get the neck set up correctly, it should fill the gap in a short scale, two-pickup bass.

If anyone's looking for an Epi EB-3, feel free to get in touch.  I'll get pix this weekend. I don't recall what I paid for it, but it was a good deal and I'll check my records and pass that along.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."


As regards ergonomics, the battle of an SG shape bass, a longscale one to boot, against a Jazz Bass of all basses is unwinnable!!! I still rate the Jazz Bass as one of the most ergonomic bass designs ever.

And the Epi EB-3(L)'s especially are heavy nose-diving chunkers. You really have to love their look to get around that.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...


Quote from: Basvarken on May 08, 2009, 09:28:21 AM
Viking? Looks more like Chef from South Park :D

"Oh, chillun, you mustn't paint them silly faces on the Gibson bass!"
If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter


Wow, great build!

Even with black hardware ;)

Is the neck set at an angle or assembled flat, in reference, to the body?


Quote from: Pilgrim on May 08, 2009, 01:48:39 PM
I've concluded that the EB-3 just isn't that comfortable for me.  I don't recall the EB-0 being a neck-diver at all, but the EB-3 definitely is somewhat neck-heavy.  It also seems to me like based on the SG-body shape and geometry, the 34" neck feels like it actually extends a bit farther to my left than the same scale length neck on a Jazz or Precision.  (Anyone else have an observation about that?)  As a result, it's just not as comfortable to play.  I feel like I'm reaching farther out to hit the bottom frets - where I spend most of my time.

You're right about that. The SG's smaller body makes it naturally hang up on a strap farther to the left than a JazzBass. Not only that, because of it's shape, even when playing it seated on your thigh the SG sits with the neck way out to the left comparing to the Jazz. That's because the "waist" area of the body is closer to the bridge on the SG. As for the Jazz, not only the waist is more or less center on the body, is also off-set, so the treble side sits on your right thigh and the bass side comfortably "hugs" you chest bone.
Mr. Fender knew what he was doing.