A Vintage EB3 with the Golden Earring

Started by Blazer, May 02, 2009, 08:22:22 PM

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And according to their website, that's also the bass he used on the actual recording of that song.

Chris P.

We discussed this actual vid earlier some days after that performance, but I think that was on the old Dudepit. And always nice to see this again! Thanks!


Great performance which I've never seen before. I remember the discussion about what bass was used on the recording of the seventies (I seem to remember we settled on an EB-3L back then, here he plays a short scale late sixties/early seventies EB-3 though) and I never saw this TV show extract. Great to see a live and improvised version like that in a TV studio going full 8 minutes plus horns (I always find Radar Love versions without horns suffering). Danke, Blazer!

Both the song and the band have aged nicely. Full bodied Merlots.
We've taken too much for granted ... and all the time it had grown ...
From techno seeds we first planted ... evolved a mind of its own ...

Dave W

I thought he said was an EB-3 on the recording. It may have been in a magazine interview.


i seem to remember an old black and white video/photo of radar love that had the bassplayer using a dano longhorn. on you tube they show a ric being played.

Dave W

Quote from: nofi on May 04, 2009, 06:07:57 PM
i seem to remember an old black and white video/photo of radar love that had the bassplayer using a dano longhorn. on you tube they show a ric being played.

For years I just assumed he was playing a Dano on the recording. Then somebody came up with a quote from him that he had used a Gibson.

Chris P.

Rinus used a Rickenbacker, a Dano, an EB3 (never heard of him using an EB3L) and a homemade shortscale pointy bass, which he made longscale later on. He also used a Dano-like double neck with Dano and Fender necks. He just ordered some special made Dano copies at a company in Holland.


Quote from: Chris P. on May 05, 2009, 12:04:33 AM
Rinus used a Rickenbacker, a Dano, an EB3 (never heard of him using an EB3L) and a homemade shortscale pointy bass, which he made longscale later on. He also used a Dano-like double neck with Dano and Fender necks. He just ordered some special made Dano copies at a company in Holland.

Actually he has used those Dano copies for over a year now, when I saw the Earring Last year at Pinkpop Classic edition he used two Dano-like basses: A sunburst hollow body F-hole number and a Long scale copperburst three pickup one.