Author Topic: Autism from Vaccines?  (Read 5443 times)

Rhythm N. Bliss

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Autism from Vaccines?
« on: April 24, 2009, 05:10:21 AM »
You're not gonna see this on the evening news unless some angry parents do something about it.
I've been reading a lot of posts on another forum from parents of autistic children who have convinced me that their kids & many others got Autism from arsenic & mercury & other toxins in vaccinations!
I wanna do my part to make people aware of this insanity. Doctors are getting paid off by the pharmaceutical companies to promote these vaccines & there are HUGE profits being made by the madmen who are mixing up these vaccines & shooting up our kids!!!!!!!! Crikey

Here's a link to a good article about Jim Carrey speaking out against the madness very seriously.

I'll find some more related links & post 'em here soon....

The few honest doctors who are against these crazy vaccines should be getting HERO awards.
The profiteers should be taken out, one way or another. This makes me SO mad!

There was a report recently that Amish kids are FINE because they're not getting these vaccines.
There are almost NO Autistic Amish kids.

Another recent report showed that there is a very high percentage of Autism in kids in Third World countries where they haven't had much medicine at all before & there was very little or No Autism & they're only recently being vaccinated heavily.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 05:17:09 AM by Rhythm N. Bliss »


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 05:30:30 AM »
I've heard this theory on the news in recent months.  Makes you wonder.  Jenny McCarthy just came out with a book about this.  It may have been her that I saw talking about this.  Jim Carrey seems to have finally found his place with her and her son.
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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 05:38:33 AM »
Vaccines for people and pets have become a pretty hot topic lately. Pick any vaccine and do a little research, you'll be suprised .

Rhythm N. Bliss

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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 06:50:04 AM »
Good~ I'm glad this is getting some media attention.

Hopefully it'll get a lot more....


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 07:56:15 AM »
I recently found out that a guy I went to high school with - J. B. Handley - is another outspoken opponent of vaccines that he claims cause autism. I never knew the guy - he was a few years above me - but when I did a google search and watched a video it was like - "that's him!" Very strange. He was also on Larry King a few weeks ago.

Here's the original video I found:


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 08:43:54 AM »
There was a girl that went to my sons school that was normal till she got a vaccinated, had a horrible reaction and gave her brain damage so now she is permanently mentally retarded.

Dave W

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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2009, 08:44:10 AM »
The so-called autism-vaccine link is pure fiction, no matter how many high profile people come out and say otherwise. There have been numerous clinical studies, none of them have found any evidence to support a link. Creating hysteria is not a substitute for science.

This is driven by parents who want to blame someone for their childrens' autism and the greedy shysters who prey on them.


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2009, 09:30:07 AM »
What Dave said. I'm not a doctor, but most of my family is in the medical field, so please consider that we might be better informed than the guy who played Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.

The bottom line is, clinical studies always have a gray area -- remember how eggs were bad for you, then good for you, then bad again? -- but we do know that vaccinations stop the communicable diseases they were intended to stop. Polio. Measles. Smallpox. Diseases that killed thousands until we figured out how to inoculate against them. Parents who refuse to allow their children to be vaccinated because they perceive that vaccination carries a statistically miniscule risk of complication are unintentionally risking the health of millions of others. They have no right to risk my kids' health based on Internet hearsay. Period.

What does it prove that there are "almost no" autistic Amish? Using a nullity to imply anything is a logical fallacy. Like if I were to say that because I've never been hit by a bus, I don't have to look both ways before I cross the street because buses never hurt me and must therefor be harmless. It's ridiculous.

I'm no fan of the pharmaceutical industry by any means but this fantastical and wholly uninformed mindset scares the bejesus out of me.


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2009, 09:30:48 AM »
I remember hearing about this (it's not a new subject at all) when my wife was pregnant with our first son five years ago. I studied everything I could find because I wanted to make proper, informed decisions regarding my children. The main complaint seems to have been with a preservative called Thimerosal, which contains mercury. The thing is, most vaccines in the U.S. don't contain Thimerosal anymore. Another thing is that the upward spike in Autism over the last few years has more to do with that fact that the definition of Autism has been broadened, causing many children to be diagnosed as having it that would not have been 20 years ago. It's not that I don't think those kids have a problem, but they wouldn't have called it Autism then. To decry the spike in Autism rates among the population without acknowledging that fact is disingenuous and does a disservice to those parents who are only trying to make the best decisions for their kids.

When I spoke to my kid's pediatrician about it he was respectful of my nervous inquiries and explained the deal with Thimerosal to me. The real answer came when he said he'd vaccinated his own kids and would choose to do so again, Thimerosal or otherwise.

Both my sons have been vaccinated.


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2009, 10:12:41 AM »
I was vaccinated a lot as a kid (and again as a teenager when we went to live in Africa). We all were in the sixties, in Germany smallpox vaccination was mandatory though it caused ugly scars with almost everyone and raised terminal or near-terminal effects for 2 out of every 100.000 vaccinees (and serious illness for hundreds more) or 0,00002%, still a staggering ratio by today's vaccination standards, people would be rioting in the streets if it were still mandatory. It is no longer mandatory, because smallpox was eradicated off the face of the earth via mass vaccinations. BTW and putting things a little in perspective: The death ratio with smallpox was at least 10%. Your chance of dying from smallpox as opposed to the vaccination against it was 5.000 times as high ...

You already see where I'm coming from, I'm wary of how in the last twenty years or so "vaccination discipline" has deplorably declined in Germany and elsewhere. (My kids were both vaccinated. Is my son autistic? Sure he is, like most male teenagers coming to grips with their life and hormones!  ;D ). Not good for your immune system, causing allergies, attention deficiency syndrome (which my son really has, don't they all ...) and now - good grief - even autism.  Every couple of years some new hidden ill effect is discovered and dragged through the streets.

I'm no medical doctor (the ones I know are all for vaccinations and worried how vaccination rates go down), I can't rule out that a shot of something can trigger a chain of effects in a child that may lead to autism once in a while.  The Amish example though brought out the cynic in me: You can probably be very autistic before someone in an Amish community would raise an eyebrow given how that particular sect has declared cultural and sociological autism to be their way of life.   :mrgreen: Oh, and while you're at it, check the hereditary diseases of that fine little bunch of incestuous close-knits too ...  :rolleyes:

There is possibly also a lesser number of autistic kids in the slums of Mumbai. And definitely a much greater number of child deaths due to lack of vaccination plus polio cripples. Life is full of choices, except that some people don't even get a choice.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 10:43:31 AM by uwe »
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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2009, 11:36:08 AM »
I don't buy it.  There is no compelling evidence, and as a group, we are in a LOT more danger from hordes of unvaccinated people running around than we are from the individual effects of vaccinations.  There are always fringe groups and well-meaning people who believe that X, Y or Z is terrible.  Fluoridation, vaccinations and a number of other things fall into categories where you can find groups of crusaders and conspiracy theorists who rail against them.

Every medical treatment has risk and causes an adverse reaction in someone, somewhere.  There is always a failure rate.  Yes, if it happens to your family or especially your kids, it's devastating! 

There may be almost no Amish kids with autism.  Big, hairy deal. There are very FEW Amish kids at all, and there are hundreds of environmental and genetic factors that differentiate that group from the rest of the US population.  That argument is completely meaningless!

Tough question: as a society, would we rather have 1 million kids vaccinated and keep some of the terrible childhood diseases suppressed, or would we like to let those diseases rise up and take many more from the million than the few who have adverse reactions to any vaccine?

I think that continuing research into this is entirely worthwhile and commendable.  I also think that NOT vaccinating kids is completely irresponsible.  We have to do the best we know how to do with the science we have today.  We will surely know more 20 years from now, and at that time, we'll do the best we can with what we know then.
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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2009, 01:35:23 PM »
The people on this other forum I'm talking about are friends, people I've met personally face to face.
They both had normal kids til they were about 3 then got innoculated & became autistic!!
They both kick themselves in the ass every day for taking their kids in to be harmed. Think about it.
One of 'em was just given back test results that show arsenic & mercury in his son.
He asked the pediatrician where that stuff could have come from knowing well it's from the vaccine.
The doctor replied "I have no idea." That's a LIE! Check the ingredients in vaccines--ARSENIC? MERCURY?
Is Thimerosol REALLY not in vaccines anymore? If so, how long was it in them?
Are doctors REALLY having their own kids vaccinated? Some aren't...tho they may say they are.

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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2009, 01:39:12 PM »
There was a girl that went to my sons school that was normal till she got a vaccinated, had a horrible reaction and gave her brain damage so now she is permanently mentally retarded.

See? There's another example. This is ALARMING to me.
Seems like it should be to you naysayers too...especially if you're thinking of having more kids.


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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2009, 02:26:14 PM »
What Dave said. I'm not a doctor, but most of my family is in the medical field, so please consider that we might be better informed than the guy who played Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.

I'm no fan of the pharmaceutical industry by any means but this fantastical and wholly uninformed mindset scares the bejesus out of me.

Remember that Jim Carrey is now with Jenny McCarthy, whose son is autistic.  She has said how good he is with her son, and he's said how much he's learned from the experience.  I think the guy is a dweeb, but I have to give him some credit on this one.
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Dave W

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Re: Autism from Vaccines?
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2009, 02:28:15 PM »
Nobody -- and I mean nobody -- making these claims has ever been able to back it up with clinical evidence. It's fiction.

They claimed thiomersal was the culprit because it has tiny trace amounts of mercury, and it wasn't in vaccines in the old days. Somewhere along the line it was added as a preservative. As a precaution, back before so many studies had been done, the CDC asked vaccine makers to take it out, which they did -- in 1999. And even though thiomersal is long gone, the autism diagnosis rate is still rising and parents are still blaming something that's long gone.