Author Topic: Here's the guy you should hire if your band sucks at playing live...  (Read 3374 times)


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Re: Here's the guy you should hire if your band sucks at playing live...
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2009, 05:01:22 AM »
Are you sure that's why Cleveland got it? Not saying that you're wrong, it's just that most of those acts aren't in the RRHOF and aren't likely to be. Seems odd that it would have influenced the decision to locate there.

Meanwhile, the inductees include quite a few acts that aren't rock and roll by any stretch.

XTC was another band that were huge in Cleveland.

I saw Pink Floyd Animals tour at Cleveland Municipal Stadium (tore it down) which normally seats 80,000. For that show they had 80,000 in the seats & half the field filled at open seating. They had this industrial noise cranked up before they came on, and just as they took the stage, their jet flew right over the stadium. Like the Beijing Olympics, you will never see another show like that.. I remember going to the bathroom and they were so over crowded people were peeing everywhere, in sinks, in garbage cans, anywhere. No wonder they no longer have these kind of shows. I also remember seeing ELO with the big spaceship stage there. I also remember seeing Angel on the lakefront, Mahogany Rush at Chipawah Lake, drinking beer at 10:00 AM  & seeing Mahogany Rush at like 11:00 PM. Frank Marino was amazing. Robin Trower Bridge Of Sighs tour. I saw Adrian Belews carreer rise. I saw him with a band called Ga Ga, in a little club. Then he got hired for Zappa, Zappa always played Cleveland

Every band came through Cleveland. Now it's totally different. Its just another city now. No more playing Zappa as regular airplay. Funny how they never had a Rock & Roll induction in Cleveland. Its always New York. The museum is really cool though. A great learning experience. 

Then you have the whole Akron thing. Most of my relatives live in the Akron area. It is a dirty run down depressed city. It used to have all the tire factories there. I went to visit my cousin and they still have brick streets in many areas.  Chrissy Hinde moved back and opened a vegan restaurant.

My cousin collects old high end tube steroes, like Macintosh. He started when people were throwing them away. He made a killing on them. Now people are rediscovering them and they go for big bucks.

Akron is breeding ground for musicians for some reason. I read about the Black Keys and how they still stay in the same place, recording in their basement.


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Re: Here's the guy you should hire if your band sucks at playing live...
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2009, 12:40:32 PM »
Oh man!
This Korean band gives me flashbacks to my days as part of The Suzi Kim Band in Waikiki!!!
She'd apparently had a minor hit back home in Korea.

We played in a Korean bar,
our draw was all Koreans,
her whole stage rap was in Korean
and even our charts where in Korean characters
but had been numbered in the upper corner.

So she'd be talkin' away to the audience
and all of a sudden would yell something that sounded like,
"Ah Mah Do Yo!!!"
(to which the audience would respond with great applause)
then she'd turn around to the band holding up four fingers in front of her
saying to us- "Numbah foah".

I recall that I had a post it note on my music stand that said,
to answer my constant question to myself of,
"What am I doing here?"
 :P :rolleyes:

As far as I know,
we may have played this song.
I wish my drummer were as good as this guy though.

Papa Gonzo