Pre-amp-pedal use in the loop...

Started by thijs, December 28, 2008, 12:59:52 AM

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I was wondering if I would do any harm to my amp, if I connect a pre-amp (tri-logic from Xotic) in the loop, between the pre-amp-out and the power-amp-in. it's an Ampeg V4-BH.

I'm alway's searching for sounds, and this came to my mind. So would it do any harm in try'n?



That'd be fine to do, as long as it's just a preamp. Might not sound good, but give it a try and see.

Chris P.

You have to PM Bernardduur aka Rogier Kerkhof and the stom box expert of De Bassist. He's also anwering lots of questions at the Dutch basgitaarforum. He knows everything.