Hi, I'm a Mac....

Started by Barklessdog, February 07, 2008, 05:48:34 AM

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Dave W

Quote from: Big D Bassist on February 08, 2008, 05:39:46 PM
In regards to the Mac vs PC ads, I find them amusing just to see how full of themselves Apple can be.

I know what you mean, but I'm more inclined to think that's just what they've found to be effective marketing.


I agree that Ipods and Itunes have "killed" the pre-recorded CD market, but lets be reasonable: The record companies had their necks on the block for years, figuratively asking someone to chop away.  The problem with CDs is that pretty quickly people started to figure out that they were just a storage medium.  As time went on it became apparent they weren't that great of one either, and any chuckle-head could make a perfect copy.  People really don't care if they can hold the disc, or if the sound file is aiff or mp3 or e-i-e-i-o.  The vast majority of the world cares not one iota if the quiet stereo sound on their ipod is compressed, and they either listen to it on crummy bud earphones or through some anti-hifi dock thing they bought at the Apple store for way too much, anyway.  Ipods/Itunes killed CDs because the guys who made the Rio didn't think about what they were doing enough.  Record companies went to CDs, kept the prices up, started to market music that was cheaper and dumped the audiophile aspect out the window, and now they are screwed.  I would feel bad if I hadn't read an article 10 years ago saying that pre-recorded CDs and music shops (like Tower) would not exist soon.

Imovie was a great simple program.  Most people can edit home movies and send garbage unfunny homebrew stuff to Vin DiBona.  But, the best part is that anyone who tries a bit harder can make a very pro looking piece of work with it - and I have seen some very good looking and inventive stuff with basic Imovie.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  I don't think it degraded anything, as much as it removed barriers that prevented a lot of people from creating stuff they visualized.  If they want to buy Final Cut, great.  It doesn't make them lesser editors.  Or mean that some stuff coming out of movie studios around the world is better.  Good is good.
Model One and Schallers?  Ish.



We use I movie at work to tape product commercials / presentations . It's quick, down & dirty yet looks good for our purposes.

It stands to follow being a Gibson, Mac & Alfa fan- it's the simple Charlie Brown/Underdog complex- What's popular you have to go away from.

You know Apple was not always popular or a fashion statement. They were & are innovators that helped mass market Windows, the Mouse and so on.


Quote from: PWV on February 08, 2008, 07:25:20 PM
But this is classic:

We did a spoof as well but it wasn't Mac and PC but instead the school news paper and the news show. We could never air it sadly and my friend for some reason never uploaded it.
There are many in this world that call me Darrol, feel free to be apart of that group.


Seeing a couple of the latest Mac ads, they just keep pushing and pushing with showing bad reviews of vista.
There are many in this world that call me Darrol, feel free to be apart of that group.

Dave W

I haven't seen the latest Apple ads, but as I understand it, the biggest Vista problem has been that machines originally sold as "Vista ready" really weren't. The graphics cards just weren't designed to handle Vista requirements and there were other issues. Microsoft should have known better. And you still see new machines with preloaded Vista but only 1GB of RAM. That's a bare minimum, you really need 2GB.

By the time you outfit a new Vista machine with what it really needs, you're inching towards Apple's price range.


Indeed Dave. Just having Vista run, over 700 mb of RAM is being used so 1 gb is not going to do any good. If I had the option, I would have gotten 4 gb on my laptop but it was around $700 more. That mac is getting closer for me though because I just found out that my work load has increased tremendously.
There are many in this world that call me Darrol, feel free to be apart of that group.