is it my imagination?

Started by sniper, October 13, 2008, 03:31:02 PM

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a little research has told me that it is some times considered a commercial grade "Mahogany" but yes it is definately a Gymnosperm or conifer family: pine, cedar, fir, hemlock, spruce etc with a cone (think pine cone) seed. the actual name "Mahogany" would be eroneous when used with this tree and is a marketing import ploy as Mahogany is an Angiosperm or considered a flowering plant whereas a Gymnosperm is not. Gymnosperms also generally have to have a symbiotiuc relationship with ground funguses to process nutrient absorbtion.

the wood is a straight grained, pale yellow non oderous wood that is accepted in that part of the world as a musical wood with the better wood for instruments being old growth forests. (duh) it is considered a regrowth potential wood that can be used in wood plantations and is generally used for cabinet and furniture making with the moisture content being close to 15% average for air dried wood.

spruce is considered an excellent tonewood so IMHO being a "pine" might not regulate this Agathis to lower grade instruments.
I can be true to you sweety until I find a nice medium scale with great breasts. ... CW


we don't want to go into rosewoods...


The Kauri tree as mentioned is regarded as an Agathis wood. In NZ I have heard it referred to as Kauri Pine. So all of whats been mentioned so far fits with that idea.
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FWIW, back in the late 90s, I bought one of the first Epi EB-0s - the ones made in Korea. I still have it, and it's a solid, great playing bass, if a little uninspiring in the pickup dept. The newer ones are a far cry from it in almost every respect. I'm toying with putting a Model One in it (got a couple of Gibsons with REAL muddies already), but the black finish bugs me a little. I'd REALLY like to find one of the original M1s with the brushed aluminum finish.
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Dave W

Some people revere the early pine Teles. I've seen a number of "pinecaster" projects at the TDPRI over the past few years.

One of the coolest basses I've ever played was a one-off masterbuilt pine bodied '55 Precision made by Mark Kendrick of Fender Custom Shop.

A tonewood is whatever sounds good. Some of our present tonewoods got to be that way because the manufacturer was looking for a cheaper alternative. For example, Gibson first bought korina hoping it would be a cheaper alternative to mahogany.

So I wouldn't dismiss agathis just because it's cheap. I'd have to hear enough agathis guitars or basses and let my ears decide.


Hehe, nah dont get me wrong, the Agathis stuff I've heard so far has impressed me. I have a Yamaha Pacifica guitar which is natural body in Agathis and a half scale Agathis P bass body on a 25" neck which sounds amazingly big with help from some EMG Active pups.
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